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(TW~ Graphic imagery, Blood, death, panic)

"WonderWorks, huh?" Virgil whispered as Roman pulled himself through this tunnel. The walls were spinning in a way that made it feel like you would go upside down, making Virgil's stomach drop a bit. "I think I'm gonna be sick."

"It's ok, Virgil." Roman chuckled as he led Virgil through to the other side. People were bustling about doing all sorts of things. Roman's eyes immediately went to Remus on the bed of nail and Roman couldn't help himself. "Don't get yourself skewered, Sunshine!" Virgil tensed up, eyes wide as Roman stuck his tongue out seeing Remus glare over at him. "Still gotta be in one piece for your soulmate."

"Shut up!" 

"Don't move." The attendant growled slightly making Remus's face pale before he giggled a bit. 

"So what do you want to do..." Roman frowned noticing Virgil just staring at the ground. "Virgil? Is something wrong?"

"Uh... No. No, not at all. I just... um... Didn't know you called Remus that." Roman smiled sadly as nodded making Virgil shrug. "Oh... Ok."

"Does that bother you?" Virgil shook his head as he limply reached out for Roman's hand. Roman just sighed softly as he pulled Virgil in. "So... What do you want to do?"

"I don't know. What even is this place?" Roman chuckled as he gestured around him. "That doesn't answer me."

"No, I suppose not." Roman took Virgil's hand as he beamed. "Come on. I think I might know a zone you'd like."

"Ro...what?" Roman beamed as he carefully dragged Virgil off to god knows where, as everyone basically split up. Well, not everyone. 

Janus refused to leave Remus's side. It didn't go unnoticed by everyone that the man was far more clingy than usual, not that Remus cared at all. The main problem he was having right now though was the fact that Remus was currently on a bed of nails... and all the man could see was what would happen if Remus just moved a small bit too much.

Janus's hands clenched as his mind went red. His mind latched on the blood slowly drip... dripping drown to the cool floor. It pooled at his feet as his tears fell turning the metallic liquid salty. His eyes shrunk and twitched as he heard the screams of his love. He couldn't take it. All he could see was his blood painting his sneaker with that awful color. The room tilted until suddenly he was covered in it. Covered in the red from head to toe... drowning... drowning... he couldn't breathe.

He was choking and gagging on it. His hands went to his throat as he tried to get one single breath in. He could only choke as his body started to get weak. He could hear his love calling out to him but the sound of his dying heartbeat was the only thing that he could focus on. His hands slowly moved from his throat coated in red and he wanted to scream. He wanted to but his body wouldn't move. It wouldn't listen. He was drowning, choking, dying... but he couldn't call for help. He couldn't...

He could literally feel the metal plunged into his trachea as his mind dropped. Tears fell from his eyes unendingly as his body went cold. Cold like ice... He whimpered and his chest burned for air he couldn't get. He couldn't breathe. He couldn't do anything. 

He felt as though someone grabbed him holding him steady but he couldn't see anything. No one was there. No... That was a lie. He wasn't alone. He could hear his love screaming as this laughter filled his ears. No... he wanted to yell. He wanted to call out but his body was already dead. NO! Don't kill him... Don't... He flinched hearing the sound of a neck snapping and it was like everything crashed into him.

"NO!" Janus screamed out scaring everyone around them as he cried and sobbed. He struggled against the person holding him only to freeze up as hands went to his cheeks giving him that familiar buzz. His eyes went wide as they latched onto those green ones and he just broke down. "Remus?"

"Jan? Janus, what's wrong? Talk to me?" Janus slammed into him as he shook and cried. "Janus?"

"D-Don't leave me. Don't go. I-I-I can't be alone. I can't be..." Remus frowned as he felt his love grip his shirt tightly with an obvious fear. "I'm not scared. I'm not... I want to be alone."

"It's ok, Janus. I'm not leaving you." Janus shook as he tears only fell harder. "I won't let anything happen to you. Nothing is ever going to hurt you. Do you understand? I won't let it..."

"But she already did..." Remus whipped back, eyes wide as he stared into Janus's eyes. "Eva already hurt me... and she hurt you too... didn't she?"

"Oh, baby... you remember?" Janus nodded as Remus crashed pulling his soulmate in for a deep emotion kiss. "I'm so sorry. I couldn't stop her... but that's not going to stop me now do you understand me? I won't let it happen again. I love you so much Jan. My silly serpent spy... My love..." Remus just held him close as he tried to take deep breaths to calm himself down. "I don't even... What happened? How... How did you remember?"

"I don't know." Janus smiled with a broken expression as he melted into his love. "I just... I was watching you on that bed and... I started to panic. I couldn't breathe and..."

"Hey now, don't worry. It's ok. You remember." Remus laughed with broken relief as he brushed Janus's hair back and beamed. "You remember. I have my love back, completely and whole. We're finally together again. I... I haven't been this happy in so long." Janus frowned as he looked around spotting Logan walking away and his eyes narrowed. "Janus?"

"We're all back." Remus nodded as Janus met his eyes again and his frown grew. "How many people remember?"

"Logan, Remy, and Em are the only people who don't remember." Janus's eyes went wide as Remus sighed. "That's what Ro, Pat, and I were talking about at the zoo. Roman just remembered himself and..."

"Virgil? Oh god... Oh god, Virgil." Remus's eyes darkened as Janus held back a broken sob. "We've both said such mean things about him, Babe. How? How could we... How could I... He was the first one to accept me as your soulmate and I... I wouldn't even try to understand his issues."

"None of us remembered, Janus. Trust me... I feel guilty too. All we can do now is try to help him when we can... give Roman as much support as he needs... and just be there. We have to be patient." Janus's face fell as he nodded softly. "You have to promise me you won't say anything to Virgil. Not yet. Roman said Virgil's still too fragile right now. Telling him who we are might... set something off that we don't want happing."

"So we're just supposed to let my friend... YOUR BROTHER IN LAW SUFFER?" Remus frowned as he nodded making Janus's heart drop. 

"Roman won't let him suffer, Janus. We just have to trust him."

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