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The moment the bus stopped Roman raced to get to the front barely managing to catch Virgil who jumped the moment Roman grabbed his arm. Roman glanced back at everyone out of the corner of his eye as he frowned.

"Just talk to me, Virgil, ok?" Roman let Virgil go letting him get off the bus as he slowly followed letting the rest spill out after him. Roman frowned more as Virgil avoided his gaze preferring to stare at the smug of dirt on his shoes. Roman didn't even care that Thomas was talking. This isn't a field trip. There weren't school kids having to obey their teacher. He was going to talk this out with Virgil. "Virg..."

"Roman, stop. I told you it's not going to work out." 

"Trust me, It will." Virgil just scoffed as Roman tried to get him to look up at him. "Virgil... I can prove it."

"No, you can't."

"Yes, I can." Virgil frowned as he slowly met Roman's gaze only for confusion to fill him entirely as he noticed the complete fear in the younger. "I know that we are perfect for each other. I know the universe didn't make a mistake... and I can... I can... I can prove it."

"Then go ahead, Princey. Prove it then."

"Virgil, I am..." Roman froze up as his fear took over making him clam up. "I... I am... I..." Roman sighed as he ran a hand through his hair trying to get his thoughts to words. He knew what he wanted to say but no matter how he tried his fear always stopped him short. All he could get out was a simple... "I love you."

"I thought so... You don't have proof." Roman growled in frustration in himself.

"Yes, I do. I just don't know how to say it. Virgil, I know you better than anyone else. I know exactly what you're expecting but..."

"See this is what I don't fucking like." Roman faltered as Virgil scoffed as crossed his arms with a literal attitude. "You're egotistical. You are worse than Logan with his know it all personality. You DON'T know me at all. You only think you do so you can be right. Go back to your perfect little 'sanders sides' grouping and just leave me alone, Princey."

"Virg..." Virgil muttered under his breath making Roman's blood turn to ice as his whole body felt like it had been shot. "What?" Virgil's eyes narrowed as Roman's voice shook. Roman took a step back feeling his heart break into a million pieces as Virgil just rolled his eyes. "Please tell me you didn't just say what I think you did. Please, Virgil? Tell me I'm wrong. Tell me you didn't just..."

"Odi te, Roman." Roman crashed completely as Virgil walked off. "Now fuck off."

"No. No. No. NO! VIRGIL!" Virgil flinched as froze on the spot the moment Roman's voice hit him. "Take it back. Take it back right now. YOU DO NOT GET TO SAY THAT TO ME!"

"What? Odi te?" 

"Stop. Stop. Stop it. You can't... You can't say that to me." Virgil frowned as he looked back at him with this confused look.

"Why the hell not? It's the same thing I've been telling you for 5 years straight... just in Latin." 

"Please, Virgil?" Virgil's eyes went wide as Roman tears spilled endlessly. The rest of the group honestly didn't know what to do. They were all shocked into silence the moment Roman had yelled out. "Take it back? Please? I can't take it... not... not again."

"Again? All I said was..."

"Odi te, Roman." Virgil flinched as Roman's voice broke. "You said odi te. You can't say that to me. Not unless you WANT to hurt me so please... take it back."

"Maybe I did, Roman?" Roman furiously shook his head as he gripped his shirt tightly. Flashback sent him spiraling. He was so close to just snapping like a rubber band. Only to melt at the buzz in skin to pull him right out of his mind. At some point his hands had gone to his hair pulling at it hard to the point he was sure he yanked some out. His eyes shot wide the moment that buzz filled his senses. His eyes met with Virgil's as the other carefully took Roman's hand from his hair and held them close with a very concerned look in his eyes. "Why did that hurt you so much?"

"You said you hated me. I told you... I would flip." Virgil's eyes darkened as he glanced back to see everyone awkwardly trying to ignore the two. It was very obvious they were all watching them closely. "Please, take it back."

"I've told you I've hated you before and you never reacted like that. I literally told you I hated you at least once a day just to keep you away from me. Why did that time hurt you so much?"

"Just take it back. Please take it back. Please..." Roman leaned into the smaller who was just to confused and worried to even care about the fact that he was trying to push Roman away. "I can't do this again. I can't. I love you. Please, take it back. You don't have to say you love me back but PLEASE..." Roman wrapped his arms around Virgil as he sobbed and shook. "Don't say that you hate me. Not again. I can't..." He couldn't blame Eva this time. 

"Thomas, can you please escort everyone inside. I think Roman and I need to be alone." Thomas was quick to jump in and rush the others away leaving the two there with only Roman's sobs to break the silence. "Roman..."

"Don't. Just don't... don't say it again. Just take it back. Please... Please take it back."

"This is horrible." Virgil yanked Roman back forcing him to meet his eyes as Virgil glared protectively at him. "What is wrong with you?"

"The love of my life just told me he hated me in the worst possible way he could, giving me flashbacks to when I was abandoned." Virgil's eyes shot wide as Roman just stood there broken. "I don't know what I did, but I'm sorry. I don't know how to fix it all, but I will. Just please... take it back?"

"Roman, I don't hate you." Virgil sighed as he pulled Roman in only breaking more at the relief filled tears that fell from his soulmate. "I'm sorry. I don't know what I'm doing. I don't know anything. I want you. I do but... I don't... because I'm scared. I want to be with you but I'm terrified I'd only hurt you or worse... lose you. I can't stop thinking of my Roman and I just can't get out of my head but... I promise you... I promise. I don't hate you. I'm just hurt and lashing out. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Roman."

"I don't give a flying fuck what, why, or how... JUST AS LONG AS YOU DON'T HATE ME!" Roman yelled out as he held Virgil closer. "Please don't ever say that again. Never again... not to me."


"PROMISE ME!" Virgil was taken back by just how much Roman had broken down and he choked on the guilt. "Promise me, Virgil. You'll never say you hate me. Never again. Promise me..."

"I promise." Roman pulled away with this very serious look as Virgil curled up a bit. 

"And promise me you stop pushing me away."

"I can't do that." Roman's eyes narrowed as Virgil looked away. "I'm self-aware enough to know that I can't stop feeling like I..."

"Virgil, I need you to promise me this." Virgil sighed as Roman nudged his cheek lightly till they were eyes looking at each other again. "Promise me you'll stop pushing me away?"

"Promitto, Roman." Roman sighed in relief as he leaned back into Virgil out of emotional exhaustion. "I am sorry. I don't what's wrong with me."

"Your scared and you don't think you can trust anyone... not even yourself." Roman laughed as he felt Virgil tense in his arms. "I told you that I know you, Virgil. That wasn't me being egotistical. I really do know you. Just as I know we will work out, if you just try."

"What was your proof, Roman?" Roman frowned as he shook his head.

"I want to tell you, Virgil. Believe me, I do, but I'm scared you wouldn't believe me... or you would get hurt."

"That's... not a good answer, Princey." Roman laughed as he pulled away spinning about as he pulled Virgil after him. 

"I know. Let's not focus on that right now. We can deal with all this later... let's just have some fun." Roman beamed as he spun around again with a laugh as he gestured to the large upside-down building before him. "We're at Wonderworks after all!"

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