Author's Note

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Thank you for reaching this far. I appreciate you a lot! ❤️

To all the readers, silent readers, voters, and the ones that always leaves a comment on every chapter, thank you all so much! You are all deeply appreciated.

The meaning behind Wunsk and Schadenfreude

Wunsk - Wish (v.) Old English wyscan "to wish, cherish a desire," from Proto-Germanic *wunsk- (source also of Old Norse œskja, Danish ønske, Swedish önska, Middle Dutch wonscen, Dutch wensen, Old High German wunsken, German wunschen "to wish"), from PIE root *wen- (1) "to desire, strive for." Related: Wished; wishing.

Schadenfreude - scha·den·freu·de
/ˈSHädənˌfroidə/ noun
pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune.

Source: Google

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SB19 Series:
Series #1 - Mahal Kita, Pero (SB19 Josh/Completed)
Series #2 - Heavenly (SB19 Stell/Completed)
Series #3 - Perfect Fit (SB19 Sejun/Completed)
Series #4 - Agonizing Desire (SB19 Justin/Completed)
Series #5 - Innocent (SB19 Ken/Completed)

SB19 General Fictions:
Bystander - SB19 Fanfiction (Completed)
Precious Secret - SB19 Pablo (Completed)
After Departure - SB19 Justin (SOON)

SB19 Fantasy Fanfictions:
The Blind's Vision - SB19 Justin/Completed
Love Ghost - SB19 Sejun/Completed
Animal Abuse - SB19 Ken/Completed
Taming the Ferocious Alpha - SB19 Josh/Completed

Other Stories:
Wings Against Winds - TTF subplot/Completed

See you on my next stories.

'Beauty is around, but a good heart is hard to find.'

Maraming salamat.

- Nath(Nahhhlia)

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