Chapter 69 ♥

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Chapter 69

March 30th 2014


The wedding is about a month away and as of right now, I am sitting in this chair waiting for my dress fitting.

For the wedding, I wanted something very simple because I mean this is my third wedding. How many times are you going to be happy about planning a wedding?

I know the first one did not count but for my wedding with Justin was exactly the way, I wanted.

So making all these wedding plans is quiet boring for me than other brides to be.

I wanted a small church wedding with only friends and family since Niall and I decided not to let anyone else know about our marriage.

I chose a church wedding because Niall is catholic but that does not mean I am changing my religion. However decided that he wanted to do a Hindu wedding because he knew it was important to me.

I had told him that I wanted to marry someone in the tradition of my family and I guess he remembered.

We kept arguing on the type of wedding so now we are having two ceremonies. The first one will be a Hindu one then a Christian one two days after.

During my planning of this ‘double’ wedding, Niall and the band returned to London.

They went back around two weeks after News Years.

They had some interviews and publicity things they need to do.

Do you want to know the date of our wedding?

You do not have to answer because I am going to tell you anyways, but first I will tell you how we…no I mean Niall picked the date.

He just took a calendar and placed it on the table in front of him. He closed his eyes and pointed on a spot on the calendar.

The date he chose was April 28th.

Does that date ring a bell?

Yes, it is the day of Varuna’s birthday but also the day Niall and I got married almost 4 years ago.

When he picked the date, a smirk came up on his face. I wanted to slap it of his face but I did not.

After the whole News Years thing, I was happy, as things were not awkward.

We did do anything else. We did not even kiss.

I know you are probably wondering whether I have feelings for Niall but the answer for that would be… NO.

I do not have romantic feelings for the dude but I tend to miss his company occasionally.

The month he stayed with me made me grow attached to his company.

For our church wedding, Varuna would be my Maid of Honour, while Harry would be Niall’s Best Man.

I decided to have only one bridesmaid, which was Kajol because after everything, she was there for me at the beginning. At first, she was disappointed that she was not the Maid of Honour but Varuna was there in the time when I needed someone the most.

The grooms mate was going to be Zayn for Niall. I do not know why he chose Harry and Zayn but I guess he had his reasons.

I wrote to Mason about the wedding and he replied saying that he would try his best to be there. He was currently in battle. He was fighting with all his effort to finish his time so he could return to Jessica and not make her to be like me.

A/N    This was just a filler and thanks for reading my story.

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