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"So... How much do you remember?" Remus frowned as he paced about the moral one's room. Patton just sat on the bed smiling sadly as he watched. "Remus?"

"Everything? I think anyway. Obviously there are things but... I have a memory from when I was five playing knights with my twin and... god, Patton." Remus collapsed onto the other bed no doubt Logan's and frowned. "We're back. We're all alive and together but... they don't remember. AND VIRGIL..."

"Shh. Don't be to loud there, Sunshine." Remus's eyes welled up at the nickname and Patton sighed softly. "Sorry, I shouldn't have..."

"No. Thank you. I needed to hear it. He doesn't..." Remus pushed himself up as he wiped the tears and shook his head. "So... Virgil. I am... confused."

"You and me both." Remus frowned as Patton's eyes darkened. "I don't... I don't know. I feel the pain radiating off of him. Clearly, he remembers EVERYTHING but it doesn't make any... Roman mentioned this Timeless prince and at first, I didn't think anything about it. Virgil was a mage but he wasn't immortal so..." Patton deflated as he hugged his knees tightly. "I try not to think about it after all I died before the rest of them." Remus tensed as his hand went to his neck and Patton frowned more. "I take it you remember your death?"

"Yeah... and Janus's." Remus held his head in his hands as he tried not to break even more. "Patton, it was horrible. One minute, I'm Remus Davidson. Sure I struggle with intrusive thoughts but there was nothing to... troubling. Now I'm this prince of a long lost kingdom who died traumatically in his own home for some shitty conspiracy... THOMAS?!" Patton cringed as Remus's eyes flash a bright white. "T-Thomas... Thomas fucking Sanders. You don't think..." Patton shook his head as he smiled.

"That's the one thing I am absolutely sure about. Thomas cares for all of us. He only wants to help. It was the first thing I looked into when I got the letter from him." Remus's eyes narrowed as Patton just laughed.

"How long have you..."

"Since I was a boy." Remus's eyes shot wide as Patton just scratched his head anxiously. "I was friends with this girl. We were playing outside when some... Someone tried to take me. She stepped in, getting hurt, and it was like... everything snapped. I was there with Virgil again when he got with that spell."

"The one that took his sight." Patton nodded as he sighed again.

"Yeah, after that everything just sort of slowly started to come back to me. I'm an empath, emotions are sort of a big part of my life, both of them... I don't know." Patton smiled softly as he looked over at the other. "Roman remembered something."

"What?" Patton nodded as Remus's eyes lit up. "Wait, that means he could..." 

"Slow down, Sunshine. So far it's only been how he... uh... well." That brought the mood down fast. "At least that's all I've gotten from him."

"This sucks ass!!!" Remus fell back flailing about as he groaned. "MY BROTHERS PROBABLY SUFFERING AND I CAN'T HELP HIM CAUSE HE DOESN'T EVEN REMEMBER THAT WE'RE BROTHERS!" Patton just giggled slightly as Remus slowly calmed down letting his arms and legs fall back onto the bed. "No wonder Virgil had such issues. He never wanted me to call myself his brother... or his twin and he... when he snapped at me... he was so sure I wasn't... that I'm not. How has he not..."

"Remember, Kiddo. Virgil was blind. He doesn't know how any of us looked. So however it is that he knows or... whatever... He wouldn't know that it's us. But the pain he feels... it's very much real."

"I bet. Patton... I'm worried. What if Virgil and Roman never come back to each other?" Patton's eyes softened as Remus hugged himself. "I don't know what I would do without Janus. Even without our memories we still latched on to each other as if terrified someone was going to take what we have away. Surely Roman must..."

"I just don't know kiddo. It's a waiting game at this point." Patton's eyes went to the picture of him and Logan he had and deflated. "For all of them, I suppose."

Virgil sat there staring at the boy in the other bed and frowned. He fixed his glasses slightly as he moved off the bed and sat down beside Roman. The lighter man fussed slightly before sighing out as Virgil placed a hand to his arm supportively. Virgil had covered himself up entirely save for his head but he was still anxious. However, as Roman tensed in his sleep Virgil had decided he was going to help and this time he wouldn't back out. He didn't have the energy to do what he did last time. So he laid himself down over the blanket and, with a gloved thumb, wiped a tear from Roman's eyes.

"V-Vir... it's.. I'm sorry." Virgil smiled softly as he pulled Roman into an embrace and just took a deep and calming breath. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm..."

"Shh. Roman." Virgil frowned as the name tumbled from his lips without its usual pain but just smiled at how the sleeping one latched onto him. Thankfully Virgil had made sure to cover up so Roman never actually touched his skin. "I've got you. I've got you."

"I'm sorry." Roman whimpered in his sleep as Virgil let out a calming aura to envelope them both. "I didn't... I couldn't. I... I failed."

"Whatever, you think you did... don't worry about it." Virgil laughed softly as he just kept mumbling reassurances to the sleeping man. "It's ok. Everything is going to be ok. I've got you. You're not alone. There's no need to be afraid or sad..."

"Virgil..." Virgil tensed slightly as Roman shook in his arms slightly. "I'm sorry... I couldn't protect you." Virgil's eyes narrowed slightly as he held Roman tightly, a sudden urge to make all the man's pain vanish in a blazing inferno washing over him. "I couldn't..."

"Hush now, Roman. You needn't apologize. You've done nothing to me you..." Virgil froze up as Roman snuggled into him harder and just cried.

"I love you, Angelus meus tenebris." All the heat in the room died instantly at those words and before Virgil could stop himself, he kissed Roman softly on his forehead. That instant rush burned through him like firey electricity, making the man burst into tears as he latched onto Roman tightly. It's not him. It's not him. It's not... Virgil pushed himself away with tears in his eyes as he slowly got out of bed letting his magic latch onto the other who actually started to smile in his sleep.

Virgil wouldn't be sleeping tonight. He grabbed his bag and walked right out the door. He needed a drink and he needed to be alone. His mind was tearing him apart. He had to have imagined it. Princey wasn't Roman. He couldn't be. ROMAN WAS FUCKING DEAD! There's no way that was real. Theres no way Princey could be his soulmate. He had to get away and clear his head. Even still...

"Goodnight, Amica mea."

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