Chapter 13 ♥

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As we sat Ms Ricky turned her chair around.

“Firstly, Marissa I am not proud of your behaviour today. Secondly Niall I explained the rules before I agreed to have you perform on the compound and you agreed to them. Now explain to me what just happened out there Marissa, with you and your boyfriend here. You know relationships are supposed to be kept of the school compound. Did you guys plan this?” She said

“No miss I did not plan this. He is not my boyfriend and he’s not even my friend.”

“Oh really, how old do you think I am? Do you feel I don’t keep up with celebrity gossip? There are pictures of you two kissing all over the internet.”

I couldn’t answer because if would have seen disrespectful.

“Ms, she’s telling the truth. We are not friends or anything else. We used to be and those pictures are old pictures that recently got leaked.” Niall spoke

“Ok. So since you guys are not friends then why did you kiss her?”

“I just got caught up in the moment. But I am really sorry for that. And I can assure you Marissa had nothing to do with it.”

“Well Marissa since that is cleared up, now why did you slap him? Violence is never the answer.”

“I was shock and out the shock I slapped him which I am sorry for.”

“Well you have to apologise to Niall here and I will be calling you parents for the violence. However since you are a nice student I will only give you detention to rectify your mistakes and this would not be in your permanent record. But you have to apologise to Niall.”

Before I could have said anything NIALL spoke

“Don’t worry about it miss she has already apologised.”

“Ok detention will be this afternoon” she said as she dialled my home.

“Hello!” I heard as the person answered the phone and it was Kerry.

“Hello is Mrs Sam there?”

“Yes this is she”

“This is Ms Ricky, I am calling to inform you that Marissa got into some minor trouble today and she has detention today so it wouldn’t affect her permanent record.”

“Ok I am so sorry for the trouble my daughter has cause and I promised she would not be making that mistake again.”

“Thank you Ms Sam bye.”


Wow I can’t really believe that I got away with only detention and that Kerry actually sold it as being my mom.

Niall and I got up and left the office.

“Hey Niall”

“Yea Mary”

“We need to talk. Can we talk?”

“Sure, when?”

“Tomorrow because I have half day”

“Okay where should we meet?”

“Well we should go somewhere private”

“How about at my place” he said

“Am…sure because you can’t come over by me so yeah your place”

“I will text you the address.”


She said we needed to talk, which I agreed to.

We decided we would meet up at my place tomorrow.

Oh well just one more night.

Mistakes ~~~ Niall Horan Love StoryKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat