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So there they all were in the hospital again... well not ALL of them. Thomas had made everyone but him and Roman, who refused to leave Virgil ever, to go back to the hotel. Virgil laid there in bed sleeping but it was clear that he was beyond drained and scarred. He wasn't sleeping very restfully at all in that hospital bed. Roman was just... numb. 

Roman glanced over to see Thomas talking with a doctor and his eyes narrowed in confusion. He wanted... needed to do something but there was nothing Roman could do for Virgil right now. The problem was Roman could not just sit there and wait. He's NEVER been able to just be idle especially in regards to something as important as his soulmates well being. The only time he ever was idle was when his heart broke because he thought his love truly did not love him back and he was forced to leave him with the rings. 

He had to do something...
So he did.

"Roman?" Roman paused as he looked behind him to see Thomas giving him this worried look. "I thought you would want to stay with him."

"I do. Trust me. I do. I just... can't just sit still." Thomas smiled sadly as Roman looked away. "I'm gonna go visit someone who's here too. I thought... I thought I would try to distract my self by keeping her company."

"I'll keep you posted if anything happens then." Roman nodded with a small smile as he slowly vanished down the hall. His mind rushed about with all sorts of thoughts he couldn't quite latch on to. When he finally found that name plaque, he forced himself to take a breath. He knocked on the door only to smile as a small 'come in' rang through.

"Who..." Roman slowly opened the door making her eyes go wide as he smiled. "Roman?"

"Hello again, Melanie." Mel frowned in confusion as Roman took one final glance back at all the doctors and nurses before sighing and letting the door close. "How are you feeling today?"

"As well as to be expected?" Mel slowly pushed herself up more as Roman made his way over, sitting on the small chair by the window. "What do I have to thank for this visit?"

"Nothing good, I'm afraid." Mel's face fell as Roman's eyes darkened. "I thought visiting you might help to distract me... as Virgil is currently here as well."

"What?" Roman nodded sadly as Mel scrambled for her phone. "Roman, what happened? Why is Virgil in the hospital?"

"We don't know. I just... Mel, there's no need." Roman swiftly took the phone from her hands to ease her frantic worrying. "He's ok. His hearts beating and he was conscious when I found him."

"I'm not afraid of him dying Roman. I care about him..."

"So do I." Mel froze up as Roman just set the phone back on the nightstand with a heavy sigh. "I love him, Mel. That's why I'm here. I couldn't just sit and do nothing while he's resting in a hospital bed."


"Has Virgil ever told you of his soulmate?" Mel's face paled as Roman smiled softly at the sight. "He has."

"We've known each other for a long time."

"You needn't keep fronts with me, My lady." Mel slowly met with Roman's eyes as she melted under his presence. His aura was ancient and powerful. His smile light and caring. He reminded her so much of Virgil. Her eyes widened a bit as Roman's narrowed. "I am sure nothing you could say would surprise me much. You see... I am far more knowledgeable about my love than he is aware of."


"Precisely." Mel froze as Roman bowed his head a smidge out of respect. "I am Roman, Mel."

"Well, obviously. That was the name you told..."

"I am THE Roman, Mel." Roman watched as Mel's eyes filled with recognition and smiled. "He's told you about me. I hope it was all good."

"Wait. You're... You're Prince Roman?" Roman nodded as he glanced over at the door again with a frown. "How? But..."

"Reincarnation... I think. I'm not entirely sure. I just know who I am now. I hope that doesn't frighten you?" Mel just laughed as this look of pure relief filled her face.

"Frighten? My best friends soulmate came back to life! I'm overjoyed. Oh, I do hope Aaron liked you. I'd hate for him to do that stereotypical... 'Vet your step-parent' thing. He's far too old for that." Roman just frowned in confusion as Mel froze up. "Oops. You didn't know about that did you?"

"I saw your guy's signatures in our hotel room closet..." Mel's eyes flashed as Roman just shook his head. "...but that was about it. I'm afraid... I do not have that much information... just more then he knows."

"Well... Roman, Virgil and I had gotten married."

"I assumed as much." Mel's eyes darkened as Roman just smiled. "Do not worry. I am not upset. Virgil spoke to me once of a man who went through something horrible because of the gender he liked."

"He told you of his time in the hospital?" Roman's heart completely shattered at the confirmation. He slowly nodded as he swallowed the pain in his chest.

"In a way, yes. He never said it was him... but he did tell me. He mentioned a girl that the man... him... had become good friends with, and married to protect." Roman smiled softly as he looked up to see the tears in Mel's eyes. "I guess, the real reason I'm here, Mel... is to thank you."

"What for? I was just his friend. He's the one who protected me. He helped to give me a son, who grew up to be an amazing man."

"You were there when he needed someone." Mel's eyes went wide as Roman's started to glow. "You gave him someone he can trust and depend on. You were a friend when he didn't have any." Roman slowly got back to his feet as he moved closer and sat on the bed beside her. "You gave him love when I wasn't there to give it to him. You gave him what he needed the absolute most... his family."

"Roman, what are you.." Roman just smiled as he pulled Mel in for a hug, his firey magic branching out as Mel gasped at the pressure. "Roman?"

"I want to return the favor." The fire slowly died to a glow as it covered them both entirely. "I'm not as strong as Virgil. I can't just fix everything but I can give you more time." Roman pulled away to see Mel in pure shock as he just smiled. "Time you can spend happily with your family, just as you did for him."

"What did you do?" Roman just laughed as he wiped Mel's tears away.

"I told you. I gave you more time."

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