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"What are you talking about?" Virgil growled as he teleported and popped up right in front of the prince with a very dark look. "Virg..."

"You don't care about me. You don't care about anything except yourself. Must be nice to have TWO kingdoms right." Roman was stunned. "Well, you're wrong. This is MY kingdom. MINE! And I will be the ONLY one ruling it. So you can just... GO HOME!" Roman flinched at the anger in Virgil making his voice warp. "You won't get shit with me... so theres no point in playing these games."

"Virgil... You're my soulmate." Roman went to hold the others hand but Virgil just flinched before he could. "Do you really think that means nothing to me? That all I want is your kingdom? Virgil, I left everything I had to be with YOU not to rule your kingdom. Virgil, I love you."

"STOP LYING!" Virgil screamed out his eyes flashing a dull green as he shook his head furiously. "You're all lying. I can't trust you. I can't. You're just trying to use me. To hurt me..."


"Odi te, Roman." Roman's eyes shot wide as his chest tightened so much all the air in him left.

"You don't mean that." Roman's couldn't stop the tears that fell. "You don't mean that Virgil... You don't."

"ODI. TE!" Roman stumbled back as Virgil's eyes flashed again. 

"If you hate me so much..." Roman clenched his fists as his pain flared in him. "Then why haven't you kicked me out yet? You seemed to be pushing everyone else away?" Virgil simply smirked as he shook his head.

"I was giving you the option to do it on your own, Roman." Virgil turned away again with tears in his own eyes. "I figured once you realized your plan wasn't going to work you would prove me right and leave on your own."

"Virgil, that is never going to happen."

"You've thought about it." Roman paled as Virgil laughed. "You can't lie to me, Roman. I know you have."

"VIRGIL, I LOVE YOU!" The dark prince walked off ignoring the way Roman screamed after him as Ms. Sanders stood there watching, this glint in her eyes. "VIRGIL!"

"Roman?" The lighter prince broke as he looked over to see Eva and he frowned. "I can try to talk to him if you'd like. Surely there has to be a reason..."

"Please..." Roman tried to hide the sobs that wracked through him but his heart was breaking in to. His own soulmate was pushing him away and he couldn't bear it. "Please, I don't want to lose him. I can't lose him. I love him."

"Virgil? Dear, are you..." Eva froze up hearing the pained sobs emanating from the room as she opened the door. Virgil was curled up in his bed shaking horribly as he cried. "Virgil?"

"He's going to leave me. He's going to leave. He'll leave me all alone. They all will. They never cared. They never cared. They..." Virgil cried even harder as he felt the bed shift beside him. "I'm so fucking stupid. Why did I let myself fall for their tricks? They were all using me. ALL OF THEM!" Virgil's power flared out unchecked warping the energy of the room as Eva just sat there. "I'm stupid. So stupid. And blind... Eva?" Virgil cried horribly as he felt her rub his back reassuringly. "I'm scared. I'm scared I can't do this alone."

"You're not alone, Virgil. I'm here. I'll always be here." Virgil sniffled as he 'looked' up and frowned. "I won't leave you like the others. You did good, Virgil. Sending them away before they could hurt you. That's all they want. To hurt you... to use you. After all, who was it that caused you to go blind." Virgil's mind screamed at him showing him all these images as his eyes started to go green.

"It was Patton." 

"And who was it that told you to let Roman take over the war strategies so you could... 'focus on your father's funeral'?" Virgil growled as he slowly sat himself up.


"And who is it that's been very... pushy about something being wrong with you... as if you couldn't handle your responsibilities as the future king?"

"Roman." The near demonic growl the escaped Virgil's lips was scary as that green remained fixed in his eyes. Eva just sighed 'sadly' as she pulled him in. 

"It's ok, Virgil. I'll keep you safe. I'll help you. You don't need them and you certainly do NOT want them around." Virgil only nodded as he stared off into the black. "You keep doing what you need to Virgil. I'll be here for you to fall back on. I promise."

"So that's it?" Roman stood there breaking as Virgil sat there on his throne with a bored expression, his amber eyes now dull and lifeless. "You're ending things?"

"I'm ending this farce of an engagement yes. Odi Te, Roman. Why would I keep it going?"

"STOP SAYING YOU HATE ME!" Roman's power flared causing a firey burst to explode out making it look like he had wings and Virgil frowned at the intense heat. "You don't mean it. You don't. Virgil, you can't. You... I... But... We're soulmates."

"Are we?" Roman's face filled with horror as Virgil just smirked. "I'm sorry but last I checked soulmates are supposed to love each other."


"Odi. Te. Roman." Roman broke at that. "I want you gone. As soon as possible would be preferable."

"You may hate me..." Roman's voice shook as his eyes darted about only seeing Eva standing behind Virgil with a slim smirk. "But I love you. I love you more than anything Virgil. I can't lose you."

"No, you mean you can't lose this... Right? This power... this kingdom... Me under your thumb."

"Virgil, please. I don't..." Virgil simply held his hand up making Roman clam up as tears fell freely from his eyes. 

"I want you out of my castle... You have until tonight Roman. Do I make myself clear?" Roman deflated as he stood himself straighter with the poise you would expect from a prince despite how obviously distraught he was. "Roman."

"Yes, your highness. I will be gone within the hour." Virgil nodded as he heard Roman start to leave.

"Good... and make sure you take the rings."

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