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Everyone watched as Virgil walked out. Remus and Roman both took a step forward to follow but Remus quickly stopped Roman and him both with a sigh. Roman just frowned as Remus shook his head and bit his lip.

"It's better if we don't."


"Seriously, Moon shine." Patton's eyes shot up and Remus just laughed. "He needs some time alone."

"Moon shine?" Roman frowned in confusion as he stepped back. "You've never called me that before."

"There's no need to make a deal over a nickname." Remus laughed as he poked Roman tauntingly. "Just dim your inferno, bro."

"I'm not your broth..." Remus's eyes flashed shocking Roman into silence, who just nodded and sighed. "I'm... I'm gonna go do something... I don't know yet."

"You go do that." Remus frowned as he looked over to see Patton eyeing him knowingly. "I've got to have a chat with the empath." Roman frowned but shook his head as he walked out to clear his head.

He made his way through the hotel until he found himself at the pool and sighed. Maybe a nice dip would cool him off? Roman deflated a bit as he puffed through the door only to freeze up. The pool was completely empty save for one single person. A person he thought had gone to sleep.

"Virgil?" The very man mentioned frowned in confusion before turning around to see Roman standing there and actually smiled.

"Princey? Is that you?" Virgil swam over to the ledge and carefully pushed himself up leaving Roman in a bit of a... ok it wasn't little in the slightest. Roman was losing his mind. "Can't really see much, I ah... no glasses."

"Holy... uh... I mean. Hi." Virgil chuckled quietly as Roman just stood there staring. Could you blame him? His crush was standing there in front of him in nothing but tight swimming trunks, dripping with water... god, he was good looking. Roman's eyes couldn't help but take all of him in. His pale skin... his overly defined and toned body that put Roman's to shame, not that he cared at the moment. Virgil smirked as he put a hand to his hip and used the other to muse his soaked purple hair. 

"Like what you see or..."

"Very... I MEAN... uh..." Virgil's eyes went wide as Roman shook his head and laughed. "What did you ask?"

"I'll just... forget you said that." Roman sighed with a sheepish smile.

"Thanks." Virgil just smiled.

"For what..." He winked making Roman blush slightly as the other moved to grab a towel. "You didn't say anything."

"What are you doing?" Roman slowly circled around the other as he laid back in a pool lounger. "I thought you said you were going to sleep."

"I lied." Virgil smirked as he draped an arm over his eyes. Roman just stood there staring again as Virgil laughed. "Take a picture it'll last longer."

"Virgil..." The darker man sighed as he moved his arm to find Roman giving him a very concerned look. "About... before."

"Yeah, I figured. I'm... ok." Roman frowned as Virgil's eyes darkened. "I just uh... I had a bit of an episode. I'm ok now though."

"You said those artifacts were yours?" Virgil frowned as he shook his head. "Than why..."

"They were my soulmates." Roman's eyes shot wide as Virgil smiled softly. "Hey... Princey?" Virgil bit his lip and groaned as he shook his head. "Nevermind. I don't want to talk about it right now."

"That's ok. I didn't come here to talk about it." Roman beamed as started to take his pants off and Virgil quickly looked away. "Oh, relax there stormcloud. I have trunks on underneath. From before... I never actually went swimming."

"Oh. Right I..." Virgil paused a devious smirk playing on his lips as Roman tossed his pants onto the lounger beside him. 

"What?" Virgil slowly picked himself up as he crossed his arms and inched his way closer. "Virgil?" Roman tensed with anxious energy as he stumbled back to avoid him. Even still he never stopped his advance. "V-Virgil?!"

"You know Princey..." Virgil chuckled menacingly as Roman stumbled to the edge of the pool. "That thing you said... that you didn't say... I should get you back for it, shouldn't I?"

"Virgil, I don't... What... uh..." Roman looked around for some kind of escape but all he saw was Virgil standing right in front of him. "What are you..."

"It's call payback, Princey." Virgil placed his hand onto Roman's chest and suddenly... "Have a nice swim." Roman fell back into the water as Virgil laughed his ass off. "God you scream like a girl." Roman jumped up, head coming out of the water, as he gasped and coughed for air.

"VIRGIL! I am still wearing my shirt!" Virgil just smiled as he shrugged.

"So, there are shirts for swimming..." Roman frowned as he swam back to the ledge and pushed himself up with a soaked glare. "What's the difference?"

"This isn't one of them!" Roman sighed as he stood himself up and carefully took his shirt off with a groan. It just dripped onto the floor as he sighed and tried to wring it out as best as he could. "Great..."

"Relax, Princey. You can just throw it in with my laundry." Roman faltered a bit as Virgil turned to grab him a towel. "I planned on doing a load tonight anyway." Virgil tossed the towel over to the other and frowned noticing the slight color that peaked over from Roman's back. He couldn't see for shit. Not really anyway his sight was still to hazy but he noticed the dark purple. "Hey... Uh... Do you have your tattoo on your back?" Roman froze up as he quickly covered his tattoo up by wrapping the towel around him with a slight nod. 

"Uh... yeah. I do." Virgil frowned more noticing the sudden change in Roman when he asked. "Sorry, It's just I uh... don't really like it."

"Why? Does it look bad?" Virgil laughed to ease the tension but Roman just stood there with a sad look in his eyes.

"No. No, actually it's stunning. Absolutely stunning. I always figured that meant my soulmate must be just as beautiful but uh... I just... I don't know." Roman smiled sadly as he watched Virgil grab his things. "I just get this sad feeling when I ever I look at it. It makes me feel... bad. Like... Like I already lost my soulmate, you know... shit." Virgil's eyes darkened as Roman quickly backtracked. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... Obviously you would understand. God, I didn't mean to..."

"It's ok, Princey." Virgil just smiled sadly as he grabbed his hoodie from under the lounger and put it on. "Tomorrow will most likely be a free day because of everything that happened... I was thinking maybe the two of us could... hang out?" Roman's eyes widened in shock as Virgil just smiled awkwardly. "Don't get me wrong I still hate you but... I don't know. I guess with you being there for me with Mel... I wouldn't mind the company."

"Of course, Virge." Roman smiled as Virgil just laughed. "For now though, I think we could both use some rest."

The Timeless PrinceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora