Chapter 77 ♥

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Chapter 77


“Hey, Mary” Harry said as stood next to me facing the stage. It was minutes before the interview start.

“Hi” I replied and took a quick glance at him. He was standing there playing with his phone.

Then suddenly his phone ‘binged’ gesturing that he had new message.

“Texting the lucky lady,” I said smirking at him.

“,” he stuttered as a blush crept up to his cheeks,

“Sure” I said

“I do not know what you’re talking about” he said trying to convince me.

“Yeah you are right I do not know what I am talking about but tell Kiron I said hi”

“How did you know?” he said

“Oh don’t worry how I know”

Apparently, Harry, was dating the girl from New Year’s, her name is Kiron. (Refer to chapter 68)

She came to visit her family in Trinidad, her cousin used to attend the university that I attended, and she tagged along to the party.

She is British and is from right here in London.

You may be wondering how I know about her. You may be thinking I am a stalker but all the information I know about Kiron, I got it all from Mr Harry.

He got so drunk last weekend, he ended up spilling his guts on how much he liked her, however they are not official. They seem to be taking things slow.

“Harry, can you give this to Niall?” I said gesturing to the letter that I as giving him

“Sure” he said quiet confused as he took it from me.

“Do not give it to him until the interview is finished okay,”


“Okay, got to go, bye,” I said gathering my things.

“Hey, where are you going?”

“Home, I am not feeling so well,” I said lying about the last part of the sentence.


I could not help but read the letter that Mary gave me to give Niall.

Yes, I know it is wrong but somehow I sense that something is wrong.

After reading it, I have no choice but to meddle because Mary is my best friend along with Niall and I must do this for them.

I need to help them and I know just how to do it.


The interview is about to start and I cannot find Mary.

She was there a while ago speaking to Harry but now she is nowhere to be seen.

“Hey, Harry, where is Mary?” I asked him as they announced for us to be on stage.

“Bathroom, I think,” he said pushing me onto stage.

I walk in first followed by Liam, Zayn, Louis and Harry.

We all took our seat on the couches as in the order that we walked out onto stage.

“Good morning boys” the interviewer, Emma said

“Morning” we replied except Harry who decided to add on a ‘Beautiful’ to the end of Morning.

“So basically, you all are here to release the dates for tours…”

She continued to talk while the boys answered most of them while I occasionally answered a few.

“Okay, now that business is done, let’s answer a few questions from twitter. What do you say?”

“Sure” we all said.

“Okay first one is what your relationship status is? That one is from…well won’t you look at that… it is from @Harry_Styles” Emma said and I looked over to Harry who was smiling from ear to ear.

“Girlfriend” Louis and Liam both replied while Zayn said “Engaged”

Harry said “single” and now all eyes were on me.

I took a deep breath and said “Single” with a smile.

“Okay, are you sure?” Emma said, “Because, I have these pictures with you boys and in every one of them there is a girl. Care to explain who she is?”

We looked on the computer screen and there were pictures of us with Mary.

“Oh she is an old friend. Her name is Mary.”  I said without thinking.

“An old friend aye” Emma said wiggling her eyebrows suggesting a history with Mary however, I denied it.

“Yeah she is also friends with Kajol, Zayn’s fiancé so she is here to keep her company.”

“Okay so this was tweeted to us moments ago,” she said showing a picture of Mary coming out of a Woman Pregnancy clinic, smiling. “So is there a chance that they may be little directioner running around?”

“No” I said being confused as to why Mary would go to such clinic while some one said “Maybe”

I instantly turned my head to the voice who said ‘maybe’ and it was none other that Harry.

“Maybe” Emma said with an eyebrow raised.

“Okay, you caught us, we thought we could have fooled you” he said chuckling, confusing everyone on stage.

“Care to explain” Emma said

“Yeah, explain” I simply said.

“Well, we thought that we could hide the fact of who Mary really is” he said, “She is… my girlfriend”

“What!” I shouted

“Harry what are you doing?” Liam said

“Just giving Mary what she deserve.” He said without a care in the world.

“Okay, I am sensing some tension on this stage”

I stood up and made my way to Harry. As he saw me in front of him, he stood up with a smirk facing me and stated “And yes, she is pregnant.”

I was so pissed off and with the blink of an eye; I drew my hand backwards and launched it straight at Harry’s jaw.

“What the hell dude?” Harry screamed in pain.

“No, what is your problem. How can you say such a thing?” I screamed at him ignoring the fact that we were on stage.

“My problem, my problem is you denying Mary. She said she would stand by your decision but I can’t let my two best friends mess up their life”

“What are you talking about?”

“She left” he stated.

“Where did she go?”

“She went home. To Trinidad” he said as I went into a state of shock.

“She said to give you this. It will explain everything,” he said handing me a letter.

I took the letter and immediately began reading it. As I finished it, Harry spoke “Go and stop her. Do not worry about management. I will explain”

I wasted no time as I quickly ran off the stage, hooping a taxi and making my way to the airport. To get the love of my life, to get Mary back.

A/n Do not forget to vote and comment. :) Also thank you for reading.

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