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Ok so... uh... Warning~ Extreme levels of fluff... again lolz

"Wait, are you serious right now?" Roman laughed as he helped his love out of the car. Virgil just stared at the woods before him with this anxiety-ridden expression. "We are not traipsing through the woods in our tux's."

"There's a trail, Love." Virgil's eyes only narrowed as Roman gently led him to the path Patton following closely behind. "Plus the pictures we could take on the way..."


"Trust me. Please?" Virgil sighed as he nodded and let Roman lead him along. He wasn't wrong. Every few minutes Patton would have them stop so he could take a picture. There was one where Virgil leaned against a tree while Roman sat above him on a branch staring down at his love. The look Roman had could stop a heart dead. Every expression one or the other gave was so heartfelt, everyone could tell how much the two were in love. Finally, Patton got a text making them all pause in what they were doing. Roman's eyes lit up and he smiled in anticipation. Patton just giggled as he nodded to Roman although to Virgil it looked like he was nodding to his phone.

"Alright, you two..." Patton started as he glanced up with a near mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "There's one more place I want to go for pictures and then you guys are free to do whatever you want." Virgil frowned suspiciously as Patton smirked over at Roman. He wasn't blind. He knew those two were up to something but every time he tried to think it over Roman would jump in and distract him with something super adorable making him melt. 

"Where are we going now?" Virgil asked as he watched the two whisper to each other. Roman jumped as he quickly stepped back so he could walk with Virgil. 

"It's not far. The trail actually leads to it." Virgil nodded as Roman wrapped his arm around him. "You ok, Love."

"Just wondering what you to have been planning." Roman blushed as he looked away only making Virgil smile. "Despite the secrecy, I'm still having a good time."

"I'm glad. I just want today to be special..." Roman brought the two of them to a stop as Patton quickly ran off without them. "And... I know it will be even with all my worries."

"As long as I'm with you, it'll always be special." Roman smiled as he leaned his forehead against his love with a happy sigh. 

"You've lived so long without me... it breaks my heart." Virgil frowned feeling how Roman started to shake. "And I know your trying to get me to believe that it isn't my fault but it still... It still hurts to think that I could have done something. I should have been able to save you but I didn't and you suffered for it."

"You don't have to make up for it, Roman. I thought I lost you forever... and yet here you are right in front of me. You are a miracle that I will NEVER take for granted." Roman moved away looking into Virgil's eyes with a teary smile. "I know right now there isn't anything I can say to change how you feel but know that I do not blame you at all. I love you."

"I love you too... we should probably start moving." Virgil nodded only to falter as he looked around to see Patton gone. 

"Wait... where did..."

"He's just up ahead, Love." Virgil frowned, clearly anxious and confused, as Roman took his hand and started to lead him the rest of the way. The second the two of them passed the treeline everything, and I do mean everything, crashed in Virgil. He froze up on the spot, tears spilling from his eyes, as Roman just waited for his love to be ready.

"R-Ro... Rom-man... What..." There in front of him was exactly what he had described to Remus. His dream wedding... There was a small white arch covered in black and red roses standing in a field of beautiful wildflowers. The group all sat in these chairs before the arch, until they spotted the two and stood up with a smile. Patton stood proudly at the arch waiting for them to walk down to him. Firelight littered the air making the sunlight shimmer around them like a permanent Aurora Borealis. 

"I know it's not night time but... I thought if I had you wait till then you might have caught on. I still tried to give you everything you wanted." Virgil didn't even care if his make up was running at this point... thankfully Patton had been proactive enough to use makeup that would so he was safe. Roman gently brushed his thumb over Virgil's cheek as he smiled fondly. "I couldn't wait any longer."

"But... but I... I thought... Roman."

"I had been planning this since long before thanksgiving. Remus helped me and I helped him with his proposal. I'll hope you'll forgive me for keeping it a secret. I just... I wanted to surprise you." Virgil didn't know what to say. "Are you ready?" He could only nod letting Roman walk him down the 'aisle'.

As the two passed by their friends all smiled. Thomas was literally balling his eyes out but what you expect from him. Virgil was happy to see that despite the extravagance Roman went out of his way to create, it was still only them. Their small tight-knit family all together before them as they stood there together again at last. Roman's eyes started to glow as all the light flurried around them in response to his emotion. He couldn't hold back his tears anymore either and he laughed as he found himself crying right alongside his groom.

"I can't believe you." Virgil whispered through his tears as he smiled brightly. He could see Emile in the front row recording everything before he laughed and turned back to Roman with literal stars in his eyes. "You always have to go all out don't you."

"You deserve everything I do for you... and never think otherwise." Roman melted into the moment as Virgil turned to look over at Patton who was speaking. He never took his eyes off his love. Never... Not even when Patton had him reciting after him. When it was Virgil's turn the darker Prince stared at his hands awkwardly, but all Roman could see was the man he was completely enraptured with. 

"Roman?" Patton spoke as softly as he could see how entranced the lighter Prince was when he turned his attention back to him. Roman's eyes were dazed but so full of love anyone could see it. "Do you have the rings?"

"Rings?" Virgil whispered as Roman's smile widened even more, before nodding."

"Yea." Roman chuckled as he pulled them out of his pocket. At this point, no one cared at all about traditions or the fact that Roman just had them in his back pocket. He passed his ring over to Virgil who frowned seeing it was their old one. Patton just giggled as he moved just to continue with the service.

"Virgil Black, do you take Roman Graves as your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold until death do you part... again?" Virgil laughed at the use of again but still nodded all the same.

"Of course I do." Roman let Virgil take his hand in his watching as the smaller slipped the ring on, back where it belonged and where it was going to stay from then on. Their eyes finally met again and Virgil fell under those pools of green so fast. Roman had fallen right at the start of it all.

"Roman Graves, do you take Virgil Black as your lawfully wedded husband. To have and to hold until death do you part?" Roman gently took Virgil's hand, more tears spilling from his eyes, as he pressed it softly to his lips... not kissing it but just embarrassing him all the same.

"With all my heart." Roman lulled softly pushing the ring onto the other finger as he intertwined their hands. "... with my entire being... not even death can change that." Virgil frowned as their hands finally separated only for his heart to completely drop. There on his hand was the very ring Roman had made him when they were married the first time. The very ring he had stolen from him... and it was finally back where it belonged to.


"You can thank, Remus. He and Janus found it when looking for their own rings. That's why I was in such a hurry when you were trying the tux on that first time." Roman laughed as he brushed away Virgil's tears again. "It took a lot of convincing but... I managed to get it back for you. One just isn't complete without its mate... don't you agree?" 

"Boys?" Patton giggled again as he caught the two's attention and smiled. "You may kiss your groom." Roman didn't waste another second. He pulled Virgil in faster than ever before, letting his magic explode around him the second their lips touched. "Congratulations... Mr. Roman... and Virgil Hastings."

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