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"NO!" The faded sounds of screams filled the air as the black swallowed them whole. Nothing could be seen, but all could be heard. "No. Not gonna happen. YOU AREN'T GOING TO DIE, DAMN IT!" The smell of metal overcame everything making the air rancid and stuffy. "YOU CAN'T DIE! Don't leave me. Don't... I won't let you die on me." 

"SOMEONE HELP ME GOD DAMN IT! Please? Please, don't die. Please, you can't leave me like this. You can't leave me alone. I need you. I love you. PLEASE?!" The pain in their voice was so forceful it left all who heard it reeling. "Please? Please. Please. Please... Don't go. Don't leave me... I..."

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry but... I can't lose you. I can't lose you!" The air seemed to shift as magic built up and the sweet yet haunting lull of a voice turned everything to ice. "R-Rest not young... young... y-youn-... Fuck I can't do this... Shit." The voice shook as they took a breath and started over. "R-Rest not young prince on your bed... on your bed of n-nails. Your time is not yet done. For if you sleep your day away you'll miss all the f-fun. The lives that faded... The blood that spilled... You'll pay for every d-drop. You'll watch the ever-changing world as your forced to rot." The magic surged and spiked with every word as the voice broke down. It was clear with every single syllable they were broken and crying. Every word only brought more pain, yet they continued on. 

"So rest not... young prince... and reap what was sewn. In a world that left you behind... all you'll be is a man... n-never... never truly able to a-atone. Weep not my sweet angel... my dear demon prince of dark and death." The voice nearly choked as the magic seemed to pool on the ground almost taking the shape of a man laying broken. "F-For you know in your heart.. you d-des-serv-ve this p-pain... until your final breath." Then there was just silence. There was nothing at all, not even the broken and painful beat of the broken heart. "I'm sorry. I'm s-sorry. I'm so sorry. Please... Please just don't leave me!"

Flashes filled the space. Blood, a sword... fire and sand. Screams... Just never-ending screams. An arm covered in blood outstretched as if begging to be held... A broken crown.

Thomas burst up from his bed choking and gasping as he tried to work through his dream. It wasn't the first time he'd been having visions, he just prayed that that wasn't one of them. He groaned slightly as he pushed himself up and out. He'd much rather focus on just getting everyone home at this point. With all the shit that's been happening on this trip. It was just safer to end it. They all needed a break... from their break.

Roman laid there staring thoughtfully as his love slept. Virgil has yet to let him go but Roman really wasn't complaining at all. He understood... and it broke his heart. Virgil confirmed the cryptid to be true. Or at least... The part about him being cursed with immortality. Roman knew the other part about him killing his soulmate was true too but... At the same time... Virgil didn't kill him. He couldn't help himself. He was being controlled. Eva USED him to kill Roman. And then she... She forced this life of pain and loneliness on his soulmate. Roman's anger for her was never as strong as it was now.

He wanted to take all the pain away, but he knew that wasn't possible. As much as he longed to fix everything that monster of a woman did to his love... he could not. And that alone felt like the worst way he could let his love down.

"R-Ro..." Virgil whimpered in his sleep making Roman frown in concern. "Roman... R-Ro... Don't... Don't leave... Don't..." Roman sighed as he pulled Virgil against his chest breaking apart at the sobs that started up again for what seemed like the fifth time that night. "I need... Don't go."

"I won't. I'm not going anywhere, my love." Roman let his voice trail with a soft lullaby as he hugged Virgil close despite the shaking.

"Roman, I can't..." Virgil choked as he shivered endlessly latching on to the light prince as his nightmares tore through him. "I can't d-do this... alone. I-I... I can't."

"You aren't alone, Virgil. I promised to remember. I won't ever leave you. Never again." Roman resumed his singing as he trailed his fingers softly through Virgil's purple hair. He let off a nice comforting warm smiling slightly as Virgil seemed to relax into him. "It's going to be ok, My love. I promise. Everything is going to be ok. I know you're in pain. I know you hurting and I can't just make it better. I'm sorry. I wish I could. But I will... I will do everything in my power to keep you from hurting more. I love you. You're my husband... Angelus meus tenebris."

"R-Rule... Rule 3, R-Roman." Roman frowned as he glanced down to see Virgil's eyes squeezed tightly and he sighed. "Y-You already d-died on me once. Don't... Don't promise me you w-won't when... I can't... can't die and you... c-can."

"And I've proven to you that even if I do I will come back. I will always come back. I'm never leaving you, Virgil." Roman gently brushed the tears from Virgil's cheeks as he spoke as softly as he could. "We've been through so much, you and I. We fought so hard to be together. I'm not going to let anything stand in our way, not anything... especially not death. We're soulmates, Virgil. We always were and we always will me. Nothing will ever change that."

"B-But you died, Roman. You died... right i-in front of me." Roman flinched slightly making Virgil tense up and choke. "Y-You remember... d-don't you? You remember how you died."

"Yes, I do." Virgil broke down even more as the two just laid there in bed together. "It's ok, Virgil. You work through it all at your own pace. I won't leave you alone until then, I promise. I'm right here."

"Just stay with me please." Roman smiled as he cooed softly into his love.

"You mean, stay here with my beautiful prince of darkness curled up in my arms?" Roman giggled quietly as Virgil actually started to smile. "There's nowhere else I'd rather be."

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