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(TW- Assult, mugging, guns, panic, ???Main character death???  Maybe, maybe not... guess you'll have to read to see who it is hahahaha)

"Guy's I said 5." Thomas pouted slightly as the group finally started coming together at around 6:45. 

"Yeah, we didn't care." Remy giggled as he sipped his coffee nudging Emile lightly, who had at one point met up with Remy at a Starbucks.

"Well, Mi oscuro príncipe, had to buy out the entire Hot Topic." Virgil slapped Roman's hand lightly as the lighter prince smirked. "O veni, proxima mea. Vos scitis quod suus 'verum. Vos autem sicut ad litteram 10 sacculos."

"I have 5." Virgil mumbled as he rolled his eyes. "... times 2."

"See. 10 bags." Virgil grumbled softly as Roman chuckled.

"At least I teleported them into the bus. You don't have to carry them." Thomas sighed as Virgil tease the other. Thomas frowned as he looked around at everyone and just nodded.

"Well, I was planning on us going out to eat but honestly, I'm exhausted."

"MCDONALDS!" Remus screamed cutting Thomas off who paled slightly at the energy Remus always seemed to have. "Let's get some McDonalds. We can eat it at the hotel."

"Sure why not!" Remus yelled out a yes as Janus shook his head lightly with a smile. Patton giggled as Logan smirked and rolled his eyes. Thomas just gestured for the door letting everyone spill out into the darkening night air. The group had to walk a while because there was so much traffic before that they couldn't find a good space for the bus. Needless to say, when the group found themself walking through a darkened part of the lot by the dumpsters and large garage like doors... Virgil started to tense. He had this bad feeling that just wouldn't let up. A bad feeling Patton and Emile both had as well, which made all three stop at once. Everyone froze up giving the three a confused glance as Virgil shook his head.

"Something's wrong." Virgil muttered fearfully as the other two nodded in agreement.

"Well, you're right about that, sir." Virgil jumped, eyes wide as flashed filled his mind. He slowly turned around to find himself staring down the barrel of a gun and he couldn't stop the whimper that spilled from his lips. Roman was quick to pull Virgil being him, as Logan and Janus did the same for the other two. Remus and Roman both summoned their flames lighting up the area as the man with the gun just laughed.

"I wouldn't do that." The twins killed their fire as they glanced back to see several other men with guns all pointed at them. The blonde one just smiled as he cocked back the hammer. "We aren't stupid. Powers and a large group... obviously we've taken precautions."

"Give us everything of value. Now." Virgil gasped as his mind spiraled. The last time he was mugged his friend Eli was killed right in front of him. He couldn't do it. He couldn't. "HEY!" The one with green eyes yelled out making Virgil cry as he pointed the gun directly at him. Roman growled protectively, hands sparking with flames as the green eyes man just snarled. " Give us everything of value. NOW!"

"I don't have anything!" Virgil cried out as he held his hands up. "I don't keep anything on my person." The man's eyes narrowed as Virgil shook. "Not since I got mugged the last time."

"Awe. Is the man scared or something?" Roman's eyes were a literal fire bright and glowing as the other one just laughed. "Well, you're also stupid. If you have nothing you're of no use to me." 

"Touch him and I'll roast you." Roman growled angrily making the man with gun quirk his brow. 

"Touch me and someone ends up with a bullet in them." Virgil froze up seeing his mind flash. All he could see was Eli laying there bloody and lifeless. His heart was racing. He couldn't breathe. He sputtered and cried as a shout drowned out everything. The world was spinning. He didn't know what was going on. All he knew was he could someone yell out and then...

"That's it!" The man yelled out as he gestured for his friends to take off. The group froze in panic as the man smirked and held the gun out with murderous intent. "I'm done with this shit." He pointed the gun right at Roman and Virgil's eyes snapped wide. "Goodbye."

"NO!" Virgil screamed as he teleported right in front of Roman just as the gun rang out making everyone cry out in fear as Virgil got shot right in the heart. Virgil stumbled back as his dark shirt started to coat with a thin layer of blood. 

"VIRGIL?!" Roman broke down as Virgil collapsed to the ground before him. Everything broke in him completely. He could feel the agonizing pain in his chest but it was almost like he was numb to it. "Virgil? Virge..." Virgil's eyes flashed and suddenly he was gone again. The sudden sound of a body hitting the floor made Roman jump up to find Virgil standing there over the man holding the guys gun with a scowl. 

"Honestly. Did people really think I would just let another person die like that?" Virgil groaned as he stripped his hoodie off and grimaced as he took his shirt off too to notice the blood. "Damn it. I'm going to have to throw this away now."

"V-Virgil-l?" Virgil frowned as he looked up to see the horror on everyone's faces. His eyes met with Roman and he sighed at the tears spilling endlessly from his love's eyes. "You... how... but you got shot... and... you... what?!" Virgil let his hands drop to reveal the thin coating of blood over his chest. Roman stumbled over fingers grazing where the wound would have been before meeting Virgil's eyes with such fear, Virgil didn't like it. "You should be dead."

"I can't die, Princey." Roman's eyes widened in horror as Virgil sighed and looked around at everyone. "I guess I have a lot to explain."

"Later." Thomas's voice shook as he hugged himself. "Too much happened right now. We can talk this over after some other day just... not right now." Thomas's eyes darkened as he stared at the spot where Virgil had fallen before. "And maybe not tomorrow either. Let's just go."

"Remy?" Emile whispered slightly as he looked over to see his soulmate just standing there completely frozen. Tears spilled from his eyes as his hand went to his forehead before shakily raking his hand through his brown hair. "Rem? Are you ok?"

"You... I... We, uh..." Remy's eyes flashed gold as he shook his head furiously trying to pull himself from the flashes his mind refused to stop giving him. "Virgil, he uh... got shot."

"He's ok, Remy." Remy frowned as he just quietly followed everyone to the bus... spilled Starbucks cut laying forgotten on the asphalt behind him.

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