Chapter 35 ♥

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I was dancing with Mary and asking her to take me back but Harry cut in. Why could he just leave us the hell alone but I was polite enough to let him dance with her but only until this song ended. Our song had finished.

I walked away and then when I heard our song came to an ended I decided to walk back to them hoping I could talk to Mary. When I got there, I saw Mary leaning in to him. It looked like she was going to kiss him.

Jealousy overcame me and I screamed “What the hell!” then I just walked up to them and spun Harry around and punched him in the jaw.

Harry fell to the ground holding his cheek. Mary immediately pushed me out of her way and fell to Harry’s side.

“Why did you do that!” she screamed at me just as the music stopped and all eyes were on us.

“Because you were going to kiss Harry and I told him to back off. Why were you going to kiss him when you are with me,” I simply said completely forgetting that she dumped me.

“Firstly I was going to kiss his cheek, secondly I can kiss whoever the hell I want to because we broke up last week and thirdly you have no right to tell anyone to back off. If they want to ask me out, they can. It’s my fucking decision not yours.” She screamed at my face.

“Dude this is the second fucking time you punched me” Harry said and continued, “She just rejected me again for your information and I did wait until she was available. She told me that you guys broke up.”

“Well maybe I don’t want to be broken up.” I simply said

“Niall can talk about this later in private. We are creating a scene.” She said feeling embarrassed as everyone eyed her and whispering things about her and I being broken up.

“I don’t fucking care. I’m asking you here right now in front of everyone Mary would you give me another chance?” I asked I did not care I was looking fucking pathetic.

“I already told you your answer, but just let’s say that I wanted to get back together. Are you and Lily your ex or… current I really don’t keep up with your relation status still together?”

“Am….” I did not know how to answer because I did not end things with her well yet.

“See you can’t answer me because you are still with here. How long have you guys been together?” she asked

I did not want to answer but I knew I had to tell her the truth.

“Well we got together when…I went to Ireland to visit my family”

“You dick!” she screamed, “You cheated on me…” she paused. It looked like she was thinking. “No! You cheated on her with me again. That is the second fucking time. She forgave me once but I swear to hell she would never forgive me this time. You fucking messed up everything. I lost another friend thanks to you.” She said then ran out of the building.

“I’m sorry,” I shouted after her.

Harry came up and said “Dude you had the best girl in your hand and you screwed her once and she forgave you but you screwed her again you should be ashamed of yourself” and with that he walked away.

I was truly ashamed of myself. I mean I just begged a girl to take me back, when I was not even single. Now I guaranteed that everyone would know about this by tomorrow morning. I think I just ruined her life again and mine in the process. Why did not I wait to talk to her in private?


When I left, I took a cab and went straight home.

He had the guts to ask me to take him back when he was not even available. Just because he was famous did not mean that he can play with someone’s heart and emotions.

I lost one of my close friends thanks to him. However, it was not as I was at fault. I seriously did not know about them and apparently, the rest of the band did not know. Poor Harry injured just because of Niall.

God he just ruin everything. Now by tomorrow everyone in the world would know about Niall cheating of his girlfriend with me. I would look like such a slut.

Everyone would just believe what he or she saw and read. They will not know the entire truth. Niall actually cheated on me with Lily. We were still married but as the world saw it, it was the reverse. I had to go along with it so no one would know about our marriage.


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