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"Wait so... Your saying Thomas called to tell us they were all going to the museum?" Roman nodded as Virgil and he walked through the hospital. Virgil froze up the moment they walked through the front door. "Princey, do you happen to remember how we got here?"

"Yeah, Penny drove..." His eyes went wide as Virgil just laughed beside him. "Shit."

"It's ok, just give me your hand." Roman frowned as Virgil held his hand out with a soft smile. "What? I thought you'd be happy about me holding you're hand. I've been doing it all day."

"I am Virgil. Trust me." Roman's eyes shined as his hands twitched. "I'm just worried about you. You don't like contact... I don't want you to push yourself."

"Princey..." Virgil took Roman's hand in his and tensed seeing how Roman's eyes started to tear up. "Are you ok?" 

"I'm perfect." Virgil frowned in concern Roman just stared at their hands. 

"You seem to freak out every time I touch you. Are you sure you actually want to..." 

"Virgil, I'm just surprised is all." Virgil smiled softly as he rolled his eyes playfully. "I thought you hated me."

"I do." Virgil laughed as he pulled Roman in close shocking the man so much he went completely stiff while his eyes darted over to Virgil's. "Just relax, dude." Suddenly the world went black and all Roman could see was Virgil. It was just them. The two of them in the pitch... Roman wanted so badly to...

"Love?" Roman smiled as he reached out placing a soft hand to Virgil's shoulder. "What are you doing up this late?"

"I wanted to go outside." Roman chuckled as he spun around till he was standing in front of his love. "Roman, you can go back to sleep."

"No, I'm going to take my soulmate outside." Virgil yipped as Roman picked him up bridal style and laughed. "How else am I going to see the moonlight in my love's hair?"

"You can dream it." Virgil smirked as Roman just held him close.

"Love you are always in my dreams... but nothing compares to the real thing." Virgil pressed his lips softly against Roman's and the man couldn't stop the way his body reacted. Every time is like the first time for the lighter prince. He just wanted to hold Virgil close and kiss him softly and plaster the man with all the love he felt in his heart. "How did I get so lucky?" Virgil smiled as he pulled away with closed eyes. "I was blessed with the best soulmate ever."

"You were blessed with a mess but thank you." Roman chuckled as he pressed a kiss to Virgil's forehead. "Love, your shaking. You should go back to sleep."

"Nope, not going to happen..." Virgil sighed softly as he wrapped his arms around the boy and smiled. 

"Fine... Then hold on to me love." Roman's eyes went wide as he pushed Virgil in closer melting into his heartbeat. 

"Always." Suddenly the world went black as Virgil teleported them outside. The first thing he saw when the world finally came back was the moonlight cascading down on them and he couldn't stop the tears that welled up in his eyes. "God, I love you, Virgil."

"PRINCEY!" Roman was shocked out of his head again finding himself standing there in front of the museum with a very panicked looking Virgil holding onto him to keep him from falling. "Princey?"

"I'm ok. I just... zoned out... again." Virgil's frown only grew as he shook his head.

"No... No that was more than you just zoning out, Princey." Roman's eyes narrowed as Virgil looked him over with the sort of worry he'd never seen Virgil's have directed at him before. "You weren't responding... Was it the teleportation? Ro..." Virgil quickly stumbled back letting Roman go as he hugged himself. "My uh... My soulmate had an issue the first time I teleported with him too."

"No. It wasn't that. Actually..." Virgil frowned in confusion as Roman looked away. "It felt... familiar. But I've never done that before so... I just got very confused. That's all. I just zoned out in thought. I promise." Virgil nodded as he turned away and started to go inside leaving Roman standing there just watching after him. Roman's fingers brushed his lips as tears started to fall from his eyes. "Why... Why did I..."

 Roman frowned as... vision... memory... He didn't know what it was, but it was replaying through his mind on repeat. He kissed Virgil? No... He's never kissed, Virgil. Obviously, he's never kissed Virgil, but... Why did it feel so... right? Familar... He could still feel his lips on his and... He could feel the buzz. He could feel the need to hold him close. He could feel the way his heart yearned for him. BUT NONE OF THAT EVER HAPPENED! 

Roman gasped as his chest tightened upon him. His head ached while his heart raced. His eyes were wide in shock as he fell to his knees overcome by whatever was playing in his head. A voice... A single voice playing in his ears drowning everything else out.

"SAVE HIM!" Roman was plunged into battle. His eyes shot up to himself standing there a sword to his throat held by a man with midnight black hair and dark grey eyes.

"Colt, dear... don't tease him." Roman's eyes darted over to a woman in a soft light blue dress, her arm wrapped around Virgil's neck. 

"VIRGIL!" The woman laughed as she moved her arm away but Virgil still just stood there, his amber eyes dazed and lost as the woman shrugged.

"Oh... Look at that. I wonder... is Virgil even aware right now?" The woman waved her hand in front of Virgil but there was no response. "No? Well, that sucks for you."

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?!" The woman only continued to laugh as Colt pushed his sword closer catching Roman's attention. "Enchantress!"

"I'm finishing what I started Roman. And please... My name is Evangeline Sanders. Do me the honor of at least remembering that when you die." Eva held out a knife and Roman's heart plummeted. He knew that knife. He knew... His nightmares... How... How did he know her? How did he... He blinked and the knife was in Virgil's hands. He snapped out of his thoughts the moment he spotted the pain in his love's eyes. "Do it, Virgil. Kill him."

"VIRGIL!" Virgil tensed as his eyes met with Roman's but the lighter prince could see he wasn't truly there. "Virgil..."

"R-Ro?" Virgil winced as he started to get closer, the knife in his hands shaking as his gaze fell to it. "What am... what... what am I doing?" Roman looked around finding Patton and Logan lying on the ground and his heart dropped. They were dead. Colt... Eva... they killed them. And now... "Roman?" Virgil's eyes flashed and Roman just froze up. "Kill me."

"No!" Roman refused to move as Virgil continued to advance. His grip on sword loosened as he watched Virgil try to stop. "I won't hurt you."

"BUT I'LL HURT YOU!" Roman just smiled as he relaxed letting his sword drop onto the ground. "ROMAN, PLEASE?!"

"You won't hurt me, Love." Roman watched as all the life in Virgil's eyes faded and the man swayed. "You won't hurt me."

"Are you blind?" Colt yelled out as he sheathed his sword. "He's going to kill you." Roman just shook his head. He let his firey aura build up as he took a deep breath. Virgil wasn't the only mage here. He just wasn't as strong. 

"No... He won't be doing anything." Eva's eyes widened in realization as the knife pierced through Roman's gut. Colt just laughed talking about how Roman was stupid and spewing nonsense. Roman just smiled as he held Virgiltightly in his arm ignoring the pain as he let his aura wrap around them. "You didn't do a thing." Virgil's eyes went wide as Roman kissed him letting an explosion tear through the place. Images passed like a movie in Virgil's eyes as forced memories were put into his mind. "You didn't... You..." Roman's grip fell as he dropped and Virgil just stood there frozen. "V-Virgil..." Roman could see Virgil blink the gloss away and he couldn't help but smile even while in so much pain. "I-I'm sorry..."

"Roman?" The man laid there in the dirt outside the museum lost to his tears and the memories that plagued him. Sure he didn't remember everything but he sure as hell remembered how he died. Patton peered over him with a knowing smile as he sighed softly. "Roman, Thomas is wondering what happened to you. Are you ok?"

"I... I don't... I don't know." Patton just nodded in understanding as he held a hand out to the man lost in shock. "Pat... I... you... Virgil..."

"Shhh, Roman. Right now, we don't need to think about all that."

The Timeless PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now