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(TW~ Main Character Death, blood,  slight suicide-esk death... basically logan wants to die.)

"LOGAN?!" Logan jumped as his sword clashed with Colt's, his soulmates voice crying out in painful fear that they all could feel. His eyes darted around only to freeze up seeing Patton running toward Eve. Or more correctly stated, running towards Virgil, who Eve had her arm wrapped around.

"ROMAN!" Logan yelled out as he quickly sidestepped shoving Colt back into the other Prince who was seething with rage. "Patton, stop..." Pain ripped through his side as his sword went falling out of his hand. Patton cried out as Eve plunged her blade right through the oldest side. 

"PATTON!" Both Logan and Roman yelled out as the prince parried an advance from his attacker. "Logan, go. You take care of Patton. I've got him." Logan nodded only to whimper at the pain that tore through him. Colt had somehow managed to get Roman far enough away that they were basically alone yet... Logan could still hear the clashing of their swords even from that distance away. His eyes met with Virgil's blank ones, and his heart dropped. They ere a very subtle green, there would be no asking for help.

'Logan?' The man tensed as he looked around swearing he heard a voice but nothing. He shook himself out of his thoughts as he quickly whipped his hand out tearing the blade out of Eve's hand hoping to disarm her... only, it didn't work. Eve beamed as she held her hand out making his entire body freeze upon him as if on ice. He was in so much pain already. Patton stumbled back, blood dripping from his wounds only to strangle a scream as Eve pulled him back in, knife once again in hand, making Logan tense. 

"NO!" He screamed out as he tried to break free but his body wouldn't move. "Don't touch him."

"Too late, really." Eve lulled as Patton just tearfully stared at his soulmate. Regret and love began to bubble up in Logan and he knew it was Patton who was truly feeling it. "It was only a matter of time. I had Virgil wrapped around my finger. Did you really think I would just let him go? Did you think I wouldn't pay you back for taking him from me?"

"Let Patton go!" Logan roared making the whole castle shake as his powers took over. Eve just smirked as she stabbed Patton again making both man cry horribly at the pain. "No! Stop. Don't kill him! Don't..." Logan cried as his body felt like it was burning. "Don't kill him. Please... Kill me..."

"Oh, I will, Logan." Logan's eyes went wide as Eve stabbed the knife right through Patton's spine killing him instantly. The pain that tore through Logan was unimaginable. He didn't even know he was talking, begging... let alone what it was he was saying. He couldn't tune out the pain. Patton crumbled to the floor, eyes wide and filled with tears that spilled right alongside his blood. Logan froze captived entirely by his love lifeless on the cold floor. "Oh, don't be so dramatic, Logan."

"You killed my soulmate." Logan broke. Outwardly he didn't seem to even be all that affected. He didn't even cry. He couldn't... He couldn't cry. He couldn't determine just what he was feeling. It felt like he was feeling everything in such an intensity wildly storming about him that... he felt like there was nothing. He couldn't pinpoint a single emotion. He couldn't determine a god damn thing. All he knew was his love was one the ground dead and he was still there... without him. "You're going to kill me."

"Isn't that obvious, I mean..."

"You miss understood. I was not asking. I was not stating the obvious as in you killed Patton so you're clearly going to kill me too." Logan's voice was monotone as everything seemed to just... die in him. He could hear his own heart beating but he could not understand why it would still continue to do so. "No... I was demanding." Eve's eyes went wide as the spell holding Logan in place seemed to falter letting the man finally moved a bit. Yet, he did not run. He didn't move. Not even to get closer to Patton. He was frozen in place by his own emotionally overwhelmed numbness. "You ARE going to kill me. And you are going to do so... right now." Eve's eyes shined as she held her knife right up towards Logan who didn't so much as flinch. The blade floated out of her hand spinning around the man till it was pointed at the back of Logan's neck directly behind him. The sound of a grunt made Eve smirk even more as she looked over to see Roman on the floor after having been kicked back. He ended up flying back just enough for him to see what was going on and freeze.

"LOGAN!" Eve pulled her hand back and the knife plunged into Logan's neck killing him instantly making Roman scream. There was nothing but black after that...

"NO!" Logan burst up in bed tears falling from his eyes as he shivered endlessly. His mind seemed to snap like an old rubberband letting everything it was holding spill out into the world around him. He's had nightmares every single night since before he could remember. It never EVER seemed to end yet, he's never been able to remember them when he woke up. Logan frowned as he hugged himself only to freeze up feeling that familiar buzz in his skin. He crashed instantly twisting around to hold Patton tighter bursting into tears as suddenly everything made sense. He could remember. He could remember the dream but most importantly he could remember his past life. 

"Logan? Are you ok?" Logan laughed painfully as he shook his head and just laid back down with his soulmate. "Was it that nightmare again?"

"Yes, Patton. It was." Patton frowned as he cuddled closer to his love sensing the pain and relief in him. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" Logan paused for a second wondering if he should before sighing and shaking his head. "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. I just... I just want to stay like this for a while." Logan frowned as he held Patton tighter. "I don't want to let you go." Logan squeezed his eyes shut tightly as his mind spiraled through all the memories he had forgotten. He knew he should have talked to him. He'd probably be able to help him through this. It was hell honestly but... Logan didn't know if Patton remembered. Logan wasn't even 100% certain if what he did was true. He just wanted to lay there and hold his soulmate. He didn't want to let go... he didn't ever want to watch him die EVER again. "I love you, Patton." Patton tensed suddenly having never actually heard his soulmate say those words since they found each other again. His heart literally broke inside. He missed those words... but he knew it meant nothing good.

"I love you too, Logiebear."

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