Just Ask Her Already! (Nodrian, Spoilers)

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This is a request I got on fanfiction.net from AliasUnknown.

Things are slowly returning to normal, or as normal as it will ever be. But Adrian realizes that with all the commotion he's barely had any time for Nova. Even with everything that's happening he finds time to ask her on a date after being prompted by Max to "Stop stalling and just ask her already!"

Thanks for the idea!


"I guess it's weird, Max. Like, I've kissed Nova, but we haven't even been on a real date yet."

"Wait... What?!" Max exclaimed. "You haven't been on a real date? Adrian, she lives in our house! How hard is it to ask her on a date?"

"I guess I'm giving her time. The battle has been hard for her."

"Ok, true, but it was nine months ago. I'm sure she's healed a little bit by now. At least enough to be able to handle a date."

"I don't know, Max. What if she says no?"

"Then she says no. It probably doesn't mean she doesn't love you, she's just not ready." Max said.

Adrian closed his sketch book. "I don't want to push her or anything..."

"Adrian, Nova is a strong person. She knows her limits. If she thinks she needs time for a little more healing, she will tell you. At this point, you're making up excuses. It's not that deep." Max said.

Adrian stared at his brother. He was out of his quarantine, ever since the Last Battle. He seemed to enjoy being able to be a kid again. Bur Adrian still knew that the time he spent in Quarantine made him wise beyond his years. If he had to ask anybody for advice, it would be Max.

"Do you..."

"Stop stalling and just ask her already!" Max exclaimed.


Nova has been staying in Adrian's house with his dads and Max, after all the anarchists died and she switched sides to be a true renegade. She still felt bad, that even after all the terrible things she did, everyone forgave her like it was nothing.

She still felt bad, but her and Adrian's budding relationship was making her happy.

Well, if you could call it budding. They had kissed before. And he brought her to the dance. But it wasn't really a date, because she wasn't there for long, and she left to do her part of the plan.

Since then, as the city was healing, Adrian and her hadn't had much time together. They saw each other in passing, and they ate dinner together with Simon, Hugh, and Max. Sometimes, if she felt lonely, she snuck into Adrian's bed and slept beside him, because even though she didn't need sleep, sleeping beside him was so... so easy. Other than those instances, they just didn't interact much. Nova was starting to wonder if he was even still interested.

Nova sat in her room. One of the only rooms in the house where someone wasn't murdered. She was fiddling with on her inventions. It was mostly to keep her mind from wandering.

The house was quiet. It was nighttime. She was fully aware that Simon, Hugh, and Max were asleep in their rooms.

She wondered what Adrian was doing.

And she decided that maybe she should get some sleep. She didn't need it, but she always felt a little more refreshed after she got some shut eye.

So, quietly, she crept down the stairs and was on the first level of the mansion. She walked through the halls and got to the staircase leading to the basement.

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