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(TW~Assault, Electrotherapy, electrocution, PTSD)

"Just let me go, please? I'm begging you." The doctor just sighed as he carefully strapped Virgil into the chair. Virgil whimpered as he felt the leather cuffed cut into him. "I don't even know why I'm here. I'm not crazy. Please! Let me go!"

"You have an illness of the mind." Virgil choked as he felt that sponge get pushed into his mouth. "Your perversion towards the same sex is an abomination. We are here to correct it." Virgil watched with heightened awareness as the doctor grabbed the metal headpiece from the water before placing it to his temples. "We will heal this sickness and you will go one living a proper life."

"JUST LET ME GO!" Virgil screamed out as one of his assaulters placed there hand harshly to his shoulder. Electricity cracked around then as Virgil's screams of pain ripped through the room. His body tensed with agony as he bit down on his tongue tasting blood in his mouth. He literally felt his heart stop at the voltage coursed through his being. It was like his body was being fried from the inside out... Unfortunately, being unable to actually die meant... the pain he felt never ended. He couldn't even blackout for it. As his curse was actively working to keep him alive through it all.

"Thomas we may have a bit of a problem." Roman sighed as he finally caught up with the host having looked for Virgil everywhere. "I can't find Virgil."

"What happened?" Thomas frowned as Roman just shook his head.

"That's the thing I don't know. We were over by the disaster zone. He had a bit of an episode over the Telsa coil. Kept calling us morons for wanting to be..." Roman frowned as his mind blanked for a moment. Thomas just stood there with this worried look as Roman zoned out. "Electrocuted... Virgil was scared of getting shocked. He... Shit, that story!" 

"What story?" Roman bit his lip as he met Thomas's eyes with a broken expression.

"He told me this story about a man who was forced to go through electroconvulsive therapy as a way to 'cure' his homosexuality." Thomas's eyes shot wide as Roman's darkened. "I think that was the first time he actually... told me something about himself."

"If he was put through that..."

"I don't know, Thomas. I just... I need to find him. If he's having an episode I need to..." Roman cried out as this sharp pain burned through his head. The room tilted as this light flashed through his mind. Thomas had to jump in to keep him from falling over. 

"Roman? Roman, what's going on? What's wrong?"

"V-Virgil... It's... It has to b-be..." Roman froze up mind spiraling down that pit of rage as everything snapped in him. "I'm going to kill whoever the fuck it is that is hurting him."

"ROMAN!" Roman took off following the pull as his head fell hard. He couldn't see straight everything was blurred and it looked as if there were flashes in his vision. "Roman, wait up!"

"I think that's enough of that." The main man laughed as the electricity die leaving Virgil slumped and breathless in the chair.

"Holy shit dude. Did you kill him?" Virgil couldn't move. He didn't breathe. He didn't make a sound. He was exhausted, sore, and in so much pain. To much pain to even think of anything.

"Who the fuck cares anyway?" 

"Sam, this is serious!" Virgil frowned as the men all bickered until all that could be heard was the faded glitching after they all vanished from the room. 

"He... Help." Virgil whispered as he weakly tugged as the tape. It was hardly even a twitch but it was enough to prove to him the curse had still worked and he was still alive. "He-he-help m-me... Ro... So... Som-meon-ne?"

"Roman, wait?" Roman sent his foot right through the door causing it to splinter into piece as Thomas froze up instantly at the sight of what was on the other side. Virgil sat there limply slumped over in a chair tapped up by his wrists and ankles. Burn marks littered his clothes and smudges of soot covered his exposed skin. Roman was seething. He rushed right over dropping straight to his knees as he desperately fumbled at the tape. He didn't want to hurt his love any more than he already was.

"Virgil? Love... My dark angel... Please? Please show me your ok? Can you hear me?" Roman winced as he tore one of the tapes off Virgil's wrist eliciting a pitifully exhausted whine from the other, breaking his heart. "Virgil? My love?"

"R-Rom-man-n?" Roman choked out a sob as he rushed to the other arm only stopping for a second not wanting to hurt Virgil, as he tore the rest of it off. "Ahh..." Virgil whimpered as Roman crashed a bit. He didn't want to hurt Virgil but it's hard when the tape was on bare skin. "Rom... Ro... Help."

"I'm here, Love." Roman kissed him softly as tears fell from his eyes. "I'm here. I've got you." Roman glanced back to see Thomas on his phone no doubt calling the police as he watched the two with horror-filled eyes. "I've got him, Thomas." 

"Are you sure?" Roman nodded as he quickly turned back to Virgil to focus on getting the tape off his ankles. "Ok. I'm going to get the others and inform management. An ambulance is on its way."

"Thank you, Thomas. Go do what you have to." Thomas nodded as he rushed off. Roman just clicked his tongue in annoyance as he once again had to tear tape off of his loves skin. "Virgil? Can you talk to me, Love? I want to make sure you're ok?"

"E-Et ego n-nolo. Lassus s-sum-m." Roman groaned softly with worry as he just continued to get the last bit of tape.

"I know, Virgil. I can see that but... You need to say awake for me ok? I need to know you'll be ok. Can you please do that for me? Can you... When's you're birthday?" Virgil chuckled as his head dipped a bit. "Virgil? Please, can you answer the question?"

"Dec... Decemb...ber... 19th." Roman nodded slightly to himself as he tore the last bit of tape of pulling Virgil into his arms. "R-Ro?"

"It's ok, Virgil. You're going to be ok. My sweet dark angel... It ok."

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