Chapter 45 ♥

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I sat there in my backyard, staring at the moon. It was quiet cloudy but the moon still seen. You could hear the ocean front my backyard. The beach was only 15 minutes in walking distance and 5 minutes when driving.

I sat there drinking my 2nd bottle of vodka as I heard the clock chime 12 signalling that my birthday was over. It also signalled that it was the 4th, his birthday.

I couldn’t hold it in. I looked up in the sky and began shouting.

“Why! Why did you have to take him from me? What did I do wrong? Did he do anything wrong? Why can’t I be happy? You took away my happiness from me. If that was not enough, you took away the only thing that was his and mine. You took 2 important things in my life.”  I slurred since I was completely drunk.

No one probably heard me since the music was so loud that the entire could neighbourhood could hear.

I took one more drank, I got up and channelled all my anger and I punched the glass door that was separating me from the party inside.

The music immediately stopped and I screamed, “Fuck”

Everyone eyes was on me but I waved them off with my good wrist signalling to carry on.

I once took my bottle and began to drink when I heard the door behind me open and closed.

“Look if you’re Dylan or Varuna, you could stay if not GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME”

“Wow chill Mary, it’s me Mason”

I whipped my head around and saw a very familiar face.

“Mason” I screeched

“Yes it me, mow let’s get you cleaned up” he said looking at me hand which was bleeding profusely.

We walked in the house and went to my room. He went to the bathroom grabbing some first aid supplies, came, and cleaned up my cut. He then bandaged it and we began to catch up.

It has been a long time since I have seen him.

Therefore, I told him everything that has happened since he left. I told him about mom wanted me to marry to Niall again. Yes, he knows everything just like Dylan, Varuna and my family.

“Mason, he was going to be twenty today. I miss him so much”

“I know, I miss him too.” He stated

“Did you know you look exactly like him? You guys could have been twins except you have blonde hair and he has brown hair.”

“Yes everyone told us that.”

“Well it’s true both good looking, good body, nice personality. I wish he didn’t have to go.”

“I too, let’s continue this in the morning ok.”

“Ok, sleep here?”


With that, we both lay down and went to sleep.

Mistakes ~~~ Niall Horan Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now