Chapter 27 ♥

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I woke up next morning bright and early. Surprisingly I did not have much of a hang over. I had a little headache but I took an Aspirin, which made it go away quickly. I looked over to see Niall sleeping peacefully so I got up use the bathroom and then headed to the kitchen.

No one was awake yet so I decided that I should make them some breakfast. I was making some pancakes, bacon and some eggs until I saw Harry strolling into the kitchen.

“Morning” I said to Harry

“Morning, why are you cooking?” he said with a husky voice

“Oh because I woke up early and everyone was asleep”

“Well do you mind if I help you? I am usually the one that cook here and you are a guest,” he said


We made breakfast and slowly everyone was waking up. Niall was the first to wake up. I guess he smelt the food fragrance and woke up.

We all ate and Liam and Zayn did the dishes while Niall and Louis cleaned up. We then went to the living room and put on the TV.  Sponge bob was on and we decided to watch it.

Niall was stoking my hair as I lay on his lap. Then I whispered in his ears

“Niall, can we go talk alone please”

He nodded and I followed him into his room.

We lay on his bed and he was first to speak.

“What do you want to talk about?”

“I wanted to talk about last night”

“Ok, what about it?”

“Well firstly I think we should take it slowly. I mean last night if Vee hadn’t interrupted I am sure we would have had sex”

“Of course we can take it slow. I mean we just were caught up in the moment right,” he said

“I hope you’re not mad but the reason I want to take it slow is because last time we didn’t and look where that took us. We didn’t see nor talked to each other for 2 years”

“I am not mad with you; I understand where you are coming from. I totally feel the same way. However, I was if we would have sex any time soon.”

“Only time would tell but maybe. Lets started of this thing we have on clean slates. What do you say?”

“Hell yeah. Ok I have one question for you” he said


“Have you been with anyone besides me?”

“Nope” I said popping the ‘P’ “You?”

“No” she simply replied

“You know if you had its ok just tell me, clean slate remember?” I said

“I’m serious, I never been with anyone else. You are my One and Only” he said

“Awwh you’re my One and Only” I said before we lent in and kissed. 

Mistakes ~~~ Niall Horan Love StoryKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat