SEQUEL - Chapter 09

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So, here we go again. Another chapter with finally a little bit more action. I hope you enjoy reading it. I just wanted to say that I seem to have a few problems with answering in the comment section. I do see your lovely comments, but sometimes when I click onto them to answer Wattpad just shows me nothing. I just wanted to point it out so nobody feels like I don't appreciate you guys enough. I will answer if Wattpad lets me ;) Oh and about the chapter, you might hate me afterwards, so yeah. Cheers 


"Don't you want to drink something?" Jenson had muttered into Joanna's ears from where he sat beside her, while Kelly used the opportunity to talk about some dress she had bought, all her friends listening closely, while Jenson had troubles stopping himself from rolling his eyes.

If she wanted to impress him, she could have stopped speaking a while ago. For him the Brazilian was just one giant red flag walking on two feet but that might be due to him being on Joanna's side. Always and forever. To be honest Joanna wasn't much better then the Brazilian, but she was a bit better in Jenson opinion, but his opinion didn't matter. He had noticed that after he had made a joke at the Brazilians expense, and no one laughed. Normally everybody laughed at his jokes. He was charming and funny after all.

He wondered how Max endured it. The Dutchman leaned against the railing right next to where Joanna sat, they talked to each other, but Max was so very different from when he was still in a relationship with the Austrian.

Nevertheless, Joanna sat there dutifully, Jenson couldn't think of another word to describe her right now. Not speaking much at all or drinking which the Brit couldn't understand. He knew that Max and Joanna weren't listening to what Kelly told her girls other than Jenson, who couldn't stop listening in disbelieve.

Joanna could have told thousand stories which would have been better, Jenson was sure of that. He had heard a lot of them and was part of others. Joanna Lauda had seen the world, lived and amazing life and she was so young on top of it. He remembered all these amazing stories and one or two more drinks, and he would start telling them. Not wasting one more moment to come to Joanna's aid and defend. Showing these snobs that Joanna was great as well. God, he needed to get away or stop drinking before he would snap and embarrass Joanna.

"No, thank you. I'm fine." Joanna said, which pulled Jenson from his thoughts, as she rested her hand over his for a moment an apologising look on her face which caused Jenson to nod before turning back around to Max and their conversation, maybe he should have listened to what was said there, Seb surely wanted a report as soon as he would find them again.

That's why Joanna was better, she didn't need to brag about who she was, they all knew. The moment she entered a room, all eyes were on her, that why Max found her right away, that's why Kelly felt the need to talk so much about herself and all the beautiful things she had. They were all painfully aware of the Austrian's presence.

"Alright, darling. You know I love you, but I need to go and look for Seb now." Jenson said patting her hand once which caused her to give him an amused look. Of course, the little shit knew how hard Jenson had to bite his tongue not to say something. Raising from his seat, Kelly had the kindness to stop her story. Joanna raised as well and by God, Jenson whished she would just come with him and stop whatever self-inflicted punishment this was.

"Let me give you the advice that he might not be at the bottom of a bottle of vodka." The Austrian said before kissing his cheek while the Brit gave her an amused look.

"Well, we never know. I might need to start there, nevertheless." Laughing softly, Jenson gently nagged the knuckles of his finger against her chin.

"Call me before you leave. I don't want you to go home alone at night." The Brit said, before turning towards the people sitting around. He gestured around extravagantly, while Joanna tried to hide her smile.

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