Movie Night (Osby)

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First and foremost, thank you, @Irislight716, for sharing a prompt.

"Oscby bickering over something stupid"

Oscar and Ruby walked side-by-side into the movie rental store.

"We should have just streamed something, Oscar. It's not 2019 anymore."

"People did stream stuff in 2019, so there."

"You basically just proved my point."

"What point?"

"That renting movies is outdated," Ruby replied.

Oscar's eye widened and he patted one of the walls.

"It's ok, Movies Deluxe, she didn't mean it."

"Did you just comfort the building?"

"Your comment was rude and I could feel it's self-esteem going down," Oscar replied.

"You're a dork," Ruby said.

"I know. That's why you love me," Oscar replied.

"What kind of movie should we watch?" Ruby asked.

"A romantic comedy. Obviously."

"I hate rom-coms. Let's do action. Or horror. Or a psychological thriller!"

Oscar knew he had to stop this, because even though he was an actual superhero, horror films still scared the pants off him.

He would much rather cuddle on the couch watching a cute romantic comedy where nothing even remotely scary happens.

But he didn't want to seem like a coward in front of his almost girlfriend.

He asked er twice already, and both times she said no to being his girlfriend, but she would say yes tonight. He just knew it.

"But romantic comedies will allow us to cuddle," Oscar said.

"No, I want to watch that new Halloween one. Look, it's right here!"

All Oscar could see was an outline of a person with thick red blood covering the whole cover artwork.

"No, let's go with this one! It's new, too!"

"Oscar, I told you, I don't like romantic comedies. They're boring and predictable."

"Well, scary movies are predictable, too."

"Not all of them," Ruby reasoned. "But if you're so against scary movies, let's pick an action movie. Look, here's a classic! John Wick!"

His mom watched that movie once and he saw a lot of gore on his way to the kitchen when he was getting snacks during a Harry Potter marathon he was watching in his own room.

"I've seen that," He lied. "What about the Harry Potter movies? Those have action. And some romance. In the last movie, at least."

"Danna made me promise not to finish the series without her," Ruby replied. "We stopped at Prisoner of Azkaban."

"Oh," Oscar said.

"Ok, so maybe action movies aren't your jam. But there's thrillers," Ruby said.

'Ruby, please," Oscar pleaded.

"Please what?"
'Let's watch a romantic comedy!"

"No! Oscar, I don't want to watch a romantic comedy! They're stupid and pointless!"

"But Who Gets the Dog is so good! And it's about dogs!"

"I prefer cats," Ruby replied.

"What?" Oscar asked.

"Yeah. Cats are smarter," Ruby replied.

"Excuse me but collies and poodles are very smart," Oscar argued.

"Cats don't bark at their reflection."

"Because cats don't bark," Oscar pointed out.

"You know what I mean," Ruby snapped. "And don't think for a minute that I am going to give in because you're a man. I don't want rom-coms."

"Fine. Then I guess no movie for us," Oscar replied.

"Oh, really? Fine, then," Ruby said, walking out of the store.

After one moment, Oscar gasped in horror, realizing what he had done.

She'll never agree to be in a relationship with him after this!

He grabbed the movie she wanted to see, threw some money on the counter, and bolted out of the door, promising to bring it back tomorrow.

They let him because he was a loyal customer.

He would be back.

He always comes back.

And that stood true for Ruby, too.

"Ruby!" He screamed.

She was halfway across the parking lot.

"Oscar, if this is about dogs..."

"No! Ruby, I think I love you. Let's not have a movie ruin things. Look," He said, holding up the movie.

"You... You'll agree to watch it?"

"Of course! I'll do anything for you," He said.

Ruby looked at him for a few seconds.

Then, she saw a monarch butterfly land on his shoulder.

And then another.

And another.

"Danna seems to think I should forgive you," Ruby said.

He smiled at her.

"I only wanted to watch a scary movie so you'd cuddle up with me," Ruby said. "I'm not stupid and I know scary movies still scare you, regardless of you being a superhero."

"I wanted to watch rom-coms because we can still cuddle and not be scared," Oscar replied.

"How about this?" Ruby asked. "We watch a scary movie, and we stream a romantic comedy after it's over?"

"Perfect," Oscar said.

Ruby smiled and they began to walk to Oscar's house.

While they walked, they saw Adrian and Nova.

"No, no, but dogs are so hyper," Adrian said.

"But cats are so low-maintenance," Nova argued.

"That's discussion isn't closed for us, you know," Oscar said. "I will make you like dogs."

"In your dreams, Romeo."


As the main character in the scary movie walked around, looking for his next kill, Oscar was squeezed up against Ruby, clutching her hand. She was completely engrossed.

As murder and screams graced the TV, Oscar locked eyes with Ruby.

"I know this isn't really a fitting mood, but will you be my girlfriend?"

Ruby laughed, like really laughed.

"Of course I will, you dork."

She finally said yes.


I'm so proud of this one. It's so cute.

Anyway, thank you to all who have voted and continue to vote for this story.

And thank you, again, @Irislight716, for voting and commenting. Your comments made me laugh! :)

But please, continue to suggest prompts. This one was very fun to write, especially because I was given an idea and knew what someone wanted.

And I hope you like it.

Thanks for reading!

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