Chapter 24

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So. Hey guys. Just wanted to know if there's something you would like to read. Or if you're happy with the story so far, let me know. Thanks and have fun. 

31. July 2016

Joanna looked up only to wish Kiwi a good night before the woman left as well. They've worked through some stuff they would do for the fans before Joanna decided that she wouldn't call it a night just yet. Lately, she wasn't sleeping all that well, only when Max was beside her, which wouldn't happen tonight. Daniel got a podium, so the Red Bull team would go out to celebrate and despite her feeling for the Dutchman, she wouldn't play babysitter for a drunk 18-year-old. That was on Christian and the team. 

With the prospect of not getting any sleep tonight anyway, Joanna decided to go through the race data without Matteo. They weren't on the best terms right now, so Joanna did the only thing which came to her mind, she avoided him whenever she could, despite it being childish. 

Been the last one in the Ferrari facility in the middle of the night was strange, but for once Joanna didn't feel so watched.  Since the rumors started that she would leave Ferrari next year the media wasn't giving her enough room to breathe. Every second question was about seats and contracts while every fifth was about retirement and motherhood, so no. Joanna couldn't be arsed to talk to the press right now if she was able to avoid that too. So, the younger Ferrari driver was the first one to arrive and the last to leave, but by now, it was taken its toll on Joanna. Her concentration was all over the place and she was irritated by the littlest of things. 

Flipping through some data, Joanna tried to decipher the careless notes scribbled on the sides next to the numbers. Close to simply lose all her patience, the Ferrari driver wondered if the notes were even English. Exhaling slowly at the realization that Matteo's notes were in Italien, Joanna groaned in annoyance once more, before leaning back in her seat and crossing her arms over her chest. Somehow everything was getting out of hand at the moment.

She was tempted to think about Daniel again, but in the end, it was not purposeful and Joanna knew that. But the fear that Daniel might now also be after Lewis just to hurt her haunted the Ferrari driver almost constantly. The possibility of asking for help crossed her mind a few times, but in the end, she did not know who was worth her trust any longer. Loyalty was rare these days and easier to be swayed than the Austrian liked.

Tried letting her hand wander over her face, Joanna wasn't sure what to do next. Ferrari or Mercedes. Gambling or not. Watching or acting. The Austrian always knew what to do, with which team to sign, what move to make, but right now she didn't and that fucking terrified her. 

"Were you always such a workaholic?" A man with a very familiar accent asked her, which caused Joanna to look up, meeting  Mark's gaze. The Aussie had commentated the race today, but Joanna didn't know that he was still on the track and not already on the way home. 

"Were you always such a creep? It's the middle of the night." The Austrian counter questioned, which caused Mark to snort at her comment, before taking a seat opposite her. 

"Maybe I'm spying for Red Bull?" Mark offered with a smile which caused Joanna to snort. 

"You? I don't think so." The Austrian said, which caused Mark to shrug. Where she was right.

Mark watched her as Joanna gathered the papers in front of her together, only to organize them in a neat stack. She shoved half of them into her backpack,  before leaning back in her seat and groaned in frustration. 

Hidden behind all the data was the contract Toto had given her to read through. As a foretaste, so to speak, of what her contract with Mercedes could look like. Joanna had been sitting at this table since she had finished the little promo clips with Sebastian, trying to decided what to do with herself in the future, after a few hours of starring at the contract, Joanna started to work through race data, that was easier, it felt safer, by now it was close to midnight. 

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