Ask Her Out, You Useless Lesbian

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My bisexuality took a hard gay turn.

That is my explanation for this sapphic trash.

@Krazykitty5536, this is another Danna/Nova

This takes place after "I Always Have!"


It had been a few weeks since Danna and Nova last interacted.

In fact, the last time they had talked outside of work was when Danna confessed her love to Nova.

It's not that either of them didn't feel anything, they were just useless sapphics who didn't know how to talk to one another.

Danna was getting increasingly annoyed at herself for being such a coward.


"So, Danna, when are you going to marry a nice man?" Danna's grandmother asked one day. It was a Sunday night, and every Sunday night, Danna, her father, and her grandmother had dinner.

"Oh, you know, whenever," Danna said, laughing nervously.

"You know what I think, Danna?" Danna's dad asked.


"Men are trash. Aren't we, mom?" Danna's dad said, turning to his mother.

"Well, your grandfather was pretty good. But yeah."

(I don't think all men are trash, so men reading this, don't come at me. You must admit that some men really suck.)

Danna's father winked at her. He's been trying to get her to come out to her grandmother for months now.

He really does deserve an award for World's Most Supportive Dad.

"Haha," Danna said nervously.

"I hope you enjoy the chili, mom. Danna and I made it together," Danna's dad said. (I imagine Danna's dad as one of the overly nice, playful cartoon dads who makes bad puns and laughs at his own jokes).

It was the start of Fall, so it was tradition to make chili. That's how Danna's family always did it, even when her mom was still there.

Nobody asked about Danna's mom, and if they did, Danna said she died, but in reality, she left. But Danna didn't like talking about it.

The only people who knew the truth were the former Renegades Fan Club, and only because nothing gets past that group of people.

"Come on, Danna," Danna's grandmother said, dipping a piece of bread in her chili. "There must be someone you like. I know some men are awful, but not all of them are."

"Not really," Danna said, looking down at her lap.

Danna's grandmother knew Danna better than that and knew her granddaughter was lying, but she didn't pry.

"How is that widowed friend of yours?" Danna's grandmother inquired, changing the subject.

"Nova? Nova's better than a couple of weeks ago."

"All thanks to Danna. She went to Nova and made sure Nova was taking care of herself." Danna's dad explained.

Danna tried to hide a smile.

"Ah, you like her," Danna's grandmother said, taking a bite of her chili.

"W-What?!" Danna asked.

"I'm your grandma, Danna. Of course I know you're gay. I was trying to coax it out of you. I know that smile you get when you talk about Nova. You can't hide anything from your granny."

"I told you she probably already knew," Danna's dad said.

"Honey, your sexuality doesn't matter to me. I'm your grandma and I love you regardless of whatever you do or who you love. Nothing will ever change the way I think of you," Danna's grandmother said.

"Thanks, grandma," Danna said.

"Also, ask Nova out, you useless lesbian," Danna's grandmother joked.

Danna, her dad, and her grandmother all laughed.


There will be a part two.

I might also only date women from now on because I'm so fed up with some men's shit.

Also, sapphic means relating to lesbianism or lesbian. So, you learned a new word today. Yay!

Also my writer's block is gone. Also yay.

My updates will still be infrequent though, In fact, I should be studying right now.

Part 2 will be out... someday.

Until then, keep reading!

P.S. I will do shout outs next chapter. I'm way too lazy to look through my notifications right now.

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