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Virgil frowned as he followed slowly still holding Roman's hand tightly while being led through the hospital. Thomas didn't hesitate to let Virgil go to the hospital. Of course, he had to have someone come with him, but at that moment Virgil was grateful for Roman's presence. He was breaking at the seams, if the fact that Virgil has yet to let go of the other showed just how much. 

Virgil just couldn't get out of his head. His wife... Ex... Ex-wife was dying in a hospital bed and he hasn't seen her in so long. He couldn't. He left her and their son. What was he supposed to do? What was he supposed to say? He couldn't possibly believe she would be happy to see him. The moment he goes in she's going to yell. Virgil just knew it. He shouldn't have come.

"She's right in here." Virgil tensed as he looked up to see the name on the little plaque and his heart just dropped. 'Melanie Black'. She kept his name. Penny frowned as she met Virgil's eyes. "Aaron should be here soon. He said he was stuck in traffic..." Virgil cringed making Roman shoot him this concerned look. "If you would like we could go in before he gets here?"

"I uh..." Virgil sighed as he let Roman go much to the other's dislike, and nodded. Virgil watched as everyone walked in. Even Roman, who shot him a supportive look gesturing him to follow without forcing him to. Virgil just smiled sadly as he stood in the doorway. The moment he saw here he felt his heart swell. Age had been very kind and even illness couldn't diminish her beauty. His best friend always was eye-catching. He smiled softly as Penny slowly made her way over to her.

"Ma... It's Penny. We came to visit." Mel slowly looked up from her book and beamed as Sam ran over and gave her a hug. 

"I wasn't expecting you to come today." Mel laughed as she held Sam tightly before looking over at her Daughter-in-law. "What brought you all..." Her eyes met with Roman's and she narrowed her eyes in confusion only for Roman to laugh.

"Hi." Roman shifted awkwardly as he walked over and held his hand out with a soft smile. "I'm Roman Graves." Mel's eyes shot impossibly wide as she took Roman's hand in stunned confusion only to silently freak over the firey and ancient energy she sensed from the other. "I'm sorry for just showing up when we've never met before but... It's nice to meet you."

"R-Roman?" Roman nodded as Mel's literally looked him over. "You have his name..." The sound of laughter burst through the room making everyone jump only to find Virgil leaning against the door frame failing to reign himself in. Mel's eyes widen even more as Virgil straightened himself up with a beaming smile. 

"I know right. I freaked out to." Virgil smiled softly as he joined the group by the bed. "It's nice to see you again, Melanie."

"Virgil?" Mel pushed her self up wincing at the pain in her and making Virgil tense. 

"Don't push yourself. You not well."

"Oh, hush. I'm perfectly well enough to hug you." She held her arms out with tears in her eyes as Virgil bit his lip anxiously. 

"Of course, Mel." Virgil let himself get pulled in by the woman and actually felt himself break slightly in her weak grasp. "I've missed you." His eyes shined with unshed tears as he pulled away to see her crying through her smile. "It's been far to long."

"And who's fault is that?" Virgil cringed only for Mel to sigh softly. "It's ok, love." Virgil frowned as Mel just looked around. "Nearly all my family is here."

"Aaron should be here soon." Penny smiled as Mel nodded, holding Virgil's hand who wouldn't meet her gaze. Mel laughed as she noticed the loving yet concerned look Roman was giving Virgil.

"So, Roman, huh?" Virgil tensed as Roman snapped out of it and smiled. "I take it you came with Virgil?"

"Yes, Ma'am." Mel squeezed Virgil's hand as Roman moved to the other side of the bed. Roman just smiled over at the other man and Mel smiled seeing just how much Roman loved him. 

"How much do you know about my Virgil?"

"N-Nothing..." Mel frowned as Virgil shook his head and Roman sighed with a nod.

"We haven't quite gotten there yet." Mel narrowed her eyes as Roman looked away. "He still doesn't call me by my name."

"Well, that's understandable. I'd imagine it be hard for him to say Roman at all." Roman's eyes widened as Virgil deflated a bit. "I am surprised though, Virgil. Considering his name... and energy, why haven't you tried..."

"Absolutely not." Virgil's eyes narrowed as he pulled his hand from hers, stuffing both his hands into his pockets. "It's not just those that are similar, Mel, but I refuse..."

"I'm confused." Roman raised his hand childishly making the whole room laugh and Virgil groaned before hugging himself tightly. "Hey now, Stormcloud. I already told you I wouldn't push. It's fine."

"I hate you..." Roman sighed softly as he smiled and Mel frowned looking between the two. "Stupid... princey."

"I know, Emo nightmare." Virgil smiled slightly catching Mel's eyes and she sighed in relief. For a moment there she was actually afraid Virgil did hate him. Virgil bit his lip before letting out a shaky breath and looking up to give, Mel a smile. 

"I'm a little lost, Mel. If I'm being honest... I thought you would be mad at me." Mel shook her head as she took Virgil's hand again. 

"Virgil, I know you. I know why you did it. I'm not angry." Virgil frowned in confusion as he looked around at everyone only to freeze up noticing everyone's confused looks. Mel noticed his anxiety and chuckled a bit before shaking her head. "Do you all mind if Virgil and I have a moment alone?"

"Oh, no. I can't." Roman frowned as Virgil looked over at him. "Thomas..."

"I'll just be right outside, Virgil." Virgil's eyes went wide as Roman smiled at him. "I'm not Thomas... and I'm not leaving. If you would like some time alone... I won't stop you."

"Really?" Roman nodded as Virgil smiled a little wider. "Thank you, Princey."

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