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"What did you want to show me, Patton?" Patton giggled as he carefully led his friend through the room. "And why did you have to blindfold me? You do realize I was blind. I have a sort of blindsight. You don't have to lead me." 

"Virgil, come on. It's fun. Besides..." Patton giggled as he brought them both to a stop. "I wanted to surprise you." Patton slowly lifted the blind letting Virgil adjust to the change in light. Virgil blinked, giving his friend a silly look before suddenly freezing up. There before him was a tux on a mannequin. A black tux with sparking black down the sides and around the neckline making it glitter in the light. There was a deep blood red sash belt with a diamond Sun brooch like an accent to it. 

"Oh, wow." Patton's smile only grew as Virgil hesitantly reached out, feeling the silky texture of the sash belt. "It's beautiful Patton." Virgil couldn't help but tear up as he looked everything over. "Did you really remake my wedding attire?"

"Yep." Patton beamed as he rushed over and laughed. "I just thought, with making Remus's and Janus's tux's, I would make your's and Roman's too. I thought it would be a nice reminder of those days, you know? I did make a few changes to it."

"The belt." Virgil cut in making Patton nod noticing just how engrossed the prince was just staring at it. "Not that I would really know. My only knowledge of what it looked like was from the painting I have. I don't remember there being a belt though."

"There wasn't one." Patton spoke softly as Virgil met his gaze in awe. "I also made it a tad more modern than our time."

"I can see that. I still love it, Patton. Thank you so much." Patton took the Prince's hand softly making Virgil freeze up a bit.

"Would you like to try it on?" Virgil just nodded lost in a daze as Patton giggled and dragged him off to the bathroom to change.

"Remus, really?" Janus laughed as his fiance dragged him into another jewelry store. "You've been dragging me around all day."

"I want it to be PERFECT!" Remus squealed as he ran in and spun around. "It's not like we can go to the forge and have it hand made like Roman did."

"I'll be happy with a cereal box ring." Janus lulled as he slowly brought his love closer. "It's not the rock that means anything. It's the emotion behind it." Remus sighed as he relaxed in Janus's arms. "You know I love you. We don't need to be extravagant. That's not us. We're chaotic and random. Seriously... A cereal box ring would be more us than a diamond... and I would laugh."

"I'm just... stressed. After everything we've been through..."

"I know, Hun. I am too. But like I said... I don't care about things like that. Rings... tux's... location. As long as I'm with you, I'm happy." Remus giggled as he tugged on Janus's arm pulling him closer to the ring display. Janus could only sigh with a soft smile as the two glanced over all the rings. "Those are nice."

"Yea, but they scream Logan... not us, babe." Remus was quick to fire back before pointing at other one making Janus laugh.

"No. Those are more for Remy if that queen married his Starbucks." Remus just shrugged as he tried to look them all over. He had to admit... He really missed the jewelers from his kingdom. All these rings just looked the same. There was no uniqueness to it. Remus sighed as he slumped a bit against the glass. Janus could see the frustration in his eyes clear as day. "Hun, why don't we try to find someone to make them custom? We don't need such high-end rings anyway."

"I want things to be perfect." Remus whined as he looked away. "You deserve nothing but the best. Especially getting saddled with me as a soulmate. I have to make up for it somehow."

"Remus, you are the ONLY one I'd ever want to be with. Don't ever think you are a problem thrown at me. I love you. And I would choose you, soulmate or not." Remus laughed softly as he shook his head. 

"It doesn't matter. In the end, I still feel like I have to do something. I just miss... back then. You know?" Janus nodded with a solemn look as Remus turned away only to freeze. "Jan?" Remus pointed over at this display in the corner they hadn't notice walking in. It was this set up filled with antiques. His eyes lit up as he literally slapped his fiance's shoulder. "Get Roman. GET ROMAN!"

"What do you think?" Patton lulled softly as Virgil stood there in the mirror literally crying. "Virgil?"

"I don't know what to say?" Virgil glanced beside him imagining Roman beside him as he melted. "I love it. It's perfect. I..." Virgil laughed as he held his arms out to look himself over better. "I only wish I knew what Roman's looked like."

"Sorry, excuse me." Virgil jumped the second the door burst open. Roman rushed in, running over to the wedding portrait, before taking a couple of pictures of their wedding painting. He then moved to his ring and grabbed it before freezing up completely. Light exploded around him as he skidded to a stop just staring at Virgil. "Oh, wow." Roman lit up with pure love as he smiled softly. "Look at you. God, your perfect." Virgil could only laugh as he hugged himself with embarrassment. "I would love to stay and just..." Roman was literally melting at the sight of his love before him. "I-I... I got to... I got to go but... just wow."

"What are you doing?" Virgil whispered slightly making Roman blush.

"Uh... Janus called. He and Ray are out looking at rings." Virgil's eyes shot wide as Roman shrugged.

"Already?! They just got engaged. When are they planning on having the wedding?"

"As soon as possible." Roman laughed as he slowly made his way over, unable to leave his soulmate without some gesture of his affection. His eyes were dazed with admiration as he gently pulled Virgil closer, arm wrapped around his back. "You really do look amazing, Mi Amor." Roman leaned in letting his breath tickle against Virgil's neck. "Quasi visio maris et in luna et stellae." Roman kissed him softly letting his power circle around them like a tornado of colors before pulling away and just smiling. "I love you so much... but I really got to go."


*"Quasi visio maris et in luna et stellae."~"Like the gleaming moon against a sea of ​​stars."*

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