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"Roman-..." Roman slammed the front door nearly breaking the whole thing, as he tore his hand off the knob revealing it all bent and crushed under his grip. Everyone seemed to back away as the prince clenched and unclenched his fists, open and closed, over and over... Virgil frowned as he noticed the fire starting to flare up off his skin. "Roman."

"Whoever the FUCK-..." Fire flared out causing everyone to screech out at the pure unabated rage burning through Roman so literally. "... is doing this is going to BURN!"

"Roman Hastings!" Thomas scolded making Roman's eyes instantly dart to his. "Calm yourself. You're far too overworked. You're burning a hole into the floor."

"I'll be burning a hole into something far more satisfying once we find the FUCKER who's hurting my family!" 

"Who knew my brother had an inner me?" Remus chuckled tensely as Janus just helped him off to his room.

"Roman, just... None of us can get near you when you're like this." Patton whispered as Logan watched silently from Patton's side just watching the prince who was having a literal meltdown.

"I don't care... I WANT THE FUCKER DEAD!"

"Everyone please leave." Virgil smiled softly as he gestured for the rooms. "It's safer if you vacate the area."

"Are you sure?" Thomas whispered quietly only pissing Roman off more, who hated feeling as if he was a ticking time bomb.

"Roman's just a bit angry and overprotective. He's not any danger." Virgil rolled his eyes as he pushed Thomas towards the hall. "I just didn't want you all getting a freaking sunburn or something. Go on. I'll handle my Husband."

"Virgil, no." Roman growled as he started to pace angrily, his steps literally burning into the carpet. "I can't... I can't calm down. I just can't."

"It's ok, hun."

"NO, IT'S NOT!" Roman roared as his eyes literally turned into fire, his hair rustling about in the heated air. "It's NOT fine! Someone is out there HUNTING US!"

"You don't think that I'm angry... that am I scared? Roman, we all are..."

"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!" Virgil just stood there watching as his husband unraveled. There wasn't exactly much he could do but help keep the damage to a minimum and talk him down. 

"Don't I?" Roman growled as he glared over at the other, only seeing Virgil smiling at him. "Roman, I need you to stop for a second and truly see who it is you are talking to." Roman just tensed as he blinked for a second as Virgil just sighed. "I know how you feel, Hun. I am not trying to downplay your anger. I am merely asking you to breathe so that we may go about this with a calmer mind."

"I can't!" Roman hissed, his nails digging into his skin. "I can't calm down. I can't. I-I just... I t-to a-angry... to... t-to angry."

"I know. It's ok." Virgil hummed softly as Roman trembled uncontrollably under his emotions.

"I'M FUCKING PISSED!" Roman screamed out as he accidentally blasted the tv making Roman jump back with horror in his eyes. Virgil just sighed as he waved his hand through the air making the Tv fix itself. "I... I'm sorry. I didn't... I didn't mean to... I just... I-I can't control my..."

"Roman, it's o-..." Virgil froze like ice, hand outstretched as Roman suddenly flinched horribly at the action. He hesitantly pulled his hand back with a blink as Roman visibly swallowed his fear. "Roman?"

"I... I'm sorry."

"It's ok." Virgil tried not to let that flinch hurt him, after all, he didn't know why it was made. Instead, he just slowly got to his feet, tilting his head a bit as he held his arms out to his side. 

The Timeless Princeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें