Chapter 48 ♥

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“Mary did your parents move?” Kajol asked Mary

She shook her head no. That is very confusing. She said that she was going to her parents’ house but this is definitely not their home.

We continue to walk to the front door. Dylan, Mary and Vee were in the front while everyone just followed. Dylan rang the doorbell and within seconds, the door opened.

A couple looked around the aged around 40 to 50.

Dylan was the first to speak.

“Hey Uncle Matt and Aunt Ally” he greeted.

“Hello” they replied as they hugged. They allowed us to enter the house before I heard “Hi, mom and dad”

It was Mary speaking to Dylan’s Uncle and Aunt. Huh why is she calling them mom and dad? That is definitely not her parents. I look around and see that everyone is looking confused except Dylan and Vee.

“Mom,dad this is my friends, Liam, Louis, Harry, Jay, Alex, Lily, Kelly, Niall, Zayn and Kajol who is Vee’s sister and Zayn’s fiancé. Guys this is Matt and Ally.”

We all were polite and said hello. As I look up the stairs, I see Mason and a girl walking down.

“Well, I don’t know if you guys have met but this is our son, Mason and his girlfriend, Jess,” Ally said

“Yeah I met a few of them and so did my fist” Mason said while his girlfriend just said hello.

“So, I guess Mason told you what happened last night didn’t he?” Mary asked

“Yes he did. Are you alright?” Mason mom said

“Yes, I just had a minor breakdown…… again”

What she had a breakdown already. What is going on?



“So, I guess Mason told you what happened last night didn’t he?” I asked and I looked towards Mason.

“Yes he did. Are you alright?” Mason mom said

“Yes, I just had a minor breakdown…… again. Jess I hope you don’t mind that your boyfriend spend his first night with me”

“No, I don’t. you have been through enough plus I saw him before he went over to you house.”


And with that I went off with Mason, his parents and Jess to meet other family members. I told the group to look around and I will be back shortly.



Mary left with Mason, his parents and his girlfriend. From everything I gathered since I have seen Mary for the engagement, it does not add up. It seems like some of the puzzle pieces are missing.

With that I walked to the walk that is separating the living room from the main room. I look and see that is has many photos of Mason, his parents and another dude that resembles Mason. I continue to scan the wall when my eyes land on……

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