I Have Closure (No Spoilers)

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My favorite tiktokker acknowledged my comments four different times today in a live stream and it wiped my depression away.

So I decided to use this good mood to be productive.

This is the final Danna/Nova part.

This is probably the last Danna/Nova one I will do. My Danna/Nova one shots rarely get votes and comments and I am getting the message that you guys don't like them as much, and of course, I want to write content you like. I promise it's not because I want more votes and comments. I'm not greedy, however low votes and low comments tell me that it's not content you want to see or it's not content you like.


"Danna," Nova said.

"Hey, Nova," Danna said. "Are you busy?"

"No, not at all. Come in," Nova said.

"I need to talk to you," Both girls said at the same time.

"Go ahead," Nova said.

Danna sighed.

"Nova, I know that you're still grieving. We all miss Adrian. We loved Adrian. And we love you. And we want to support you and see you happy again. I don't know if I can make you happy, but I'd like to try. I don't know if I can ever make you feel the way Adrian made you feel but... Please let me try?"

"Danna..." Nova said, confused. Is this Danna's long-winded way of asking her out?

"Nova," Danna said.

"I'm sorry, what are you trying to say?" Nova asked as Princess Sweetie appeared and sat in her owner's lap. Nova began absent-mindedly petting her.

"Oh, um, please go out with me," Danna said.

"Before I give you an answer," Nova started. "I want to say my piece."

"Go ahead," Danna said.

"I miss Adrien. I love Adrien, and I will never stop loving him. And nobody can replace him. I have baggage. And I know I have been isolating myself and it's not healthy, but it's also hard to find motivation these days because my main source of motivation is dead. And part of me feels like dating anybody else would be a betratal to Adrian..."

Here it goes. The sting of rejection that Danna was sadly familiar with.

"But I think I'm ready to move on. I will date you. But you must accept that there will be somedays when it still hurts. I might be moody. I might be quiet. I might have mental breakdowns. Will you promise to help me through them?"

"Of course, Nova," Danna said.


*Fast Forward: Two Years Later*

Nova looked down at her dress.

She wasn't sure if wearing her first wedding dress would be an insult to her union with Adrian.

So, instead she used parts of her dress and sewed a brand-new dress for herself. Old and new. One-of-a-kind.

"Please hurry up. Princess Sweetie hates me," Ruby said, walking in and holding Nova's beloved cat, who was trying to scratch Ruby.

"I'm pregnant. An open wound filled with cat bacteria won't be good for me or the baby," Ruby added.

"Don't be ridiculous. Princess Sweetie is very clean, thank you very much," Nova said, taking her cat.

Ruby huffed and fixed up Nova's hair and did final touch-ups on her make-up.

Then, she pulled Nova outside.

The wedding venue was held outside, because of Danna's connection with nature.

Danna was wearing a tux. Her blond dreads were up in a bun. She stood at the end of the aisle.

Evie was waiting for Nova. Due to Nova's parents being dead and her inability to hold Leroy's hand due to acid, they decided that Evie would give Nova away.

It took several do-overs at the dress rehearsal to get her to stop walking towards shiny things but it paid off, because Evie walked her down the aisle without so much as a glance at the wedding-goer's jewelry.

The ceremony was beautiful. It was a little hard getting married again, especially because she kept remembering her first marriage and the feeling of the dull ache of Adrian not being in her life anymore.

But she loved Danna, so she tried her best to get over that.

It was a beautiful ceremony. Just as beautiful as the one she had with Adrian.


A few days after the wedding, Nova and Danna visited Adrian's grave.

Nova was sure he was long gone by now, but she still wanted to formally say good-bye to his spirit.

Danna knew all about the little talk Nova had with Adrian. Danna believe it was a result of dehydration but she didn't tell Nova and let Nova do whatever she needed to do.

Nova knelt down on the dirt.

"Adrian, thank you so much for your encouragement. I appreciate the love and support you gave me, both on life and death. But I'm ok now. I'm happy and I'm taking care of myself. I still love you, and I will always miss you. But I am also able to live without you now." Nova said. She wiped a few tears from her eyes. "You're still in my heart, but Danna has joined now. She's taking care of me. Go meet your mom. Go tell my parents that I said hi and that I love and miss them. And know that someday, we will meet again. I love you. And thank you for sending Danna my way. I really owe you."

She paused. Then, she stood up.

"I was right. He left already."

"Mmm hmm," Danna said, taking Nova's hand.

Just as Nova was about to turn around, a shimmering figure appeared.

"You think I'd leave without saying goodbye?"

Danna's mouth opened in shock and Nova smiled.

"I love you, too, Nova. I miss you and Danna and Ruby and Oscar but I'm glad to know you'll be ok without me. And congratulations at your wedding. I hope you don't mind that I went without RSVPing."

Nova chuckled.

"Anyway, I'll see you guys later. Hopefully way later. Tell Ruby and Oscar that I love them. And I'll tell your parents what you told me, Nova."

"Thank your mom for having you, too. We didn't get a lot of time together, but I loved every minute of it, even when I was still getting brainwashed by Ace."

"Got it," Adrian said, grinning. "Bye."

He waved, and, in a flash, he was gone.

"I have closure."


I know it was short and quick but honestly, I didn't know what to do after Danna finally confessed her feelings to Nova, so I decided to do a fast forward.

This concludes my Danna/Nova series. I hope you liked.

I am aiming to do Osby next. I don't know what it will be about but after Nova centered chapters, I'm sure Ruby and Oscar feel left out.

I will also do a Nova/Adrian wedding at some point, don't you worry about that.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy!

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