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"So..." Roman shifted uncomfortably as he smiled awkwardly. "You're family with Virgil?" Sam laughed as he nodded.

"You could say that." His eyes shined as he looked up at him mom before shrugging. "There isn't much I can say about it but yea. Vee's family."

"I'm glad he has some." Roman looked down at the floor as he shifted still. "I was afraid he didn't. He was always saying he's alone."

"Yeah... Well, he doesn't come around often. Actually he only ever hangs out with Sam." Penny frowned as she squeezed her son's shoulder. "We all understand why though."

"So wait... Virgil only..." Sammy nodded as he looked back towards the door.

"There was this one year for my birthday he dropped by. Nobody knew he was actually there though. He literally just popped in. I was only like 4 at the time so I got scared but Virgil just laughed and gave me this bear."

"You were 5 and you were not scared at all." Penny laughed as she rolled her eyes. "If you were I would have felt it. If anything all I read was confusion. It was Virgil who was scared." 

"You knew someone was, yes." Penny sighed as she shook her head. "I felt his presence and honestly it frightened me a bit. It was so... old and powerful." Roman's eyes narrowed as he looked back towards the door. "I went to go check on him but when I heard Virgil through the door I... I couldn't move. I felt this... I don't know how to explain it. This purity... I knew he didn't mean to hurt him so... I just stood there outside the door."

"Do you still have the bear?" Sam nodded as he held his hand out and suddenly there it was. Roman's eyes went wide as Sam just smirked. 

"Virgil isn't the only one that can teleport. I'm just better at items than myself." Sam held the bear out letting Roman take it. The moment his hand touched it...

"What's this?" Roman stood there smiling as he held a small glass bear as Virgil laughed beside him. Virgil just shook his head as he held his hand out not bothering to look over, considering he couldn't see anyway. Roman placed the small bear into Virgil's hands and just watched in awe at the radiant and colorful light that lit up the space as Virgil lit the bear up. "It's so beautiful."

"I'm glad. I was hoping it would be." Roman frowned slightly as he pulled Virgil in and kissing right below his eye. "Roman, It's fine. I made it for you to enjoy."

"I just wish you could see just how lovely it is." Roman held his love close as he kissed his forehead. "Even if it is only the second most beautiful sight I've ever experienced."

"Second?" Roman laughed as he pulled away and smiled.

"Nothing compares to you, my love."

"ROMAN!" Roman jumped with a start passing the bear back to Sam as he shook himself from his thoughts. Sam just frowned as he looked over at his mother who also had a very concerned look. "Roman?"

"Huh?" Sam sighed as he smiled softly. "Are you ok? You... zoned out there."

"Oh, uh... Yeah, I'm good." Roman winced at the headache that was growing and smiled slightly through the pain. "I'm ok. So Virgil gave you the bear?" 

"That and that trust fund." Roman frowned as Penny laughed.

"Right... Our son is richer than us!" Roman's eyes went wide as Sam just shrugged.

"Virgil set up this trust fund of over 50 million dollars for when I turn 21." 

"How old are you now?" Sam just laughed as he stuffed his hands into his pockets.

"15. Virgil's loaded. Did he never tell you?" Roman just shook his head as he looked around until he froze up in shock over the new face. It was an older man maybe in his 40's. He had dark black hair and amber eyes like Sam. He wore a semi-formal dark grey suit with a black tie and let's just say Roman felt a tad intimidated by the aura the man let off. "Uh..." The man just laughed as he held his hand out.

"Sorry for scaring you." Roman carefully took his hand with a nod of his head while the man just smiled at him. "I'm Aaron Black. Didn't mean to sneak up but I didn't want to interrupt."

"DAD!" Sam beamed as he slammed into the man with a laugh. "You're finally here!"

"Yeah, I know right. Traffic just about killed me." Aaron frowned as he looked over at Penny in confusion. "Is everything all right or... I hope you weren't just waiting for me."

"No, no not that." Sam smiled softly as he pulled away making his father a bit confused. "Virgil's in there." Aaron's eyes went wide as he looked back at the door. Even Roman could see the pure shock and desperation in the man. 

"Virgil? Your..." Sam nodded as tears welled up in Aaron's eyes. "He's in there with your grandmother?"

"Dear, do you want us to join you or..." Aaron shook his head as he moved towards the door.

"I think I should talk to him alone. Thank you though." Roman just stood there frowning as Aaron slowly opened the door without making a sound. Aaron froze up as the voices hit him and he couldn't stop the tears as they fell. His eyes fell on his parents before his and he smiled.

"He doesn't hate you, you know?" Aaron slowly opened the door wider as he let himself slip in.

"Doubt that." Aaron held back the gasp hearing the shake in his fathers voice. "I wasn't a father."

"He doesn't hate you, Virgil." Aaron let the door begin to close quietly behind him as Mel met his eyes with a smile. "He doesn't hate you, or blame you at all."

"How can you be so sure? I left you both. He was only 10, Mel." Aaron smiled sadly he felt the door finally stop moving meaning it was closed. He still couldn't believe Virgil was right there. His father... was right there after so many years. "Mel? How are you so sure?"

"He knows." The door clicked as Aaron let the handle go and Virgil jumped with a start. Their eyes met and everything just seemed to click.


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