Cramps and Ice Cream (Somewhat Osby, hints of Nodrian, No spoilers)

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*This one shot mentions the menstrual cycle*

So I got a request to do this one shot from @hannabearOwO, and it really made me think.

"i'm not sure if you take story recommendations here but i was wondering if you could do a one shot we're ruby gets her period? i'm not sure how it'll go but i feel like i would be a kinda funny idea like the one you wrote for nova. and i also wanted to say that you are a great writer and i appreciate you giving me a shoutout 😊"

I wondered, with Ruby's power, would her period blood turn to gemstones? That is a terrifying thought.

Short version: Period blood isn't just blood. Ruby's blood crystallizes outside her body. The other stuff in the blood would stop her blood from crystallizing, so I don't think Ruby's period blood turns into gemstones.

This did not turn out how I wanted but I wanted to publish it to give you guys something. Two parts, Part two will come out shortly.

So, I tried the best I could. I hope you enjoy!


When Ruby first got her period, she was twelve. She was in the park, playing with her best friend, Danna. Though Danna was a little older than her, they still hung out together all the time.

Danna was picking flowers so she could teach Ruby how to make flower crowns.

Ruby was sitting down, petting Danna's dog.

"Ruby, what's on your shorts?" A boy from Ruby's class asked.

"Oh no!" Another girl exclaimed. "Ruby, did you get a cut down there?"

"What?" Ruby asked.

Danna dropped the flowers.

"Oh no. I know exactly what this is! Mrs. Tucker!"

After they got home, Mrs. Tucker carefully explained to Ruby what was happening. In all honestly, with Ruby's power, Mrs. Tucker wasn't sure Ruby would get her period, and just figured she'd cross this bridge when she came to it instead of explaining it ahead of time like most mothers do for their daughters.

The first period is never bad. It's always gentle and not particularly troublesome.

But after that, Ruby found that she was one of the unlucky girls who got terrible cramps, emotional ups and downs, and a period that lasted at least five days, but usually six. Never any less.

Usually she could hide it pretty well. She made up excuses of why she wasn't feeling well or why she was so moody or why she couldn't go to wherever she was invited. But she can never explain away her occasional grunts and groans as the cramps terrorized her.


"Hey, Oscar? Yeah, I can't make it. I, uh, got food poisoning."

"Food poisoning?" Oscar asked on the other end of the phone.

Ruby tried not to scream as another cramp tore through her abdomen.

"Yeah. It's bad." Ruby replied, holding in a groan as she popped two pain medications.

"Oh. It's ok. I can just go to your house." Oscar said. "My mom's off today so I can use the car."

"No!" Ruby exclaimed.

"What? Why?" Oscar asked.

"Oh, um, this week in gym, Jade's class is doing their dancing unit, and they're practicing line dancing. My grandma has been teaching him the Macarena and the Chicken dance," Ruby lied. That actually did happen, but it was a couple weeks ago.

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