Awkward Stumble (Nodrian)

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Warning: The following has mentions of the menstrual cycle.

Growing up with a dead mother was hard.

Growing up with Honey acting as a surrogate was even harder.

Do you know who taught her about periods?

Honey did.

Girls are taught that periods are not supposed to be spoken about.

So Honey didn't say much. She just taught her what a pad was, what a panty liner was, and what a tampon was.

Nothing more.

Nova basically had to experience it to learn it.

And Nova did not know that periods can be tracked. She didn't realize that hers came at approximately the same time every month, so she was never prepared. She kept feminine hygiene products in her bag, but she never wore any when it was that time.

Big mistake.

She and Adrian were sparring. Nova felt proud that Adrian was getting better with her help. He really was a great student.

She wondered if this was how his privately hired art teacher felt when she taught him how to draw better and saw his improvement.

Two things happened at once.

Nova felt a cramp, while Adrian slipped on one of Ruby's discarded jewel weapons.

"Please no," Nova whispered to herself.

She remembered seeing Adrian sliding but slipped out before she saw more.

She ran to the bathroom and into a stall.


Being a girl sucks. She sighed and went to grab her bag.

But if she grabbed her bag, someone would notice and they might ask why.

So many thoughts were flooding her mind at once and she almost forgot she was already walking towards the training room.

She stepped into the room and whispered "Oh, I'm already here...". She quickly crossed her legs so they wouldn't see the small stain on her shorts.

"Um, Nova?" Oscar asked, staring at Adrian.

"I'm fine," She said, before they could start questioning her. She decided to turn attention to Adrian.

His lip was busted and his nose was bleeding. He obviously needed more attention to her, because her bleeding was normal.

"Sweet rot, Adrian, what happened?"

At this, Adrian stood up straighter, blood still oozing from his nose.

"Um, I fell in a totally manly way," He said.

Nova and Ruby both rolled their eyes.

"He slipped and slammed in the wall," Ruby said.

"I saw the slip but wow. You busted your lip and your nose is bleeding a shocking amount," Nova mentioned.

"Right, does anyone have a tissue?" Adrian asked,

Nobody moved.

Nobody in this room had a damn tissue?

Nova blushed, not believing what she was about to do.

"I have something that might work."

Legs still crossed, she awkwardly stumbled to her practice bag.

"When you don't have tissues you have to be resourceful," She said, sticking the tampon up his nose.

Her face was beet red at this point. She looked anywhere but at Adrian.

Ruby was cracking up.

"Um, I just remembered that my uncle Peter is, um, doing some spring cleaning and wants me to help. I have to go!" Nova exclaimed, and ran out, legs still crossed.

"Poor Nova," Ruby said.

"Why?" Oscar asked

She just gave him a sideways glance.

So here it is. Sorry it took so long. But again, I want to make periods less taboo, so it is freely mentioned in this one-shot. We should not be ashamed to be women. And if any boys or men are reading this, support us! Don't walk away or interrupt us when we vent about our one week of hell. Comfort us. Listen. Support us! This is how it happens! This is how periods stop being a taboo subject.

Renegades One Shots (Nodrian, Osby, and Random)Where stories live. Discover now