Chapter 42 ♥

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3rd December 2013.


‘It started with a whisper

And that was when I kissed her…’ my alarm went off


I groaned and shut it off and looked at the time it was 6:30 am.


I went to the bath room and took a bath and got change into a blue tank top with a pink adidas hoodie, a shorts and flip flops. To accessorise i wore a multicolour bracelet. 


I held my hair together and put it in a messy bun.


I was not feeling in the mood to dress up.


I walked down the stairs as I saw my mum and Maura sitting at the breakfast bar sipping coffee. I walk over to them.




“Morning babe and Happy Birthday” my mum screamed.


“Thanks” I mutter. I cannot believe that I just forgot my own birthday. Oh well it does not matter since I will not be celebrating it this year.


My mum handed me a present and Maura did the same as well as wishing me a Happy Birthday.


Today made me 19 years.


My mom got me a silver bracelet with pearls in between each design while Maura got me a matching chain. 

Both gifts were exceptionally beautiful. They both made me put on their gifts before I was ready to leave.


“Mom thanks for the breakfast. I have to go if I don’t want to be late.” I said as I was getting up.


“Ok, well I have to tell you something”


“Sure go ahead”


“Well I the boy mum want to meet you tonight for dinner with her son. Is that alright?”


“Sure, because I don’t think I am doing anything later. But make sure he isn’t some pervert” I said to her.


“I’m sure he is not. You are going to like him. I promise,” she said assuring me.


“Alright bye” I said as I left the kitchen grabbing my bag and headed to my car.





Everyone in school wished me happy birthday but I am still not in the mood. I pulled my hoodie over my head as I got out if the car.


I unlocked the door to my house when suddenly my phone rang

‘So I cross my heart and I hope to die

That I'll only stay with you one more night’


Me; Hello

?; Hi, Mary? This is Maura

Me; Oh hey what is up?

Maura; do you know where Niall is? I have been trying to get a hold of him but he will not answer his phone.

Me: I am not sure but let me check and see if he is here. I just reached home

Maura; sure honey


I opened the door and walked to the living room. Niall was there and he was sleeping with a few beer bottles around him.


Me; yes he is here. Do you want to speak with him?

Maura; yes please


I tried to wake him up but he will not budge.


Me; he won’t wake up

Maura; go to the kitchen and grab a glass full of water and throw it on him.


I did as was told.

‘What do you want bitch!’ Niall screamed


“Here your mum wants to speak with you” I said handing him the phone.


Niall: Hello

Maura: What did you call her?

Niall: A Bitch

Maura: put me on speaker phone now


Niall did what his mother told him


Maura: Now Niall apologise to Mary

Niall: Why should I? She poured water on me while I was asleep.

Maura: She did that because I told her to, now APOLOGISE.

Niall: Fine, I am sorry for calling you a bitch

Me: Apology accepted

Maura: Now Niall get here now we need to speak and do not go calling or being mean to Mary. Got that.

Niall: Yes mother

Maura: By babe

Niall: Bye Mom

Maura: I was not speaking to you. I was talking to Mary. You may have broken off your relationship with her but she is still my daughter.

Niall: whatever


“Bye mom” I said smirking towards Niall. He hung up, handed me phone and left immediately. 

Mistakes ~~~ Niall Horan Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now