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"What are you doing, My Love?" Roman called over as he spotted Virgil walking the gardens again. It had been three years since they had gotten married. It wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. After all, Virgil went through a year of such troubling betrayal. His long-time friend and instructor Miss Evangeline Sanders had attempted to take over the kingdom, exploiting Virgil's blindness and anxiety as a way to worm herself into power. The worst part was it almost worked.

She pushed all these nasty thoughts and used magic to toy with Virgil's mind. He started to believe everything he heard and began to pull away from everyone including Roman. It was bad... She used magic to try and make the prince go crazy. If Logan hadn't have figured it out and told Roman... Virgil would have lost.

He still hasn't gotten over it. Every now and again Roman will spot him in a lost daze. The magic had long since worn off of the darker prince but the effects did not. He was far jumpier and anxious. He was fearful and dependent on Roman for so much. It made Roman so angry to know that someone could have hurt his love so badly. He sighed seeing Virgil walk past a bunch of flowers and smiled seeing a small black rose grow. That was something Roman never got used to seeing. The way Virgil affected the world around him just by being there. Roman reached out plucking the small rose and took Virgil's hand causing him to freeze.

"It's ok, My love." Roman placed the small flower in Virgil's hair smiling as it stayed in. Virgil's eyes darted up as if trying to see it and Roman frowned. "Are you ok?" Virgil only nodded proving to Roman that he was not. "Virgil... I know you're still struggling to work through everything but... You don't have to worry about me, Love."

"I'm not. I'm worried about me, Roman." Roman tensed seeing Virgil's eyes start to well up. "What if King Christopher was right about all this magic stuff? Plus Darkvale's been itching for a war. I-If they find out that I'm a... a m-mage they won't hesitate."

"Virgil there is nothing wrong with magic. There is no good or bad... just the people who use them." Virgil shook in Roman hands as he pulled him in. "I know you're scared. Hun, I know... but nothing bad will happen. I promise you. You are not an evil person. You're magic is beautiful and light. Don't ever forget how much I love you."

"You can't promise that, Roman." Virgil called as he looked away. Roman followed his gaze to find Logan standing there with this look of horror in his eyes and everything seemed to drop. "It seems it's already started."

"Virgil!" The sounds of fighting filled the space drowning out everything else but Virgil's heart. He knew this would happen. He knew it. It was only a matter of time. "Virgil, please stand back." He could hear Logan crying out as he and Patton struggled to defend him. He didn't even know where Roman was. He could feel the grips of his fear pulling him under. He wanted his love. He wanted Roman... his soulmate.

"ROMAN!" Virgil screamed out, his voice warping in fear as his magic distorted it. He felt a hand go to his and he melted into the electricity, the only thing that could calm him if only slightly. "Roman? R-Ro..."

"Shh... My Love. I'm ok." The sick sent of metal filled his senses and he shook his head. He was getting overwelmed. "You're going to be fine, Virgil. We'll protect you."

"I don't need protection. I need you... ALIVE!" He could hear Roman gunt as he shifted clearly in pain and Virgil's heart dropped. The smell of metal was blood... Roman's blood. "Roman, what happened?"

"Nothing, Love. It's... It's ok."

"I know when you're lying Roman. What happened?" Virgil reached out. His hand brushing against Roman's side and he flinched feeling the dampness that coated his loves shirt. "You're hurt."

"I'm fine, but right now we must go!" Roman grabbed Virgil's hand as he and his other two friends ran far from the battlefield. They were hoping to make it to the safe room. They were hoping...

But they didn't make it.

"Prince Virgil Hastings!" The haunting sound of a familiar voice filled his ears and Virgil felt his chest close up on him. Almost instantly he was sent spiraling into an attack just at the sound of her voice. That's how bad she messed with his head.

"ENCHANTRESS!" He heard his love call out as he was ushered behind for protection. The Enchantress... That's what they all call her now. They refused to acknowledge her by name anymore but even still... she was his friends... His mentor...

