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"I'm guessing this was Logan's choice." Thomas jumped at the sudden appearance of Virgil standing right next to him just staring at the exhibit about the civil war. "I guess it's true... Those who haven't experienced find fun in history." Virgil's hand hovered over the gun of one of the soldiers before he pulled away and rolled his eyes. "I find none of this shit enjoyable."

"Ok forgetting about... that..." Thomas frowned as he gestured between Virgil and the gun before turning his attention back to the other. "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine."

"Virgil." The smaller flinched making Thomas sighed as he rubbed his arm supportively. "How are you doing?"

"She's dying, Thomas." Virgil's eyes narrowed as he shook his head, mumbling quietly under his breath so Thomas couldn't hear. "She's doing what I can't."


"Nothing, Thomas. I'm... ok considering." Virgil smiled sadly as he wiped the tears that build up. "Thank you for letting me go."

"Virgil, I'm not going to..." Thomas froze up as pulled the other in for a hug. "I'm sorry for being so hard on you. I don't mean to make things difficult. I'm not here to make you suffer Virgil. I only want to help."

"I know, Thomas. It's just hard." Thomas slowly let Virgil go letting the other fix his hoodie with a short sigh. "Thank you though. Even if I'm... a pain you still try. It does mean something to me, Thomas. I hope you know that."

"I do." Thomas smiled as he nudged the man's shoulder making Virgil frown in annoyance. "Let's go find Logan and the rest. I think they said they were going to check out this... medieval?... exhibit.I don't know. It's just a bunch of really really old things."

"Oh joy... memories." Thomas laughed as Virgil just frowned. He wasn't kidding. Even if the others didn't know this whole fucking place was sending him into flashback after flashback. Though, he should be glad to get out of this exhibit at least. Having taken part in a few wars made this scene... really hard to see. 

"Wait so... There's no way this is 2,000 years old." Virgil froze up the moment Remy's laugh filled his ears. His hands shook as Thomas continued on not noticing the panic yet. "It's a sword. Look at it. It's in perfect condition."

"They had someone date it." Logan sighed as he pushed his glasses and frowned. "Though I do agree with you. Even with the support of a power, I'd find it hard to believe something could be so old and still be..."

"They even called this Excalibur." Thomas laughed as he shook his head. Virgil slowly pushed his way forward only to feel as if death himself decided to grace his presence. "Not only that but are they really saying that shield went with it. What's with the color scheme? Red and Gold... Looks like something Roman would like."

"Carpe Diem." The whole group spun around to find Virgil on the verge of a break down as he tilted his head slightly lost in his mind. "Non vestra."

"Virgil..." Virgil blinked disappearing before popping up on the display and pulling the swords out holding out with a rage in his eyes as he screamed out. 

"HEY ASSHOLES!" The alarm went off as he grabbed the shield putting on his back and using his magic to keep it there. His whole group was white with shock and fear as guards all came running. Virgil didn't bother moving. "COME FUCKING GET ME!"

"VIRGIL?!" Roman froze in shock seeing Virgil standing there holding a sword out with a fire in his eyes.

"Oh, no..." Patton tensed recognizing the weapon instantly. "This isn't going to end well."

"Sir, put the artifacts down and step away from the..." Virgil's eyes flashed as his gaze fell on one of the gaurds.

"Good... I got your attention. I want to see the person who owns this den of thievery." Virgil hopped off the display twirling the sword around expertly stunning everyone who say. "I want them here now."

"Sir, either you drop them or we will be forced to..."

"THESE ARE NOT YOURS!" The lights exploded on the display scaring the shit out of everyone and making several other people run in fear of what was happening. "These don't belong to you. If anything. THERE MINE!" Virgil whipped his hand out tearing the whole display apart with a blast as tears fell from his eyes like waterfalls. "They don't belong here. They don't..."


"Patton, DON'T!" Virgil tensed as he gripped the sword tightly his eyes darting about the place before landing on Roman. His eyes widened as he shook his head and straightened himself out slipping into the royal persona he hasn't used in so long. "My name is Virgil Black of the Black Corporation. My family has contributed many things to this museum and yet I come here to find my family's possessions that we believed to have been lost for eons just sitting there on display now..." Virgil cracked his neck stunning people over the sudden change in his attitude. The sudden shift from rage to calm and powerful gave people whiplash. "Now, I more than happy to trade somethings. As your boss can assure you I in possession of many artifacts but THESE..." Virgil aura flared out making everyone stumble back. "They're mine."

"What's so important about a stupid sword and shield?" Remus grumbled with a roll of his eyes as Virgil froze up. "Stop causing a fucking scene and let go."

"Remus, you fucked up..." Patton whispered making Roman's blood freeze. If it was bad enough for Patton to swear then...

"I refuse to let anything that belonged tO mY sOuLmAtE sIt On A DUSTY FUCKING DISPLAY!" The world exploded as Virgil suddenly had Remus against a wall. "I suggest you shut up. You don't know a god damn thing. Maybe if you really were him... I'd be a little more forgiving. After all family means everything to me but you are not his brother." Remus's eyes flashed as Virgil pulled away. "CALL YOU BOSS NOW!" Virgil stormed off teleporting away before anyone could stop him. Thomas took one look at the gaurd and sighed. 

"Yep, we're kicked out."

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