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(TW~ PTSD episode, electrotherapy, assault.)

"What do you say we go get locked in a hurricane?" Virgil faltered a bit at the question only to stumble as Roman tugged Virgil through the place until they found themselves with Logan. Virgil frowned as Roman pulled away and laughed. "Look, Virgil! They have this simulated Earthquake cafe too!" Virgil just watched as Roman moved about the area. The issue wasn't with any of this. Virgil has been in several natural disasters... He's over 2000 years old, did you really think he wouldn't have been? He knew it wasn't likely that the simulated versions were exact as they had to make it safe for people. No, his issue was the thing Logan was currently at. The tesla coils... Electricity... shocking...

"Virgil?" Roman froze up instantly noticing Virgil had taken a step back. "Virgil, what's wrong?"

"N-Nothing." Virgil shook his head as he tried to smile over at Roman but the teary look in the man's eyes didn't make it believable.

"Oh, Virgil... Roman. I didn't notice you." Logan smiled as he pulled his hand from the rubber glove with a smile. "This is actually really cool. Do you want to check it out?"

"What is it?" Roman frowned slightly in concern as he moved closet to the odd box contraption Logan was standing at.

"It's a tesla coil." Logan beamed as he put his hand back in to show Roman. "The Telsa emits a sort of lightning..." Roman jumped slightly seeing the electricity crack against the box before hitting the glove as Logan moved his hand. "... and the glove makes it so that you don't get electrocuted. It's emitting a voltage of 100,000 and the steel on the outside of the glove is attracting it so it's like you're becoming a human lightning rod. Cool huh?" Roman laughed as he nudged Logan a bit.

"Of course you'd find getting electrocuted fun." Logan just rolled his as he pulled his hand from the glove again watching as some other people took there turn. 

"I don't find that fun, but I do enjoy science. Why don't you take a turn?" Roman laughed as he shrugged.

"Why the hell not?" One of the other men that had joined moved aside to let Roman have a go. The moment the lightning cracked Roman's eyes lit up. Of course... Roman also inadvertently affecting the lightening as he was a master of light, similar to his brother. The lightning cracked a bright vibrant color red making everyone stare in awe. Golds and red moved about the box as Roman just stood there messing around with a smile. "This is so cool. Hey Virgil, why don't you..."

"FUCK NO!" Virgil yelled out causing everyone to suddenly freeze. Roman pulled his hand from the glove instantly going into his 'protective/supportive' mode he had. Virgil gulped his anxiety as he took another step back. Logan just sighed as he went back to the glove ignoring this as just another one of Virgil's episodes.

"Virgil?" Roman took a step closer making Virgil tense up. The men who had all joined them frown with this look in their eyes. One of them had a glint in his that did not look well at all. "Virgil, It's ok."

"No. I'm not going to willingly let myself get electrocuted." Logan sighed as he shot Virgil this look.

"The mesh glove is created in a way to block the current from ever touching you. You won't get electrocuted. I didn't... Roman didn't."

"I DON'T CARE! That machine is stupid and anyone who enjoys it is insane! Your clinical is you find lightening fun!" Virgil shook his head furiously as he stepped back again. "If you all want to be complete morons and get shocked than fine, but leave me the hell out of it."

"And..." Roman sighed as he watched Virgil run off. "...there he goes again. Shit."

"Just leave him alone, Roman. There's no point in..." Roman literally shoved logan back shocking the older as he looked up to see the glare Roman had.

"Virgil means everything to me, Logan. I will not just 'leave him alone', if he needs me." Logan's eyes went wide as Roman growled and turned away. "Why don't you just go find your damn soulmate and leave me to mine."

"Shit..." Virgil whimpered as he leaned against the wall struggling just to breathe. "...it's just a stupid coil. Virgil breathe. Breathe..." Virgil whimpered again as he gripped his hair. "You're ok. You're ok. Things are different now. It's fine... It's..."

"You know, Mister... It isn't nice to call people morons." Virgil's eyes shot wide as he looked up to find the men from before standing before him. The one in the middle had a very dark look that sent shivers down his spine. "And I personally think that tesla coil thing was cool." He held his hand revealing sparks of electricity zapping his fingers and Virgil's face went white. "Considering I really am a human lightning rod."

"No... No, please. Don't..." The man's face dropped as he snapped making a bright spark. 

"Grab him." Virgil cried out only for his voice to go silent as one of the men grabbed him. The other watched their back to make sure nobody saw them as the three made their way into this faraway room. A lonely bulb above them as one tossed a chair in the center of the room. One locked the door as the other forced Virgil into the chair. 

"Please, let me go. Don't do this. NO!" Virgil cried as he felt his hands being tapped to the chair. His eyes met with the man in front of him and his mind crashed completely. 

He was back there again, screaming at the doctors who ignored everything. He could feel their straps tightening around his already raw wrists as he struggled against the metal chair. A sponge was forced into his mouth as he choked and sobbed unable to breathe. He just wanted out. He needed out but...

Electricity coursed through him burning into his skin as his body tensed. He couldn't tell you if it was from the thing the doctors placed on his head, or if it was the man's power. He couldn't think straight. He was just stuck there in the pain, crying out in agony as his mind flooded with flashback after flashback.


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