Chapter 16 ♥

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The Niall and I situation has died down at school and on the news. The guys and I hang out after my school is over. However we rarely do anything outside of the Hotel. Because if we do, the guys get swam by paparazzi and I have tried not to get photo’d with them. My mom still doesn’t know I hang out with Niall but once she does, thing won’t be so nice. When my mom asks where I am at or who I am with I usually just say Kajol. But most of the times it true because Kajol joins me and the guys some times.

Kajol and Zayn seemed to be getting close. They text each other often and usually hang out alone leaving the rest of us together.

Niall and I have got accustom to being just friends for now. We have sent the divorce papers to the lawyer and he said we should have them back within a month. Oh and Kerry, she made me do all her chores since she covered for me when I got in trouble. Plus she has also helped with not letting my mom see the photos that were leaked. So I guess doing some extra chores won’t hurt since she’s got my back.

Right now Kajol, the guys and I are just sitting watching some lame ass show. The guys and Kajol wanted to watch Twilight which I disliked with all my heart.

“OMG don’t you guys fine that Robert Pattinson is HOT? Team Edward!” Kajol screamed

“Eww, No way, I’m Team Jacob. I mean look at the guy body” Liam replied

“Hell No! Team Edward all the way” Kajol said

“Yeah Team Edward” Harry and Louis both said in unison.

“Team Jacob”

“Team Edward”

“Hey no fair 3 to 1, Niall who do you prefer?” Liam asked

“Well I would go with….Team Jacob because that Edward guy don’t eat at all”

“Ha-ha in your face guys” Liam said with a smirk

“What are you laughing at Liam? It is still 3 to 2” Harry grinned

“Fine whatever, Mary and Zayn who do you guys like?”

“Jacob, his hair is perfect. Well at least in the 2nd and 3rd movie” Zayn said now everyone was looking at me.

“Well, I will go with Jacob. His abs is so sexy. And I would so go for him.” I said smiling and slightly blushing.

“Umm…  Mrs Horan you’re taken. Niall step up your game or you’re going to lose your woman.” Louis said

Before Niall or I could answer. We were both interrupted by a phone. It was Niall’s.



“Umm… Mrs Horan you’re taken. Niall step up your game or you’re going to lose your woman.” Louis said.

Before we could reply my phone rang. It was my mom.


Niall; Hey mom

Maura: Hey love. How are you?

Mistakes ~~~ Niall Horan Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now