The Trials Series: Danna's Trials (No Spoilers)

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*Takes place shortly after Adrian's Leader Trial*


"You're so lucky, Danna," A woman said, coming into the room.

"Oh, hey, Kennedy." Danna said. Kennedy had been Danna's neighbor and friend since they were little. They were only a year apart in age.

"I would give anything to be a renegade," The girl said. "Instead I get an ordinary life."

"You could always start a club. Like, a fan club or something." Danna said.

"Hey, that's not a bad idea. It sounds like a lot of work, though."

"Yeah, but I bet you'd be able to get up close and personal to a lot of team members."

"Danna, I once snuck into a leader trial using the ID of Molly Weasley. I can get close to them on my own."

"Ok, but this way it wouldn't be illegal." Danna replied.

"Adrian almost caught me when I was comforting that jerk Oliver. Adrian was really nice, though."

"I'll get you an autograph from Adrian. Even if I'm not on his team, I'm sure I'd see him."

"Really?!" The girl asked.

"Of course." Danna turned around to face her friend. "You're one of my closest friends."

She gave Kennedy a once-over.

"Did you really order t-shirts for this?"

Kennedy nodded. Her shirt had a swarm of monarch butterflies on it and it said Monarch in black bubble letters.

"On the back it says 'Go, Danna!'. Plus, I have a monarch hairclip in my bun!" Kennedy turned around and sure enough, a plastic monarch was sitting on her bun.

Danna laughed.

"You even have Monarch earrings!" She exclaimed.

"I had to let everyone know who I'm supporting." Kennedy stated. She looked at her watch. "Well, I better join Tara and Ezekiel. They saved me a seat." Kennedy said. The two friends hugged and Kennedy left.

It was the day that Danna was trying out to be a renegade. Her dad and her friends always said she was strong and powerful enough to be a team leader, but she didn't want all that responsibility. She would rather just be a part of the team.

Danna was sixteen years old. She was the same age as most of the team leaders. They had older team leaders, of course, but this trial was for teenagers specifically. Ages 16-19.

Danna was nervous, but also excited. She loved her powers, and she thought they'd be useful in combat.

She stood in a line.

She saw a couple of people in front of her, but she was close to the front, since they were doing it alphabetically.

A lot of the people trying out muttered the names "Sketch" or "Frostbite". Sketch and Frostbite were new, but already were two of the most talked about team leaders.

Danna was sure it was because Adrian, or Sketch, was hunky, or at least, that's what Kennedy's Renegade fan magazine said, and the son of Simon and Hugh, two Renegades Council members. Genissa made headlines simply because she was powerful. Danna got bad vibes from her and hoped a different team leader would pick her.

Danna looked down the line and saw so many excited renegades. She wondered how many would be accepted, and furthermore, how many would be members of her new team.

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