Soundwave's Plan (Part 1, No Spoilers)

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This is a sort of continuation of the last one-shot

*I edited the name of Soundwave because I just now realized I was using the feminine spelling of the name Jesse*


Maple had been friends with Soundwave for years, now, even before the Renegades.

And yet, it had been awhile since he has seen Soundwave so angry.

It was about an hour after the trials ended, and Soundwave and Maple were hanging out in Maple's room.

"Why are you so mad?" Maple asked, sitting on his swivel chair as Soundwave seethed on his bed.

"Because. Nova. I wanted her on our team." Soundwave replied.

"Well, she picked Sketch."

"Yeah, I was there, Oliver," Jesse said. Oliver was Maple's real name, and when the two boys were hanging out together, they used their civilian names.

Oliver huffed. He hated when Jesse did that.

"I know I'm not the smartest, but don't snap at me like that." He said.

Jesse's face softened. "I'm sorry, Ollie. I just... I thought Nova was awesome. And so pretty. I thought that maybe I'd actually have a chance with her. As you know, my experience with girls isn't great."

Jesse's mom was a doting parent and if Jessie so much as smiled at a girl, Jessie's mom took it to the extreme and tried to pair them together, always scaring the girl away. "I thought if she were a renegade, it would be different. No way a renegade would be scared of my mom, right?"

Maple shrugged. Lightsaber, or Maria, and Magnitude, or Alice, didn't seem scared of Jesse's mom, but that might just be because they're also friends with Jesse and had known him forever just like Oliver did.

"You're so lucky. Your mom is so chill," Jesse sighed.

"It doesn't matter much. I've only ever really liked two girls. One in second grade and one now."

"Really? Who?" Jesse asked.

Oliver widened his eyes.

He hasn't told anyone about his new crush.

"You wouldn't know her," Oliver replied, through he was 99% sure he's seen her around. Every renegade has.

"It is Lightsaber?"

"Ew, no! She's like a sister to me." Oliver said. "Back to you. Why don't you try to date another renegade? Danna's pretty."

"And I'm pretty sure Danna likes girls. She hasn't come out, but it wouldn't surprise me. And besides, no other renegade looks like Nova. She's so cute but also ruthless.

Oliver shrugged. "I wish I knew what to say, man."

"We're gonna get Everhart back." Jesse stated.

"What?" Oliver asked, shocked and sure he heard Jessie wrong.

"Yeah. He got Nova. We deserve something." Jessie added.

"Dude, no. First of all, your mom loves Adrian and would kill you, and second of all, my crush would be very disappointed in me." Oliver said.

"If not you, I'll get Maria or Alice."

"Maria and Alice would never. Cause they're not impulsive."

"Everyone knows you're impulsive, Oliver. They'd expect these behaviors from you, so why not? I'm sure your girlfriend would get over it..."

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