"M-Miss S-Sanders..." Virgil choked out as everything began to swallow him whole.

"What are you doing here, Enchantress?!" Roman's grip on Virgil tightened as the sound of Virgil breathing nearly vanished.

"I came to pay my respects to the fallen kingdom." Her voice lulled on as if giving a speech that would last a lifetime. "The old world is dead and with it... so shall you be."

"The only one going to die is you!" Virgil suddenly lost his only rock as Roman let go. He was plunged into the black unaware of what was happening anymore. He couldn't see a thing... He couldn't focus on anything. All Virgil knew was the scent of blood got stronger... so so very stronger. His body moved forward following the scent as the sound of fighting filled the air. He tripped and tumbled down only for his hand to fall into a wet puddle that only intensified the smell of blood.

"V-Virgil..." Virgil's heart dropped at the broken sound of his love. "I-I'm sorry..."

"Roman?" Virgil reached out pulling the man into his lap trying hard to ignore the painful gasps the man gave out in response. "Roman don't... D-Don't leave me."

"I'm sorry my love... I failed." Virgil cried as the electricity that surrounded them began to die. The horrible pain in his chest making everything a literal hell. "I'm... s-sorr-ry... I... I love..."

"I love you too Roman." And just like that, the buzz was gone. The fight was dead... quite literally and Virgil was in immense pain. It was like his heart completely shattered at once. It only got worse when he realized he wouldn't hear Logan or Patton anymore either.

"Oh, how heartbreaking..." Virgil narrowed his eyes as he slowly set his lost love down, standing up and trying to ignore the pain in his chest. "They say the pain one feels when they lose there soulmate is worse than death itself. Logan seemed to confirm that when I plunged my knife into Patton's back. He begged for death after..."

"Evangeline..." Virgil's voice was raspy and broken, distorted from the pain and his magic making him sound more like a demon than anything. He gripped his knife tightly as it rested in his holster. He's never been a fighter and it's only got worse as time went on since he couldn't see anything but there was no way he was just going to let this go without a fight.

"Virgil... I know you can't see it but... I did warn you. You're just going to wander in someplace you shouldn't have. Now look. All this innocent blood is on your hands. You even got your own soulmate killed. Evil... Dark... Demon Prince!" Virgil shook as her voice wrapped around him. He couldn't even pinpoint where she was. It just bounced off the walls like it came from everywhere. "It's your fault and you should pay. You should pay for everything thing. This kingdom is being burnt to the ground because of you. King Christopher would never have attacked if you didn't have magic. Roman wouldn't have died. Logan, Patton... None of them would have died... Lux wouldn't have been destroyed... Remus, Janus, Em, and Remy wouldn't have suffered so badly if you never had magic. All that pain and suffering... all the death and destruction all the blood... It's on your hands. You Prince of Dark and Death."

"Shut up!" Virgil cried out as he fell to his knees struggling to breathe. It was too much, way too much. He needed Roman... but Roman was dead. Everyone he knew and loved was dead. His Family... Roman's Family... even the friends he's made during the three years he and Roman had been married. They were all dead. It was just him. He was all that was left.

"I can't do that, Virgil. All this suffering... It deserves revenge." Virgil tensed hearing the buz of energy surround him. Magic... She was going to use more magic on him and... he couldn't even move to fight her. "Rest not young prince on your bed of nails. Your time is not yet done. For if you sleep your day away you'll miss all the fun. The lives that faded... The blood that spilled... You'll pay for every drop. You'll watch the ever changing world as your forced to rot." Virgil was forced back as this gut ripping blast hit him full force knocking his head into the wall. He couldn't even say the black swallowed him whole... All he saw was black. "So rest not young prince and reap what was sewn. In a world that left you behind, all you be is a man never truly able to atone. Weep not my sweet angel... my dear demon prince of dark and death. For you know in your heart you deserve this pain until your final breath."

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