You Meant OUR CHILD?!(Nodrian)

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Inspiration for this one-shot is the picture ^^^

I didn't put whether or not this one has spoilers because technically, it doesn't, but to understand this one, you should read Delivery and that one does have spoilers.


At first, Nova thought she was adjusting to motherhood well.

But after the midnight feeding, Nova was tired.

She might have misplaced Tala.

But Nova, how do you misplace a baby?

If you haven't slept in a week and start hearing colors and tasting sounds, anything is possible.

Nova knew for sure that she put Georgia back, and when she went back into the nursery to check, Georgia was in her crib, fast asleep.

Nova sighed in relief and tucked her daughter's wispy hair behind her ear. Georgia's hair was coming in slowly, but she could already tell it would match Nova's, while Tala's hair was growing rapidly and it was already resembling Adrian's.

Nova turned, expecting to see Tala fast asleep in her crib.

But Tala wasn't there.

Nova's eyes widened in horror.

"Tala?" She gasped.

She looked under the crib.

No baby.

She looked on the rocking chair. No Tala.

"Oh no," She said.

At this point, her heart was beating rapidly.

At first, when Tala wasn't in her crib, Nova wasn't worried.

Maybe Nova had accidentally set her on the rocking chair, and she was asleep, or perhaps Nova had put her child on the ground.

Sure, she wouldn't be getting Mother of the Year, but at least her daughter was safe on the ground or the chair.

Nova knew her child had to be in the room. When she woke up to feed her at midnight, she didn't leave the room, and after she left, she always closed the door because Princess Sweetie was having jealousy issues.

But her baby was nowhere to be seen.

Where was Adrian? Was he at work?

Was Nova supposed to be at work?

Did the babysitter come and take Tala to the living room when she thought Nova was at work?

Nova checked her phone.

It was a Saturday. No work and Adrian should be home.


Adrian was in his room, rocking Tala slowly. She was the louder of the two, and he knew Nova had woke up in the middle of the night so he thought he would treat her to a cry-free morning.

He would up long before Nova and got Tala. He spent some time with her in the living room but as Nova was getting ready in the bathroom, he went to their shared room.

He heard Nova shuffling around the nursery.

Then he heard the nursery door open and close.

He bet Nova was so happy that for once, she didn't wake up to Tala's cries.


Nova walked into the living room, hoping that she would see Adrian with their infant daughter.

Renegades One Shots (Nodrian, Osby, and Random)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя