Chapter 38 ♥

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Niall, Liam, Louis, Danielle, Eleanor and I went to the back room after the ceremony had finished. When we entered, there were 5 people already in the room. There were 3 girls and 2 boys.

But 1 girl caught my eye. She wore a red and blue Garara (Traditional Indian wear). She glittered from head to toe. She took a quick glimpse of us and turns around back to her friends.

She looked stunning and she wore very light make up with her blonde hair. I noticed that Niall was also looking at her and then he spoke up “I call...” but I cut him off and screamed, “DIBS!”

I pushed past everyone and made my way to her.

I went around her, so I could face her.

“Excuse me” I said to her friends and turned my attention back to her.

“Hi, I saw you from across the room and I wanted to introduce myself. I’m Harry Styles and I’m from the band One Direction.” I said

“Hi Harry” she replied and smiled

“So love, what is your name?”

“Mary” she smirked

“Well Mary would you do me the honours and go out…” I was cut off by my thoughts and then it hit me.

“Mary? Is that you?”

“Yes Harry, took you long enough”

“Dammit man every time I see a girl I like she is taken or off limits,” I said.

“Well I guess you haven’t found your special one as yet?” she asked

“You guessed right,” I said grinning

“So I guess I’m unDIBbed?” she asked and I nodded.

“Guys she’s UNDIBBED!” I screamed in the direction of Niall and the others.


Harry got dibs. God I hate him. He always get the girls. I watch him flirt with her and she seemed to enjoy it. Then I heard Harry say

“Guys she’s UNDIBBED!”

Yes! I said to myself. I still have a chance. Just then Harry came walking back towards us.

“What’s wrong Harry? Did she turn you down?” I said smirking

“As a matter of fact, yes she did. Many times “ He replied.

“Your flirting must have suck didn’t it?” I asked him

“No! I could have had a chance if she wasn’t DIBBED by someone else,” he said wiping the smirk of my face.


Is she available or not?

I guess we would have to find out wont we. 

Mistakes ~~~ Niall Horan Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now