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"So you can understand why I'm going to tell you... I don't want to see you again." The seconds ticked by as the two just stayed there in silence. "I just..." Roman narrowed his eyes as he stood up and nodded not daring to look at Virgil at all. 

"Wait..." Virgil was left there in shock as he watched Roman leave. He said nothing. He did nothing. He just got up and left without a single response. In all honestly, Virgil was expecting Roman to lash out at him. That man ALWAYS lashed out when angry. He had anger issues. He could control it when his emotions got too strong. Yet... There Roman went. Not a sound as the door closed behind. Virgil collapsed to his knees as he broke down. Every inch of him begged to find that man and hold him close. He yearned for that familiar buzz. The entire time those two had been in there together Virgil had to hold himself back from reaching out to him. That's what happens after soulmates touch. The long for it. They crave it... and after 2000 years of missing his Roman dearly, feeling that need again broke his heart. "Damn it." 

"Fuck!" Roman cried out as he punched the wall so hard his fist went right through it. He was shaking horribly as he pulled away furiously trying to wipe his tears. "I can't..." His hand gripped at his shirt as everything tore through him. "He just... again... I..." Roman's head was spinning as everything seemed to peter out of existence. His heart was shattered in his chest as this overbearing sense of Deja Vu crushed him completely.  He couldn't breathe. He could hear these words running through his mind. Words he KNEW Virgil had never said to him but... That didn't stop them from repeating.

"I want you gone. As soon as possible would be preferable." Roman gasped as his heart lurched in his chest. "I want you out of my castle... You have until tonight Roman. Do I make myself clear?" Not again... NOT AGAIN... NO! "Good... and make sure you take the rings."

"WHY?!" Roman screamed out as his mind went under. He felt like he had no control over himself. The words he spoke, the actions he took... none of it was him. "Why, Virgil?" He struggled just to breathe as fire erupted in his palms, reacting to his emotions. "You can't do this to me again, god damn it. You ca-..." Roman fell to his knees mind blank as he everything died out in him. "What? What just happened?" Roman let himself slip to the floor as he just tried to stabilize his breathing. "I don't... understand what's going on with me." Slowly his eyes closed as his body relaxed, letting the black take over. 

"Virgil?" The dark prince froze up as Thomas crossed his path in the hall. "Where have you been? Roman was looking for you earlier and..."

"I was in the weight room. He found me." Thomas frowned as Virgil shook obviously holding himself back from something. "Thomas? Is there any way I could... just... I can't do this anymore."

"Can't do what?" Virgil frowned as he looked away hugging himself tightly. "Virgil, what happened? Did Roman say something to upset you?"

"NO. No, of course not." Thomas jumped slightly at the look of pure guilt in the other who just shook his head and bit his lip. "Roman's been trying really hard to help me."

"You said his name." Virgil nodded only serving to make Thomas's anxiety rise. "Virgil, you said his name. What happened?"

"I can't do this anymore, Thomas. He's being so fucking kind but... it hurt. It just hurts. I can't be around him. I can't see him anymore. I just can't. I..." Virgil tensed as Thomas pulled him in for a soft hug. It just wasn't the same. His body BEGGED to be in Roman's arms.

"Virgil, what happened?"

"I told him I couldn't see him anymore..." Virgil's voice cracked as Thomas pulled away with a sad look. "...and he just left. He just left me standing there. He didn't even try to fight me. He just left."

"You told him you couldn't see him." Virgil crashed as he nodded. "Isn't that what you wanted?"

"Yes?" Thomas sighed as Virgil just cried harder. "I mean... Yes, of course, it is. It's Roman. I hate him. I oderunt eum."

"What?" Virgil growled as he moved away and furiously ran his hands repeatedly through his hair. "Virg..."

"I oderunt eum. I oderunt eum. I fucking hate him!" Virgil broke down even more as his tears fell harder. "I can't do it. I can't take it. He isn't him. He isn't. He can't be. But FUCKING HELL... does he remind me of him. I hate him so much because I can't be without him!" Thomas's eyes shot wide as Virgil sobbed loudly. The dark prince fell into Thomas as he gripped his shirt tightly. "Help... please... sanders? Help me? I don't know what to do."

"I think for starters..." Thomas smiled softly as he ran his fingers through the other hair. "You should talk to him. You don't really want him to leave you alone, do you?"

"I don't know." Virgil whimpered as Thomas just chuckled.

"No. You don't. You're afraid... and that's ok. I don't know what you've been through, Virgil. But... I do know that these past few days you've seen different. I've noticed the change. I'm sure Roman has too. He's always been concerned about you. He cares about you, Virgil."

"I don't want him to..."

"Do you not want him to care for you or so you just not want to face the reality that he does?" Virgil froze as Thomas hummed slightly. "Virgil, Roman is always thinking about you in some way. Out of all of us, he's the one that tries to put your thoughts first. If you told him You can't see him anymore, Roman WILL leave you alone. Are you sure that is what you want?" Virgil just stood there with this lost look in his eyes as Thomas held him close. "If it is then... Fine. I'll allow you to be on your own." Virgil's eyes widened as he pulled away in shock only to frown seeing Thomas's sad expression. 

"I will even permit you to go back home if you want. There really isn't anything else I can do for you. So... You can do whatever you want. However..." Virgil skipped a breath as Thomas's eyes narrowed with a very clear seriousness. "If you DON'T actually want that and you're just doing it to put distance between you, then you need to go talk to him."


"No, Virgil. You HAVE to stop pushing everyone away. You will never heal if you don't." Virgil was taken back by the tone Thomas had with him as he slowly look back towards where he knew his room was. "Please, for both of your sakes... make up your mind. Do you want Roman to leave you alone or not? If you're still here by the time tomorrow when we're going to the zoo, then great. Otherwise... We'll see you at home when we come back."

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