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"This is a bad idea." Roman growled everyone started for Thomas's van. "You guys are supposed to be dead!"

"Exactly, they won't be looking for us." Remy teased as he flicked his hat, hiding his ponytail. "Plus we're incognito."

"A hat isn't going to hide you, Remy!" Roman was frantically trying to get people to listen to him. "Please? It's not safe-..."

"Roman? Breathe." Roman hated how he flinched at Virgil's touch but the older didn't even seem to acknowledge it as he just held Roman close. "I know you're scared but we need this. Everyone is getting stir crazy being all cooped up like they are."

"It's not safe. If they see us all together they'll know instantly who we are, disguise or not."

"That's why we around going altogether." Thomas added as he tried to offer the braking prince a calming smile. "We're splitting up into groups. Soulmates are together and I'm with you two. there won't be any reason for someone to notice unless they were actively looking."

"I don't trust this." Roman groaned as he forced himself to take a deep breath and nod. "But I won't stop you. I... I understand. Just please promise me you will all be safe."

"We'll all be within earshot, I promise." Emile called before dragging Remy out to the van, who just laughed as they passed Patton and Logan, who were already out the door by that point.

"Come on, Bro. Please? Just... try to relax?" Roman swallowed his guilt as he just nodded making Remus light up as he ran out to join everyone, Janus slowly following behind silently.

"It's ok, Ro."

"I'm just causing everyone issues, aren't I?" Roman cut in making Virgil's eyes darken as the younger hugged his arms closer to him. "They're all trying and I'm just freaking out every two seconds."

"Roman, I need you to listen to me ok? Can you do that?" Roman nodded as Virgil leaned his head against Roman's shoulder. "You have every right to feel as scared as you do. Your fear is valid and understandable. Not only that... This is a serious thing. It's not like some... out of nowhere phobia or anxiety that... we all would understand anyway considering Patton and me. This is life and death. Your fear is more than justified."

"But I'm making it worse for everyone."

"You're struggling, Roman. That's not your fault." Virgil pressed his lips against Roman's shoulder making the younger whine and lean against him more. "It's ok, Love. Everything your feeling... It's ok. You don't have to feel guilty for being scared and wanting everyone to feel safe."

"I just... Virgil... It was just me left." Virgil's eyes darkened as Roman shuddered against the memories. "It was just me left. Everyone was taken from me in some way. I couldn't protect anyone and now... Now someone is out there trying to do it again and I..."

"I know." Roman whined again as Virgil just hugged him close. "I know, Love. And that is all understandable. If you want... you and I could stay home? If you're worried about any eyes on you, I mean."

"No. NO! no..." Roman whimpered as shook his head frantically. "I have to be there. I have to make sure they're safe. I have to..."

"Ok. Ok... whatever you need." Roman smiled as he just relaxed completely into Virgil's arms. 

"What did I do to deserve you?" Virgil just chuckled as he shrugged. "I was blessed with the best soulmate ever."

"You were blessed with a mess but thank you." Roman practically barked with laugher at the memory of the last time this was said, making Virgil's eyes shine over it all. "I love you."

"Te quoque amo, Mea perpetua." (I love you too, My everlasting.) Virgil's eyes glimmered with such love as Roman turned to give him a deep kiss. "Tu es valde pulsu cordis." (You are the very beat of my heart.)

"Come on, Ro... We don't want to leave them waiting forever." Roman nodded with a laugh as Virgil dragged him out of the door.

To be honest he didn't know what he should have expected over their dinner. He was happy to see that he could tell where everyone was in the restaurant. Sure he was tense, always looking around to make sure everyone was safe... but eventually, Virgil managed to draw his attention enough to let his worries melt away. By the time they were finished Roman was just laughing away completely relaxed and just enjoying his time as Thomas went about telling them funny stories. 

He was so relaxed he didn't even notice when Remus and Janus first left. It wasn't anything bad or anything. They all agreed to leave one group at a time before meeting up at the van. Still Roman didn't notice. He was just sitting there with the brightest smile. A smile that lit up his face making Patton smile too as they passed by to leave, just happy his kiddo was happy.

It wasn't until Emile and Remy passed by did Roman finally realize everyone had left making his chest tense up a bit in concern. Virgil just smiled as he reached over, taking Roman's hand, who flinched only slightly before smiling brightly at his love.

"Are you ready to go?" Roman just nodded as he started to get up making Thomas laugh over his impatiences. They understood though. It was enough of a risk to have everyone out of the house. They didn't want to take the risk for too long.

"Dinner was so good!" Remus squealed as everyone made their way down the alley they had parked their van. "I missed being able to rip into a nice juicy thick piece of meat."

"Don't say juicy in that context" Roman groaned playfully as he nudged his brother, only for Remus to flip him off and laugh.

"Juicy buttholes."

"Somehow worse!" Remus just burst out in laugher as the group all seemed to smile a bit more.

"Well isn't this a happy little reunion." Shadows ripped away from the walls boxing everyone in as a loud sinister laugh echoed around them. "And here I thought you were all dead. Well..." The sound of eerie footsteps reverberated off the brick as the shadows parted away to reveal Colt standing there with a sick smile on his face, eyes focused on Virgil. "Not you, Your highness... but everyone else..." Colt turned his attention to Remus, whose face had paled at the sight of him. "Didn't I throw you down a flight of stairs?"

"YOU SICK FUCK-..." Janus screamed out as Remus pulled him behind him, refusing to let his fiance get any closer to the man.

"Hush now, your hiss is the only scary thing about you." Janus flared as Colt turned to Roman with an odd look in his eyes. "I must say... I'm a bit surprised to see you so close to him." Virgil tensed up as Roman quickly put himself in front of him more protectively. "I mean... after what he did and all those... nightmares."

"Wait." Roman's face fell as Colt just laughed. "How..."

"How else?" The air went frigid as they all slowly turned around to see the vile smile of the very woman they never EVER wanted to see again. Eva stood there, a new golden crown on her head, as her smile only grew. "Who do you think's been giving you them?"

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