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"Ok, Ok, everyone in the bus." Thomas mumbled as he looked around to see everyone's expressions. Patton was smiling away like usual standing beside Logan who was curiously examining Remus and Roman. Remus who looked hyper and beaming was practically conjoined to his soulmate who was animatedly talking about the snakes he had seen... and Roman... Roman who was glaring daggers into Thomas's forehead as Virgil clung tight to the host as he had for the rest of the zoo trip like Roman wasn't there at all. Then there was Remy and Emile who both were far to happy about their date to even notice the tension in the three in front of the buss. "Please? Get in the bus." 

"Whatever you say... Sanders." Roman muttered as he followed Remy and Emile in. Those two took the first right seat while Roman walked a bit farther back. He sat directly in the center as he watched the others pile on. Logan and Patton sat a few seat behind the first two and Remus and Janus several more behind Roman. Thomas sighed as he took the first left seat smiling at his friends who drove the bus. Roman watched as Virgil slowly made his way on. 

Their eyes met as he tried to smile at him only for Virgil to disappear and pop up in the farthest corner of the bus. Roman had to take a deep breath to calm himself down. Obviously Virgil just wanted some space. Either he was upset over something or... He didn't know. He just... His entire being begged to be with Virgil and much as he wanted to ignore it so that Virgil was comfortable. He found himself walking down the aisle to the back of the bus before he even realized. Remus and Janus both watched as he passed with a confused look until they spotted Virgil tense up. Remus just smiled as he turned back to talk with Janus.

"Roman, I don't..." Roman just smiled as he sat in the seat across from him putting at least an aisles distance between them making Virgil's eyes widen. "You confuse me."

"I'm sorry?" Roman chuckled awkwardly as looked out to see Thomas talking to the driver. "I just... I needed to be with you." Virgil's eyes darted over to him as Roman just smiled. "But, I figured you didn't want to be with me so... This was easiest thing I could do."

"You actually... wanted to be with me?" Roman frowned as he met with Virgil's sad eyes. 

"Of course I do, and I'm not just talking about the soulmate bond. Yes, in the beginning, the bond is a bit overpowering, but that isn't..."

"I didn't even think you felt that, to be honest." Roman froze up as Virgil's voice cracked. "I mean... I guess I just... If you were so easily able to just... leave me when WE JUST bonded... I don't know."

"You said you were ok." Virgil rolled his eyes as he scooched down and pressed his knees into the back of the seat.

"I lied. Roman, we literally just found out we were soulmates. As you said it yourself the bond is always overpowered in the beginning. I couldn't even SEE my first soulmate and yet I still felt that need to be with him. The two of us never stopped holding hand. He took me to this meadow? I think... I don't know. I couldn't see. But we both just wanted to be in each other's presence. Even when I left, I didn't want to. Yet you just left to go show Patton the butterflies." Virgil pouted as he crossed his arms and frowned. "I left him so that my mentor didn't send the... the... send people after me. You left to show a friend some butterflies. A friend... who would have understood why you stayed with me. Why couldn't I go see the butterflies? I just... Fuck, I sound like a whiny bitch." Virgil groaned as he curled up into himself making Roman's heart break. 

"Truth be told, Virgil... I didn't go to show him the butterflies." Virgil's head popped up as he felt the seat shift. His eyes met with Roman's who had moved to sit beside him with this sad look in his eyes. "Logan and Janus both can attest... I had to speak with him and Remus. But... I couldn't share it with anyone else. I'm sorry if you felt abandoned. That was not my intention."

"It wouldn't be the first time." Roman stopped only for Virgil to laugh at himself. "Nope... Not the first time I've felt abandoned by my soulmate at all." Roman winced as he bit down hard on his tongue to stop himself from yelling out. "Of course, it was my fault. I'm not a good partner. I'm not a good soulmate. Roman... You really should just go. Forget everything and leave me alone."

"No." Roman couldn't stop himself that time. Desperation filled him entirely as he took Virgil's hand, not that the other showed any sign that he was aware of it. "Don't... Don't do this to me again, Virgil, please? You're my soulmate. I told you I'm not going to leave you."

"You don't know me. You don't know what I've been through. You're too damn kind. I just... Walking around with Thomas, I got to thinking. The universe fucked up Roman. For some reason, it gave me ANOTHER soulmate. A soulmate I don't deserve. And on top of that, it's one that's just to fucking perfect. Why would it ever think that forcing someone like you to be with someone like me was a good thing?" Roman gripped Virgil's hand tighter as tears fell from his eyes. "It's just not fair to you. We're too fucking different. It won't work. I just won't. I..."

"If you say you hate me, I am going to flip." Virgil frowned in confusion as he looked over at the other. "The universe made the BEST fucking choice when bringing us together. Virgil, I told you. I've loved you for a very long time. I love you."

"I can't do it." Virgil shook his head as his tears fell. "I don't know how. It's been so long... so... so fucking long since I've even trusted someone enough to let my walls down. I've lost everyone I've ever loved... in some way shape or form. I can't just let you in. And it's not fair to you to have to put up with me."

"Virgil, If I've told you once, I'll tell you again. I'm not just going to let you go... not this time... not without a fight. I won't do it." Roman carefully pulled Virgil close to him as he let out a shaky breath. "I'm sorry, ok. I'm sorry for all the shit that I've said to you. I'm sorry for all the times I've yelled and said such hurtful things. I didn't mean any of it."

"I wanted you to say them." Roman's heart lurched as Virgil curled up into him more. "I angered you just so that I could hear you say what I wanted him to."

"No, baby, please don't think..."

"This is what I mean, Roman. I'm not good for you. I'm only going to get you hurt." Virgil suddenly vanished from his arms reappearing next to Thomas who jumped at his sudden appearance. Roman was just left in stunned silence as he tried to calm himself down. Just give him time... just give him time. 

"I'm not going anywhere."

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