The Trials Series: Ruby and Oscar (No spoilers, Slight Osby)

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Ruby's Trials

*Prior to this, Ruby and Oscar never met*

As she stood in line, she found that this was going to be a long wait.

She had pumped herself up that morning. Her mom made her a protein shake and her brothers had helped her practice, wanting an excuse to wrestle with their big sister.

Ruby wasn't worried. She had gone to enough trials to know what the leaders were looking for and she was confident that her power could prove useful. The most annoying part for her wasn't nervousness. It was the line. So many people were trying out. How many prodigies were there, really? And Ruby happened to be pretty far back in line.

She stood behind a man who said he was Oscar Silva. She thought he was kind of cute.

They made small talk while waiting in line. He liked her hair, but to be fair, most people do.

Her last name was Tucker. If the line wasn't alphabetical, they might not have met.

"When I was young, six years old, some gang members broke into my family's apartment. I had known from months ago that my grandma had hidden some rubies there, so I went to the hiding place and tried to hide them. The gang member saw me and so I wasn't thinking and I swallowed them. Ever since then, my blood turns into gemstones, and this wound from the attacker never closes up."

"I almost died in a fire as a kid. Thus the smoke power." He looked at her sheepishly. "It's not as cool as yours."

"What? No, that's awesome!" Ruby said, and she meant it.

They were able to see the trials from a monitor in the hallway.

The cameras would zoom into the leaders' faces. Danna Bell and Oliver Leblanc were sitting beside a team leader, Adrian. His alias was Sketch.

"Whose team do you want to get on?" Oscar asked. "I kind of like Sketch, so I'm hoping that he'll accept me."

Sketch's team had been established for almost a year by now. Adrian was turning eighteen soon, and Ruby was pretty sure his team members were seventeen, too. He was well-respected in the Renegades world, but to be fair, his dads were two of the highest-ranking council members. Adrian seemed like a pretty cool and easygoing guy, but Ruby never found herself wanting to be on his team.

"I've always admired Luna. Or maybe Scorpion's team." Ruby said.

Scorpion was an interesting leader. He had a scorpion's tail that could paralyze anyone who got close. As a child, he was rejected by his parents for having a scorpion tail, and so he grew up on the streets. Still, he never joined a gang and then decided to join the renegades.

To be perfectly honest, Ruby had a small celebrity crush on him.

"I feel like Scorpion is fun. He always seemed like a cool guy." Oscar said.

Talking to Oscar made the line seem shorter, and she enjoyed his company.

Soon, it was Oscar's turn, and Ruby found herself hoping that she would end up on Oscar's team.


Ruby entered the arena and saw Oscar sitting with Adrian, also known as Sketch. He waved to her and she smiled.

"Your name?" A voice boomed.

The Renegades council were sitting on thrones fit for royalty. Thunderbird, with her elegant wings, looked like a real-life queen.

"Ruby Tucker," Ruby announced. "My alias is Red Assassin."

An "ohhhh" from the crowds.

"Impressive," The voice said. "What is your power?"

Renegades One Shots (Nodrian, Osby, and Random)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora