Chapter 61 ♥

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Chapter 61 ♥


I woke up with noise of crying. It sounded like a baby. I was very confused as to why a baby was crying especially when there is no baby here in the house.

Suddenly all the memories came back. That was Amelia, my sister’s daughter crying.

I rushed out of my bed and went straight to her. I tended to her every need, which was just a diaper change.

I could not believe that I forgot about Amelia. Kerry had just dropped her out almost three hours ago and now it is 9:00 am.  I was tired so after I put her to sleep I went to take a nap as well.

I placed her in the crib and took a quick shower changing into pj's

I went back to Amelia taking her downstairs with me. We were sitting on the couch watching the odd parents when I saw Lily walking down the stairs.

She smiled and said “Morning”

I replied “Morning’ to her along with a smile.

She took a seat next to me. At first, it was very awkward but then she cleared her throat and began speaking

“Mary, I know I wasn’t very nice to you since we got here and I would like to apologise. Niall never told anything or me that he was married about you. When I confronted him about being with you, he said that what you said was true. How he cheated on me with you. Little did I know that it was the other way around? When you told us the other day that you two were married, I still had hope that it was not true. However, yesterday when he told everyone the truth I realised that I trusted the wrong person. So can you find it in your heart to forgive me?”

“Yes, Lily I honestly do. It wasn’t your fault or mine that Niall screwed us both over.”

“Yeah, so now who is this little angel you got there?” she asked

“This is Amelia, my sister’s daughter. I’m babysitting for today”

“Oh can I help? I need some practice,” she said rubbing her tummy

I laughed, “I know, I was like that at the beginning” I said and realise that I slipped up. I hope she did not notice it but with my luck, of course she did.

“At the beginning?” she asked

“Okay, what I am going to tell you, you can’t tell anyone, promise?”


“When I was married to my husband, I was pregnant. However when I found out that he died I fainted and on the impact of the fall I lost my child.”

“Oh I’m sorry, how far along were you?”

“Almost three months” I said sadly “But I have learnt to deal with it I just don’t like to people to find out. I only told you because I said it by accident and because you would not like it to lose your baby”


I was walking towards the kitchen when I heard Mary and Lily speaking. I decided to spy on them and see what they were saying.

“Mary, I know I wasn’t very nice to you since we got here and I would like to apologise. Niall never told anything or me that he was married about you. When I confronted him about being with you, he said that what you said was true. How he cheated on me with you. Little did I know that it was the other way around? When you told us the other day that you two were married, I still had hope that it was not true. However, yesterday when he told everyone the truth I realised that I trusted the wrong person. So can you find it in your heart to forgive me?”

“Yes, Lily I honestly do. It wasn’t your fault or mine that Niall screwed us both over.”

“Yeah, so now who is this little angel you got there?” Lily asked

“This is Amelia, my sister’s daughter. I’m babysitting for today”

“Oh can I help? I need some practice”

She laughed, “I know, I was like that at the beginning” Mary said and realise that I slipped up. I hope she did not notice it but with my luck, of course she did.

“At the beginning?” Lily questioned

“Okay, what I am going to tell you, you can’t tell anyone, promise?”


“When I was married to my husband, I was pregnant. However when I found out that he died I fainted and on the impact of the fall I lost my child.”

“Oh I’m sorry, how far along were you?”

“Almost three months” Mary said sadly “But I have learnt to deal with it I just don’t like to people to find out. I only told you because I said it by accident and because you would not like it to lose your baby”

I went back upstairs processing the information because If I had went in there just now they would suspect that I heard something. Therefore, I stayed up there for a while before returning to the living room.


Lily watched Amelia while I made breakfast for the three of us.

We watching the Vampire Diaries when Niall walked in. he glanced us and said Morning and continue to walk when he saw Amelia. He stopped and came to me and asked if he could hold her. I nodded and gave her to him.

“How old is she?” he asked

“She’s four months”

“Oh she so cute.” He said playing with her making her giggle.

Moments later Harry walked in.

“Can anyone explain why I heard a baby cry this morning? And why am I seeing one in Niall’s hand?” he said grouchy

“Well you see this morning my doorbell rang and when I answered it there was no one but this child in a car seat with a note saying HARRY. So I’m guessing that she belongs to you” I lied

“What?” he screamed getting Amelia Scared?

“Harry doesn’t shout. Your daughter doesn’t like it” Lily said

“She’s not my daughter,” he said calmer and I could not take it I began to laugh. I could not catch my breath.

“What’s so damn funny? I just found out I had a daughter. My career is over.” He said as if he was going to cry.

I composed myself and spoke “Harry this is Amelia my sister’s daughter.”

“Oh you little… Ahh! He screamed and I just laughed more.

Now everyone was in the living room and wondering why Lily, Niall and I were laughing so much and why was harry so angry.

“Boo bear look what they did. They decided to prank me and tell me that I had a daughter. So not cool.” He said putting up and act for Louis.

Lou just laughed with us.

Mistakes ~~~ Niall Horan Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now