Kittens (No Spoilers)

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 This story contains no spoilers, but does reference past one-shots.


Danna walked through her garden, making sure the milkweed was healthy enough for the monarch butterflies to lay their eggs on.

As she walked past the milkweed and onto her dahlias, she heard a loud, high-pitched cry.

Danna was confused, and also a little annoyed. The sounds could be scaring off the other wildlife in her garden.

She swore that if Alfred the chipmunk ran away, she would sue someone.

Alfred was a chipmunk who lived in her garden. She saw him so much that she named him, and now, she was working on getting him to eat out of her hand.

Danna searched through her garden, trying to find the origin of the sound.

Finally, she saw kittens huddling next to each other by her favorite oak tree.

"Kittens? Where is your mother?" She asked.

She looked around for the mother and couldn't find her.

She laid out water and blankets for the cats, and went inside, as it was getting dark.

The next morning, she awoke and did her daily routine of watering her plants.

Once she reached the oak tree, she saw the kittens lying on the blanket, dogpiling each other for warmth. She looked around for paw prints, any indication that the mother had come back.

She saw none. The seasons would be changing soon. Already, the leaves were browning and she had been bringing her potted plants inside.

One of the kittens, an orange and white one, looked at her.

She could almost feel her heart melt. She was a lesbian, after all, and cats are her one weakness. She forgot about her watering and gathered the cats together, bring them inside. They tried to resist, but there were four and they were tiny, so it wasn't hard rounding them up.

Danna set up blankets on the floor and filled a bowl with water, but she figured they wouldn't drink any because they needed milk.

So Danna headed to the grocery store.

At the store, she spotted an old friend, Tara.

"Hi, Tara," Danna said.

"Oh, hi, Danna! How the hell are ya?!" She asked.

"Um, great. Listen, I found a litter of kittens..."

Tara just so happened to be an animal breeder when she wasn't kicking butt in court.

"No mother?" Tara asked. Danna shook her head.

"Ok. This is the brand of milk replacement I get. I tested several out and the cats seem to take better to this one." Tara said.

"Would you be interested in adopting a kitten once they get older?" Danna asked.

"I wish I could, but Jesse says we have too many pets, and I'm beginning to agree, which is why I'm taking a break from breeding. But I know that Kennedy and Oliver are looking for a cat. Try asking them," Tara said.

"Ok. I'll do that. Thanks, Tara," Danna said.

After she did some shopping for the kittens at the store, she left to get the remaining supplies from an actual pet store. As she left the pet store, spending over a hundred dollars, she wondered what did I get myself into?

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