Unpopular Opinion

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I know I said I wouldn't update again for a few weeks, but this isn't a one-shot.

I just feel like I have an unpopular opinion and I wanted some feedback.

Ok, here goes.

Please don't kill me or stop reading my story because you disagree.

I like the Renegades trilogy more than The Lunar Chronicles.

Secondly, I was not really a fan of Heartless.

Don't get me wrong. I loved The Lunar Chronicles and it's actually what made me a Marissa Meyer fan.

But I like superheroes more than the sci-fi thing she had going on in TLC. So, yes, I love TLC but I like the Renegades more.

 And Heartless, Idk, I never really got into it. I stopped reading mid-book because I just wasn'y really into it and I haven't finished reading it. I'm sure I will finish it someday, but right now, I'm just not really interested.

Again, please don't kill me.

And if you don't like me or my opinion, please don't take it out on this story. Even if you hate me, you can still love this series of one-shots. 

But anyone agree with me?

I'm sorry if you expected to see a one-shot and are now angry.

After looking through comments and things like that, it got me wondering.

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