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"I feel like..." Virgil muttered anxiously as everyone returned back home. Thomas had wasted no time in telling everyone to pack up so they could all leave. The ride home was silent and Virgil could feel the pricks at his back from all the awkward stares. When they finally got back everyone just walked into the living room and crashed leaving Virgil standing there with Roman beside him highly concerned. "I feel like there's some sort of an issue here."

"Well... We do have... a lot to discuss." Thomas responded as he sat down in a chair and sighed. "I wasn't expecting it to be... immediately."

"Babes, It was always going to be the instant we walked in the door." Remy frowned as he gripped Emile's hand tightly.

"It's ok, Sandy." Em cooed softly making Remy blush a bit. "Everyone here already knows... sort of. Virgil?"

"Hun, we'll go with whatever your willing to give us." Roman reassured as he slowly walked over and sat on the couch arm beside Remus who nodded holding, Janus supportively in his arms. Virgil growned as he just shrugged and sighed. "Ok... Why don't you maybe... start with..."

"Roman, I'm sorry." Roman froze as Virgil smiled sadly. 


"I lost my ring." Thomas's eyes filled with confusion as Virgil teared up a bit. Roman just nodded as he met with Virgil's eyes.

"Ok. We'll start with that." Virgil took a deep breath as he looked around at everyone.

"How many..."

"All of us, I assume." Logan cut in making Patton freak slightly, having not actually known that Logan remembered. Logan frowned as he nodded over to Patton who was already tearing up. "That is... If you were referring to our past life."

"Past... what now?"

"Past life, Thomas." Virgil responded as Thomas just frowned. "Ok... Uh... How do I explain this?"

"You don't." Roman grumbled as he crossed his arms with a look of anger. "Sanders here doesn't have to know everything."

"Roman, he isn't Ev-..."

"That bit-... Woman doesn't even deserve her name uttered." Everyone seemed to agree with Roman's statement which of course only confused Thomas more.

"Thomas is not Eva!" Virgil said louder making everyone flinch. Thomas's eyes went wide as Virgil just sighed sadly. "Evangeline Sanders... She... She was my mentor. My friend... My nanny to be honest. She helped care for me." Virgil could see the look Thomas was giving him and he rolled his eyes. "Roman..."

"The timeless prince, Thomas." Thomas nodded as Roman's eyes darkened. "I told you about it. About the prince cursed to live forever... unable to die because he destroyed his and his soulmates kingdom... because he killed his soulmate." Virgil nodded as everyone tensed. Remus and Patton both shot Roman this horror-filled look as the other just stared at nothing. "He didn't destroy the kingdoms. That was the enchantress, your ancestor."


"We don't talk about my death." Roman whispered quietly making Remus cringe in understanding. "We never... never talk about my death."

"Roman?" Roman smiled up at his love as he quickly waved him off, making Virgil a bit confused who hadn't actually heard what was said. "Ok then. Thomas... Basically what I'm saying is... I'm the timeless prince." Thomas seemed to freeze up as Virgil smiled awkwardly. "And... It was your ancestor that cursed me... after killing..." Virgil gestured to everyone who all visibly crashed except for Roman who just smiled softly at Virgil. "... all my friends and family."

The Timeless PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now