Chapter 50 ♥

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‘Ding Ding’


“Hi everyone, I would just like to get your attention please.” Matt, Mason’s father said as the room became quiet instantly.

“As you all know why we are gathered here today and if you don’t know are because we are here to honour our late son Justin for his birthday today. He would have been 21 years. He fought for his country and lost his life but I am proud to say that he is one of my sons. Finally, without him I will not have gotten such wonderful daughter in law, no daughter. Did you know that when they first started dating, they came over every Monday night for family dinner, even though he was away and has passed away, Mary never stopped?  She still comes every Monday night but that may soon change as her parents and we would like her to remarry and move on in life. Therefore, I would like to say thank you to my family for being here during this tough year and thank you to Mary. We couldn’t have done it without you all.” Mason’s father concluded.

I guess that explained who the person was in the picture and his relationship with Mary. Now it was Mary’s turn to speak

“I have known Justin for a really long time through his cousin Dylan. We hung put a few times but last year we got serious. So serious that we got married and we were happy but soon our happiness was ruined by him leaving for the military and him… dying” Mary said as tears were streaming down her face. She had to choke out the last part. She soon gathered herself and began to speak once again.

“I love him with all my heart and forever will. No one will replace him not even the person I remarry. Well that is if I remarry because of Justin I do not have one family but I have two beautiful families. They are my everything. As Mr Monroe said that, I always come over for dinner every Monday night. It is true and I promise that it won’t change not for anything.” She said and glanced at me. “Sorry if I may seem full of myself but when he died part of me died along with him. So I would like if we could have a toast to Justin, our loved one. Cheers!” Mary finished.

Everyone raised his or her glasses and cheers to honour Justin.

I watch Mary as people went up to her and comforted her.  You could see the pain in her eyes. You can see that she has really been through a whole lot during this year. To top it all off, I have not been the best person to her. I called her a slut so many times when in reality I was the one who did wrong not her.

I was the one who broke her heart in Ireland. I was the one who begged her to give me a chance and when she did, I only broke her heart in returned.

I played with her heart not once but twice. I said this in an interview a while ago ‘I would rather be called a boy and play with paper airplanes than be called a man and play with a girl's heart’ because it was what I believed but I did the complete opposite.

If I could go back, I would do it differently so I would not have to put her through what I did.

Heck, if I could relive the past few days, I will not be such a dick to her. I would have apologise for my mistakes and try to move on but no I had to let the anger of her not taking me back take over.




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